Hey everyone, how are yous all? Good I hope. Chapter 37 is coming, but very slowly, due to that fact that I have had LITERALLY no time to write in the last week or two. MY LIFE IS HECTIC!!

Anyway, it won't be up tomorrow unless a miracle takes place. Which is possible.

Darktemplar: Wow, thanks, you're obviously a very dedicated reader to do that ... It took me weeks to catch up to a fic as big as this. I hope you keep reading in future!

Hyperness: I can't tell you who Darius' mother is, but why does it really matter?? It's good that you like the battle techniques because there is a lot more where they came from.

Tara: Hello. Darius is kinda introduced for a reason ... in fact, more than one ... in fact, if I go any further I'll end up spilling out what is going to happen in the next chapters. Basically, yeah he does have something to do with them!

100Fangy: Definitely not me! To be honest, after the few chapters in Goldenrod I forgot all about Hiro until that chapter where Kristal returned. Then that sparked off the idea that Hiro actually managed to come all this way. How he did it ... you will find out later!

SM: Fluent? Thankyou. Yeah, Hiro has a lot more where these ones are coming from! The battles runs into the next chapter of course, but as for it's total length I'm not entirely sure!

As for the charm, sorry it wasn't clear enough.

Karania: So you really liked it then? Good. I know I know, I'm stressing out way too much but I really have the urge to write all this. Two things are stopping me; 1) lack of time and 2) the battle is blocking up my writing for the rest.

Funny you should ask about Dratini, you'll see soon enough!

Zeldafan: Yeps Lance has a kid, I'm still thinking things over about all this though ... after the battle with Lance everything begns to pull together really really tightly. Imagine the whole novel of LTL as a rubber band - for the first 35 chapters it expands, then the last chapters it will shrink back incredibly quickly.

Kirby: Yeah, it would have been a great idea if Hiro hadn't dug himself into a hole though. What if Magneton got flooded and couldn't get up?

Hiro isn't really a bug catcher, he's just the average trainer who specialises slightly more in bug types.

You and Karania must be on the same wavelength with the dratini thing. As I said before, you'll see!

YAYYY! Snowballs = coool!
