Hi, everybody!

I didn't get time to do this before I left Australia, and it slipped my mind until just then. But better late than never, I suppose. As I'm currently backpacking around Europe for 3 more months (been in London for 2 1/2 weeks), Lisa the Legend is on (a definitely temporary) hiatus until October 21, which is the day I fly back into Perth. There simply isn't the time to write over here, and even if I really want to write, computers are costly as hell. So, it's officially going to be another 3 months at least until the next chapter. I know how bleak that looks (chapter 57 was in January ... egad) but I hope (as ever) to get the ball rolling once I return. I have been feeling the urge to write for the last few days, so perhaps I will soon get a burst of inspiration, I don't know. In any case, the rest of the fic is coming ... it's just a matter of time. I don't care if I don't write the words "The End" until 2015, I'm going to get it done!

Anyhow, I'd best be going as I need some sleep (I'm currently in Bruges, Belgium and I've been travelling constantly for 2 days).

Thanks for your patience, guys, and please curb your urges to chain me to a desk and force me to produce Chapter 58.


- Gavin.