……………WHY did I not read this sooner?! D:

Well, at least I finally have, and damn, am I glad I did. o.o Best…*thinks a moment*…sixteen-or-so non-consecutive hours I’ve spent in a while. There’s just a hell of a lot to like about this, not the least of which are the terrific suspense and a plot that has steadily grown deeper and more engrossing as it’s progressed.

I love all the surprises; Gavin’s “baby Lugia” turning out to be a Ditto, Morty turning out to be part of the Union, and Lisa’s parents turning out to have been with the Guard were among my favorite moments. Characterization is strong and emotions are very adroitly depicted, particularly in the later chapters. AND THE ORIGINAL POKÉMON! =D Yes, I’m very much a fan of seeing new Pokémon in fanfiction, and the ones here are pretty boss. I especially like Lunanine and Issechu. ^^

I’m quite fond of the darker, more complex turn the story has taken; I love dark fanfiction in general, and muchly. But I’ve enjoyed the lighter side of this fic, too; in addition to the nice, tasty action, suspense, and tragedy, there’s also been some great, humorous moments. Issechu being used as a gun…the “Incredible Bouncing Furret”…the “suite”/“sweet” mix-up…classic stuff. ^^

Simply put, this is a damned good story. I will most certainly be back for more; until then, boss work so far. *salutes*