Name: Sebas Keeper of the Red Eyes
Soul Name: Lairn
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Tribe: Wolf-Rider
Appearance: Sebastian is about 4'6" with short white hair which doesn't reach past his ears. He is an albino so his eyes are they deepest read and shaped like a wolfs. His skin is completely white a soft pale white, though he doesn't get sunburnt like most other albino's. He normally wears a green leather jerkin with greenish yellow leather pants, he also wears a dark green cape which covers his hair and eyes some people don't notice his affliction.
Personality: Because of his appearence Sebastian has become a bit of a recluse because of his pale complexion so when he does let someone into his life he will be very protective of them. This is because of his very latchy nature and need to be close to other people who will not make fun of him. Other then that he will be completely silent and only talk to his wolf friend, for anyone to get close to him they would have to go to great lengths to even make first contact.
History: As mentioned before Sebastian is an albino elf, so he is seen as a bit of an outcast since the tribe thinks he is the result of black magic. Because of this reason he was alone for most of his life until he met his wolf friend Miriath who he found one day wandering through the Forbidden forest. Miriath was also an albino and that is why she was thrown out just after she was born. Sebastian has an older sister as well the age difference was a problem for him since she is 200 years older then he is so she was always telling him what to do and how to do it.
Power: Rockshaper
Skills: Sebastian is quite proficient with most weapons, in his solitude he got bored and decided to muck around with them when he was a kid. He has also become quite profficient at hiding since he normally likes to be un-noticed.
Mother was Sacrilon and father was Koritrath, his sister is called Trialyth.
Other: Nothing I can think of.

Wolffriend Name:
Miriath Whitehair
First?: Yes she is Sebastian's first wolf friend
Appearance: She is a beautiful albino wolf with dark red eyes
and red markings on either side of her face.
Temperment: She is a very gentle wolf but if Sebastian is ever in danger then she will become very very angry.
Other: None


A small group of fire flies buzz through the air as they light up the night sky bringing light to anyone that is near. Sebas admired the fire flies as he sat idely by on a nearby stump just thinking about the world and how insignificant he is compared to the size of the world. He watched more intently as the fire flies moved over to him dancing in front of his eyes like stars in the night sky, he put out his hand in front of his face and watched as one of the tiny bugs lands on it before walking up and down his arm. Miriath let out a tiny growl and snapped at the fire fly thinking it was a threat.

"What did you do that for?" asked Sebas as he watched the fire fly rejoin the group and fly back into the dark forest "That wasn't very nice" Miriath looked down like a child scorned by a parent. "Oh I am sorry" consoled Sebas as he ran his fingers through Miriath's beatiful white fur as she lay behind him on the soft green grass. "Well do you want to get something to eat then?" questioned Sebas as he looked to for confirmation from Miritah. Her response was her wolfen eyes lighting up at the prospect of food and pushed her head through his legs throwing him onto her back.

The sound from a grand horn resounded through the forest causing birds to scatter from the tree tops. "Oh no" sighed Sebas "It sounds like the nightly hunt is about to begin. We better be quick about our own hunt not to interfere" Twigs snapped underfoot as Miriath's lithe paws propel her body through the trees of the forbidden forest. "Smell that?" asked Sebas as his keen nose sniffs the scent of the forest life, Miriath gives him another nod as she heads in the direction Sebas pointed. Before long the duo game across a family of deer prancing through the forest, Miriath ran into the middle of the pack while Sebas jumped off her back and pull out a small knife from its sheath and with one quick strike he fell one of the deer and picks it up while the other deer have the chance to escape.

After a fair amount of skinning and fire building Sebas sat down beside the newly made campfire he began to cook the deer as he looked up at the stars and had that insignificant feeling again as he marvelled at how beautiful they look and how he wished he could go to all of them. After comtemplating the futility of life for a few minutes he was snapped back to reality by Miriath nudging him in the back. "Ok ok, here you go" Sebas said as he flung a peice of meat towards Miriath and watched as she hungrily ate it. Suddenly he felt something very strange, it wasn't something he normally felt. It was something like a yearning for a road never travelled, something was calling out to him. The these feelings got stronger and stronger as images started to flicker through his mind, a magnificent castle which seemed so strange yet as if he had lived there his whole life. Feeling the compulsion to travel he finished off the rest of his half of the deer and climbed onto Miriath's back "Come on, we have to get going" with that order Miriath began to run as fast as she can to the edge of the forest.

After about 5 minutes into the journey Sebas began to feel as if he was being followed, he looked to his right and he could sense 3 more people. It seemed all of them were heading in the same direction he was, 2 of them were travelling together while the 3rd was keeping their distance. "I wonder what happening" Sebas thought to himself as he continued to ride "Are these people going to the same place as me, either that or its a huge coincidence, I guess I will find out soon enough"