Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper
Nearly a month since I last replied ... so sorry, everyone, nothing new to report yet - still plodding along very slowly.

Charles Legend: LTL is addictive? Heh, cool! Glad to hear that you like it. As for the story, Lunanine is pretty angry, you'll find out why in the next chapter.

I think if someone else used Lunanine in their story I wouldn't be happy at all. It would be very sad. I've created Lunanine from scratch, he's like a teeny tiny part of my imagination. As is Gavin, and Lisa (more or less), and so on ... so yeah, I'd like to keep those kind of characters in the world that I created them in.

I'll try to get a move on, everyone. Thanks for the patience.

that's ok Gavin we can wait.

Yeah, not that long ago I was up all night untill 7:00 am ceaching up to the last Chapter. yeah I well beshere to read it I bet it has somthing to do with the luper famliy's Curse and the return of Gavin's psychic powers.

yeah, I figered you would thats why I Scaped the Idea of useing a younger vetion of it, but hey I know how you feel I would be upset to if Some one used one of my charters like for example I am toying with the Idea of Creating a very gifted Smeargle named Smears.

And besides looking at my plan, to try and redo my old fic. with a horble reget name, is more or less based in the univise where Vevasaur's fic Pokéness takes place.

so it would not have worked out to have Lunanine showing up at all, since both Fic take place in a difrent regent then Jotho or atlest part of mine Might... I still need to talk to Brian about it.... but at any rate your Creation is safe, I won't use it.

but you have Inspiered me in ways, that is you used an apom as leisa's starter thought Smears my not be Charles Starter, he dose fill an inporten role. but I am not telling you you well have to read to find out... that is when I post it up...

~Charls Legend