Dryk: Man, that "timid" repetition shows how little I proofread that particular scene - it was added in after the rest. Good that you liked Lisa's personality quirks in this chapter - the scene with her missing Aipom quite suddenly, her tendency to rehash the same stories over and over to the same audience, etc. Yeah, the last chapter was exciting from a character perspective because it was a real boiling-over moment which had to happen between Gavin and Lisa.

Quote Originally Posted by Dryk
I'm still in awe of you writing skills, just as I was in the first chapters when you were building tension, but one of my problems is that I can only mostly remember the chapters (all 400-500 pages of them) and everything that happened, so sometimes I miss some of the allusions to past chappies. I do think that your characters are growing in a realistic way (although you do have a lot of them, which must be hard), and you have done a good job of characterizing many of the characters.
Thanks. I remember one time early on thinking I didn't have enough of a real 'cast', but over time that sorted itself out, to the point where there is a pretty extensive cast. I'm working hard to make them realistic - I think I've definitely improved with that over time and will continue to get better. In terms of previous chapters, I reckon that's partly because of how long it's been between those chapters being written and then later referenced. And maybe partly because it's not written down in a book form where you can just flip back to the chapter and rehash it. Do you think there's any way I could improve on making the allusions to past chapters better? Or is it just an observation?

Shadow Wolf: Yep, she's a legend now!

Tuscany was totally inspired by the whole Tuscany of Tuesday thing, I won't pretend otherwise!

Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Wolf View Post
I have to say that this part made me laugh and feel annoyed at the same time. It definitely is funny to see this in a story, but is definitely NOT funny when you know someone like that. I know, we have to learn to listen, but when you know there's a "rambling trigger" in someone, it's best to leave it off. Nice scene you portrayed here!
Cheers. Yeah, lots of people have that one subject that, once they start talking about it, they don't shut up. Hiro's is bugs, unfortunately. Lisa has learned her lesson on that front!

For some reason, I thought of all the soccer players who do this in the FIFA world cup, so it made me laugh a lot. Again, nice scene portrayed here.
Hehe, nice observation!

Did you predicted how some 2010 artists were going to be seen?... Nah, I think it always has been like this...
Are you referring to Bieber? Heh. He's just one in a very long line, from Elvis to the Beatles to Justin Timberlake and so on (in fact, I wrote this in 2001 and that was right in the tail end of the teen-pop, boyband era - so there was plenty of fodder there that Kipp was based on).

Have you tried comady Gavin? Because this had me laughing for a while (and I'm still chuckling while writing this.
I haven't, not properly, and I dunno how successful I'd be, but parody and stuff like that I quite enjoy doing and have done a bit during my younger days. Comedy writing could be fun to explore further down the track, actually.

Overall, this chapter has been one of the funniest so far, so well done Gavin. And only three chapters and already three pokemon (if she got to keep Caterpie, which I'm not sure), but Lisa is taking a fast step into this long journey. By the way, I also read somewhere in this chapter (too tired to quote it) about Lisa wishing for company through the journey so.... WHERE ARE YOU GAVIN!?
She does keep the Caterpie! And Gavin is on his way - read on to see!

Dryk and Shadow Wolf, thanks to both of you for your well-wishes for LTL hitting 1000 replies!

Chapter 73 will be up in about a week. It's ready to go, but I know that there are at least a couple of readers (mattbcl and Becky - as well as Louis of course) who are/may be reading through older chapters trying to catch up, plus some other readers (mr_pikachu, mistysakura, PancaKe, and maybe some other now-closet readers?) who are still catching up on the sidelines, so I don't want to leave them all in the dust by going too fast. But it will be up soon!


- Gavin.