Hi Gavin. Its been quite a while since I posted here last, but I finally got around to reading the new chapter. I have a computer at my new job, so I was able to read during my lunch hour.

While the emotions may have been a little uncharacteristic of Lisa, they do a good job in showing you that she is just a normal teenage girl. She has been through a lot over the past months (months for her, years for us), and while she seems to have adjusted well, she is still human. Now that she has let out all her guarded secrets she will probably feel less of a mental/emotional burden when she reenters the world.

I agree with Lance, that it would be a good idea for Gavin to train his Psychic powers. If it is inevitable that he will be attacked by the legendary psychic, he will need to know how to defend himself. He has teleported a few times, and I remember him using a kind of psychic attack in the past (was it during a real big pokemon competition where someone's pokemon was trapped in the frozen water arena? dratini maybe?). If he is able to construct a kind of psychic forcefield and perfect his teleportation, that would help a lot whenever he is attacked.

I'm glad to hear that you are planning out the future chapters. Hopefully they won't take as long to write if you have the general plot figured out ahead of time. I'm looking forward to these future chapters. It will be interesting to follow Lisa and Gavin as they head out on their separate paths.