Hey, I haven't gotten a chance to reply, so here I am! Yesh, nice chapter! What is Lunanine up to? It seems like there's no method to his madness; he's just running around randomly killing people...in very odd, graphic ways. XD Poor Joy! And i feel sorry for Lisa's Mom! What is she going to find when she goes looking for her?
You know what that whole violet lazer session with Lunanine reminded me of? I just saw Daredevil today, and you know that Bullseye guy played by Colin Farrel? Well, he can take basically any object, throw it, and kill with it. So he had like some paperclips at the beginning of the film, and he got offended by this fat guy. He took out a paperclip, unfolded it, and threw it and hit the guy in the throat, and pulled out about ten more and hit the guy ten more times. >_< It was pretty crazy. He was killing people with pencils, peices of glass--basically anything he could throw! It was SCARY! But yeah, thats what the Lunanine thing reminded me of. *cough* Yeah. Very good chapter! Can't wait for the next one! Bya!