Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
Chapter 73 will be up in about a week. It's ready to go, but I know that there are at least a couple of readers (mattbcl and Becky - as well as Louis of course) who are/may be reading through older chapters trying to catch up, plus some other readers (mr_pikachu, mistysakura, PancaKe, and maybe some other now-closet readers?) who are still catching up on the sidelines, so I don't want to leave them all in the dust by going too fast. But it will be up soon!
Hey, don't worry about me. I like to go at my own pace while reading, and I get more motivated when new chapters are up, so don't hesitate to keep posting new chapters (I don't know what the others think, but these are my two cents about it, so for me, no worries )

Well, chapter 4 went by really quick, so I don't plan to quote this time. However, I do have some things to share.

-Well, Tyler is an arrogant idiot, that's for sure. I expected that he also used a starter, but the stealing of it is not shown (or if it did happened, then it hasn't been said yet). In any case, I think Hiro might need a water pokemon to deal with Magmar and Golem, since those two are an annoyance to his dear bug pokemon and to his Cyndaquil too (I believe Golem is a Rock/Ground type, so is he can't get a water pokemon, then a ground pokemon will be a nice addition to his team. Overall, nice job describing Tyler.

-The rivalry between them reminds me of the many movies where this has been portrayed (Dodgeball, Grandma's Boy, Just Go With It...). It doesn't matter is it happens in series, movies, games, animes... rivalries are a nice addition; and when their backgrounds are portrayed, it becomes an essential part of the story. Watch out Lisa... a rival-in-the-making might appear soon (for some reason, I thought of Eusine... but who knows. )

-Finally, the last scene was very funny because at first, it seems like a meditating thought, but it suddenly turned to be a funny scene. So nice twist there! You had me laughing for a minute with that one.

Well, Let's see what awaits for young Lisa in the future. Later!