Ok its down to the wire. Asi sighed and rubbed her head. "Well, lets see if we can stay alive a little longer."

"I'm getting up, you're getting down
I'm coming in, you're going out
You are my sunshine when it rains
And when I'm cold you'll make me warm again

Day, night, black, white
You and me together prove that opposites attract"

"Hopefully thatll prevent him from attacking you for awhile, now quickly do this next one!"

"When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest, leave out all the rest."

Taking a deep breath she began to sing the final song of the round.

"Sleep talking, but no real words come out your mouth
Sleep walking, your feet face north but your brain's gone south

Dreaming again, just lying in bed
Your movement is minimal
Now you're leaving your bed, got ideas in your head
But if they remain a dream you know it's criminal"

Attract~Rest~Sleep Talk