Tara/Pancake: That's gotta be the best nickname ever ... anyways, hell yeah I'll give you a preview - when I can, that is, some time in the next few weeks. I'm writing Chapter 50 as we speak, plus other bits of the book and of the final scenes (gasp). But yeah, LTL III is gonna be great, the FIC really will go KABLAM quite shortly, just you wait ...

mr_pikachu: Hey, welcome back! No, I won't forget you guys, I'll still be hanging around here until I start posting again in a month's time. Yeah, I think my writer's block has finally dissolved; just wait until you see what's coming for Lisa and Gavin after chapter 50! Revelation is going to be the most exciting, mysterious and characterised LTL book yet! Oh, and cheers for being critical, I'll keep that sort of stuff in mind! Keep throwing it at me!

And yeah, my writing horizons are looking great, from my point of view anyway. LTL III, the new fic that at this stage is top secret () and of course my novel that i hope to get published.

Anyhoo, enough talking about myself, so yeah - questions, etc, please ask, everyone!
