SSM: Uh oh! Lol, don't get too angry, I wanted Gavin to win, too. But you've got to see the logical side - it's more likely, and fitting, that a water-type pokemon trainer would win the Tournament. Lisa and Gavin's defeat shows not only that they have a way to go, but it helps set them back to their real journey!

Master Kirby: Good and bad? Ah well. Read what I said to SSM above to see why Gavin and Lisa both lost. I think it's good that they are equal.

Yes, if Staryu had remained alive and kicking, Gavin would never have realised that Lanturn could obey him!

I hope you liked Tentacraw. From now on, a few new pokemon are introduced into the story, so I hope you like them. Remember the autumn/fall Fanfic awards will be coming soon (next month I think ...).
