Hi everyone!

mr_pika: Yes, it has been an absurdly long wait! I'm sorry!

Thanks for the reply, as always. I tried to slice down description in the later part of the chapter; partly because I just wanted to finish it, partly because too much would have given too much away, and made it all too clogged up. Gavin is going okay, he's still coping with something that will be explained next chapter, but if you go back a small way you should be able to work it out.

NOW ... to those reviews ...

I know you mean well, and ok ok I asked for it, but maybe cut back a bit. The only thing I will defend is the "tyres" - what the hell else to people drive on??? And also, careering is when you kind of slide uncontrollably or something. Everything else is mainly criticisms of grammar, which I generally ignore (sorry), although your points were certainly valid. This is just my opinion, but to be a good writer, I think you need to be unconventional sometimes. Change sentence structure, change something, make a new word, etc. Rules of grammar should only be applied to a minimal extent, so that the work is readable. To be confined by rules would be to take all the fun and creativity out of writing.

Anyway, I won't ban you this time (lmfao ). Nah, thanks for the review anyway Brian! I do appreciate the time you spent, despite the criticism. Seeya next chapter!

Tara: Thanks, thanks very much my friend! And don't worry about the revealing ... I'm keeping things more secret than ever. It was a developing chapter for sure though, i had to conceal as much as I revealed really. But yeah, we spoke more over MSN ... you have some seriously good ideas. Thanks and speak to you again soon.

Brit Chris: Brilliant chapter? I thought it was only OK but thanks. Hope it was at least worth the wait. More about the fallout of the argument next chapter. As to the identity of the mysterious man, you will be puzzling for a considerable amount of time - but if you are very clever you'll eventually work it out. And yeah, the Union member is the answer - but only part of it!

Cheers everyone!
