When was this posted, and how did I not see it?

Well, this changes things. Thanks to Lisa, Gavin escaped... and thanks to Gavin's screw-up, Lisa was caught anyway. Had he not "charged" enough, then? Or did something else interfere? Curious. Well done with that part, as Ada said. Loved some of the descriptions, too, and the way that Gavin's camera sacrificed itself for Lisa. Very nicely explained; the action as a whole made a lot of sense (never thought of someone falling up stairs, but it worked). On a side note... how long has Gavin had a shaved head? ^^;;

I do agree with Ada, though, that the digressions were a little much. In particular, it seemed odd that Lisa would need any explanation if there was a massive battle just beyond the door. Kind of unrealistic (and reminiscent of battle anime with over-talking). On the other hand, I actually disagree about the ending; I viewed it as a repetition technique that, for the most part, worked. Perhaps you could have waited a few chapters before pulling that rabbit from your hat - although I have no idea how or why you would add filler chapters there - but it still didn't hurt.

(Okay, maybe the repetition kept me from realizing there was a new chapter. But still!)

At any rate, I liked the plot progression, and I'm very curious why you wanted Gavin to escape but not Lisa. It's pretty clear what the Union has planned, but what awaits Gavin on the outside? A rescue mission, perhaps? Or an encounter with Lunanine? Hmm. Of course, yet again, we have a cliffhanger: what happens to Lisa now? And what of her family? At any rate, I'm too tired to think of further comments beyond typos and the like, so I'll just look forward to the next installment. See you then!