I think it makes sense not to end the book with an action packed chapter that changes a lot of things. By just concluding the events from Chap. 58 you place the book in a good place where you could leave it for a while until the next book comes around. If this was a published book, this kind of ending would make sense.

War has been declared on the Union, Lisa is on her way to the hospital, and we are waiting to see what will happen next. At this point you could even pull off a "One Month Later" opening to the next book if you wanted to, and it would still fit well. The future is wide open, with many possible directions to direct the plot. Now it is up to you to take us there.

You have done a great job keeping us interested in the first two books since you started years ago, and I'm sure you will continue to do so. LTL is probably the biggest reason I am still here at TPM. Good luck on the next chapter, and the final book. We'll probably all be old an have our own kids by the time you finish it, but thats OK! The purpose of a Fic like this shouldn't be in reaching The End. The fun comes from just learning how we get to that point.