Name: Jonas, Heart of Wolves
Soul Name: Keian (pronounces key-en)
Age: 135
Gender: male
Tribe: Wolfrider
Appearance: 4'4", athletic build, sandy brown hair, short and rough beard that is slightly darker than the rest of his hair, piercing green eyes, a very thin horizontal scar on his face traces from under his left eye all the way across his left ear, has a birthmark between his shoulder blades that is the Wolfrider symbol for Hunter. He wears dark, dark green leather jerkins (almost look black), a black long sleeve shirt, and a forest green leather vest. He is always seen with a thin leather strap around his neck with a star superimposed inside a heart poorly shaped out of wood. He is rarely seen without his longbow slung across his back and is often seen carrying a long staff.
Personality: He is very quiet and tends to keep things to himself these days. He talks and communicates with his wolffriend more than he does people. When he does talk with people there is almost always a tone of deep pain, sadness and bitterness. Sometimes it is glaring and sometimes it is subtle but it is almost always there. He jumps forward to defend those who deserve and need it but doesn't hang around for thanks. He seems to avoid his own tribe.
History: Jonas was born to very prominent parents in the Wolfrider tribe. He grew up to be everything a Wolfrider is supposed to be. Kind, adventurous, fierce in battle, strong sense of honor and duty to the tribe. At an early age he proved himself one of the best warriors in the tribe. When he was only 30 he was recognized by a fellow Wolfrider named Nela, Song of the Winds. They fell in love quickly and became lifemates before their first child was born. They named their first child Moja and he grew up to be much like his father. Shortly after Jonas turned 108 they learned Nela was with child again. They were both delighted when she gave birth to their daughter Rena. A couple of years later when Cutter mobilized the Wolfriders, Jonas and Moja dutifully joined him without question. During the war with the humans and trolls Moja was killed in battle. A few years later, when Jonas was still fighting for Cutter in the war, a group of trolls raided their home while most of the warriors were away. Nela and their now 5 year old daughter were both killed in the raid. When he found out upon his return he was horribly grief stricken. He sat in their home for days refusing to say anything or to even eat. Many think he didn't even sleep in those few days. Finally, after about four days he emerged with a dark and solemn look on his face. Without uttering a word to anyone he left the tribe, taking only a few memento's of his family with him. He vowed if he ever saw Cutter again he would kill him for involving the Wolfriders in the war that claimed his lifemate and children.
Power: Treeshaper (extremely powerful but has only awakened to a fraction of his potential)
Skills: He is an extremely skilled wood craftsman, the finest bowman among all Wolfriders, and deadly with a long staff. Fairly good cook, too.
Family: He is not only widowed but cursed with the pain of having outlived his own children. His only family now is his wolffriend, Kira. He tries to avoid people of all species as he is afraid one day he will lose control of the rage he still carries over his families death. He only bares hatred for one person for this, Cutter, but under the wrong circumstances he fears anyone might suffice.

Wolffriend Name: Kira
Fourth: Kira is the fourth wolffriend Jonas has bonded to in his life but she is a direct descendant of his first and she was orphaned not two years after his wife and daughter died so they bonded as closely as any Wolfrider can to their wolffriend.
Appearance: Kira has sleek jet black fur and eerily sparkling violet eyes. She is average size for an adult female wolf but her tail and fangs are slightly longer than average. She is also missing one of the minor teeth next to her right fang.
Temperament: She views Jonas as her father and is extremely protective of him. Unless he is being threatened, however, she is actually much more personable than him. It is not uncommon that she finds a way to try and encourage him to associate with his own kind (elves in general, not just Wolfriders) as she feels sad that he keeps no other company than herself.
Other: If Jonas meets anyone when they're not in danger, chances are it is because of some stunt Kira has orchestrated.

Jonas, Heart of Wolves

The past you can't let go, the future you can't resist........

Jonas looked to the sky at the receding light of day. It would be time for the hunt soon. Not that it mattered when he hunted any more. He never did so with more company than Kira. In fact he generally did his best to avoid the tribes hunting parties altogether. He scarcely crossed paths with any of them and when he did it was only because some foolish hunter had bitten off more prey than they could manage and needed his protection to avoid falling prey themselves. Even in those rare moments of contact he never hesitated long enough to stomach a conversation or even accept thanks. Jonas had washed his hands near completely of the rule of Cutter.

Still, the forests surrounding the Forbidden Grove were his home and he still felt the need to protect them. Someone had to remain ever vigilant and he was more capable than most. As he double checked the pull of his bow and contemplated his hunting trail for the evening Kira slid from behind him, nuzzling her head at his side under his arm. She took a step as if to lead him but as always waited patiently for his decision.

