That Guardian Butterfree is just so cool. I agree with OzAndrew about how it can be a neat character without saying a word.

Although... I wonder what that other letter is. I guess we'll find out soon. (Could it be the notice that Lisa's library book is excessively overdue, and kind of stolen? ^_^)

Another crossover? That sounds fun. I really like crossovers and such. It's interesting to see two seperate stories that take place in the same world, especially when those characters meet up with each other.

This chapter was interesting as it just showed what Lisa had been doing, and how she felt. (and Marina too.) Besides the letter from Gavin, Lisa didn't do a whole lot, and yet it was still a interesting chapter to read. I like seeing things like this, where we can get insight on the normal lives of the characters. (Well, as normal as Lisa's can be.)

I'm looking forward to the next chapter, and the crossover as well. Keep it up!