Powarun: Hey! I thought that Gavin's capture might surprise a few people, although I get the feeling some of you guys might have been expecting something like this to happen. Keep reading!

X-Wing: I can't believe it, everyone is just suddenly returning, it's great. Especially since LTL is slowly nearing its end, it's good to have most of the old readers returning.

I've been progressing so slowly lately, mainly because I'm apprehensive about ending the story. It sounds sappy, but I've grown close to my characters and I don't know how I can just let them evaporate after the final chapter ... anyway, that's my excuse for taking so long.

I'm still writing the second half of the second crossover with EBTV, but once that's over I hope to speed up production a bit. Yeah right ...

Oh, X-Wing, don't worry about announcing your return in this thread. It's good!

Cheers and keep reading!