"You truly think you're clever, don't you young lady?" Jonas looked at her with a knowing parental grin as his hand slid up to scratch her thoughtfully behind the ear. "We'll not be going that way. I can practically smell the hunting party from here and I know they've been hunting closer and closer to that trail for nights now. What will you try next? Faking a wounded paw so I have to take you to the tribe's healers?"

Kira let out a short disappointed whimper before conceding and shifting her weight in the other direction. Satisfied and with his gear secured he slid up onto her back and stroked her shoulder a few times before leaning down to kiss her head much like a father might their daughters.

"I know you mean well Kira. We're fine on our own, though. Now let's go find us a deer," he said affectionately and the pair set off into the woods.

The night's hunt began as any others. It didn't take long for the seasoned hunter to pick up the trail of his intended prey. Before they had tracked it even a quarter league, however, Jonas was suddenly struck by something. An overwhelming feeling came over him. One not unlike the sensation of recognizing and yet somehow nothing like it. It was certainly as strong, though, if his memory served him correctly. The urge to suddenly travel eastwards was overpowering.

At first Jonas tried to ignore it, stubborn as he was, and continue the hunt but not even minutes passed before he knew he could not ignore it. He could not simply leave so summarily either, though. There was something he had to do first.

Kira grew puzzled for a moment when Jonas suddenly nudged her in a direction away from the hunt. Her confusion faded when she discerned where they were headed. It wasn't uncommon for Jonas to randomly go there at a moments thought without reason. In fact he did it often.

The pair trudged quickly through the woods till they breached a small beautiful clearing lined with flowers. Some of them were native to the Forbidden Grove but one type of flower, a violet lily found only in the frozen north growing amidst the fields of snow, shouldn't even be able to survive in this climate.They all bloomed in full, however, and year round despite reason. Jonas made sure of it.

In the center of the clearing stood three small stone markers. In those markers were carved three names. Before he could go anywhere he had to come here. He couldn't do anything without first coming here.

As Jonas slid off of Kira's back she edged back into the treeline. She heard her name from time to time when Jonas was there and knew that he talked of her but somehow respected that she should not enter the clearing herself. She could remember coming here since she was just a little pup and not once had Jonas ever invited her into the clearing. Somehow she always sensed not to try otherwise.

Like always Jonas entered the clearing to the three stones and slid to his knees. He talked softly enough that Kira could only understand every few words he said.

"Hello Nela. I trust you and the kids are well. I know Moja can be a handful sometimes and he doesn't always listen but I'm certain he looks after Rena properly whenever you need it. Does Rena still sing that lullaby of yours? I always thought she had the prettiest voice in the tribe. In any tribe. You have to make sure she never stops singing. I hope you haven't let her get discouraged about her carvings either. You know I still wear the one she made for me before I left with that last warparty. A few of her early pieces were a little rough but she shows real talent for such arts," as he spoke Jonas never noticed the tears welling up in his eyes. "Listen, I know I have been to visit at the start of every cycle of the moons but I may be away for the next few. Something to the east has summoned me and I have to answer."

He stopped for a moment to clear the tears from his eyes. He looked around as his nose crinkled in a sniffle. Suddenly he saw Kira and knew it was time his family met her. Jonas never quite understood why he had kept them to himself all this time but it was certainly time now for introductions before they left.

"Kira, come here," he said softly and despite her timid expression she obeyed and walked to his side and sat beside him looking at the three stone markers. He hugged her tightly before looking back at them himself. "This is Kira, Nela. I know I never introduced her before but I promise she's every bit the wolf I said she was. I told you she was almost the spitting image of Rishca generations removed. She has the same unbreakable spirit, too. Anyway, I just wanted you to see I wouldn't be alone. Kira watches over me and she protects me as fiercely as..... as fiercely as Moja did. So you needn't worry about me. I love you Nela. Tell the children I love them. And I promise I'll be back. It might take some time depending how far the call but I'll return. I promise I'll be back before both moons shine full again. Goodbye my love."

He kissed his hand and placed it gingerly upon the central stone. Next he turned to the right stone and slid his hand softly along it's edges, "Goodbye Moja, my brave son." Finally he looked to the left most stone and again kissed his hand and gently pressed it to the top of the third stone, "Goodbye my beautiful baby Rena."

They lingered there for a moment in silence. They stayed as long as Jonas could, resisting the pull that felt to rend his very soul from his body should he not give way to it. Eventually he had no recourse but to go. The pair stood together and walked to the edge of the clearing where Jonas cast one last glance back at it as Kira nudged his side reassuringly. As the last glance faded Jonas once again climbed onto Kira's back and the pair set off. Eastward they went unsure of what might lay ahead.

OOC: Jonas would have traveled in sight of but not with those traveling from the Forbidden Grove. He would have made every effort to keep to himself in spite of Kira (his wolffriend) making every effort to get him to mingle with the others. Keep it in mind for anyone making travel posts.