Hey everybody!

Just updating to make sure you're not left hanging or anything. I've had a bit of a block with Chapter 49 and how it's all going to play out, so my progress hasn't been smooth lately. C49 will probably be a while in coming - hopefully not too long. I haven't had much time lately, either, what with school and so on. I'm also working on another fic to post here, plus an actual novel, so that adds to the congestion.

Anyway, don't worry too much, I'll finish this off if it takes ten years, I swear. In the meantime, if anyone has any questions, musings, wonderings, suggestions, criticisms, comments or more, PLEASE post and ask me. I feel I haven't been getting much critical feedback lately and enough questions, etc ... I think it's the lack of that that has been blocking me (^^ that didn't sound great).

So yeah, anything to say or think, please post!!!!!!!
