Hi everyone! :biggrin:

Blademaster: Heh. Damn Americans (that was a joke!).

1. About the made-up pokédex entry thing, I've vaguely thought about doing them for myself before, but I couldn't be bothered. Knowing me, I'd forget something I'd written in the pokédex entry and it would clash with the chapter content, causing a marvellous plot-hole!

... okay, maybe not ... it's not a bad idea, I might do one for Lunanine, Fiskmire, Issechu (ah, Issechu) and the others at some stage. Not at the end of a chapter though, but in some random post when I'm stuck on a chapter.

Nice pokédex for Fisky, btw.

2. Gavin Luper, as you might know, is the full name of the character Gavin in LTL. I always had liked the name Gavin for a character ( ), and I had used it once before in my fic Pokémon Kohtu, which I posted back in 2001 a few days before I posted LTL. When I kind of stopped writing that fic, I moved on to LTL and introduced Gavin into the story in chapter 5. I chose the surname Luper, because I like the latin term 'Lupe' which refers to a Wolf, and since 'Lupin' had already been taken by JK Rowling, I made up "Luper".

Thus, I my screen name came from the character Gavin Luper: needless to say, Luper is not my real surname. ^_^ So yeah, it's just a name: have you never heard the name Gavin before?

3. Lol ... I really have a soft spot for Aipom, I always have. His annoyingness is just part of him. I don't see him evolving at any stage in this fic. If he did evolve, Aipom is the kind of creature who would spontaneously de-volve back to his original form, or something ridiculous like that. So, no evolution for Aipom - at least, not yet.

Thanks for the reply!

Everyone: Well, I just thought I'd reply today to say that today is the 4th Anniversary of the first time I ever posted Lisa the Legend on TPM, or anywhere for that matter. December 1, 2001, was when I first posted the Prologue! And here we are on December 1, 2005, and the fic's still going strong!

So yeah, just thought I'd mention it, today is the fic's 4th 'Birthday' so to speak (technically I started writing it earlier). In any case, it's been FOUR YEARS today!! So I'd just like to thank all readers, posting readers as well as closet readers, for reading all these years and for helping to make LTL the great story it is now (well, I think so ). I hope there's more 'anniversaries' to come for this fic, too!

Happy Fourth Anniversary, Lisa the Legend! :biggrin: :smilie:

Cheers everyone!

- Gavin.