Ok! Ive been wanting to do this highly unusual battle for quite awhile! This is like your typical 1v1 except that when you are making your attacks, you have to do it in the form of a song lyric. As an example if you want to use "Flash" you would have to write something like "Its all right, Im jumpin jack Flash" (Rolling stones). If you manage to tie all three moves together with the same genre of music or the lyrics fit together especially well, it gives a bonus to the damage you deal that round (for the ref to decide how much). Think of it like a contest almost but its a battle at the same time!

Arena: A karaoke club with a huge audience of slightly drunk people all looking to be entertained! Drinks are on the ref ;D
Banned Moves: None (make suggestions if you want)
You send out first and Ill attack first! Let the singing begin!