"If all evidence points to evolution, then it isn't science."
Care to explain that statement? I didn't really understand it.

"I'd just like to remind everyone that the Theory of Evolution is just that, a theory, not proven, just believed. Yes, Relativity is also a theory, but at the same time it's due to be replaced by either String Theory or something else of that nature. Science is always evolving, every theory has flaws, and there are always new theories to overcome those flaws. There might be some theory that everyone believes, but there's always room for other theories in science. From my point of view, Evolution and Intelligent Design, are just two ways of explaining the same thing, just like String Theory and competing theories are trying to explain the Universe."
First of all, String Theory has little or nothing to do with Einstein's Theory of Relativity: General Relativity's purpose is to accurately predict the effects of gravity, String Theory attempts to explain what gravity actually is. And don't get me started on the phantom science of String Theory, while it is mathematically beautiful in the 40 or so years it has been around there has been not a single experiment to show whether or not it actually applies to our universe, and so it can't really be called a theory. Stuff like Loop Quantum Gravity seems to be the more likely explanation of what gravity actually is anyway.

And the fact remains that while evolution is a theory, all evidence says that it is true, there are countless observations of evolution (not in action, but through fossil records and such), while all theologists have to say is that randomness cannot yield such an ordered result, which is laughably false as anybody who does computer science and studies simulated annealing (wiki it. Awesome stuff) can tell you.

"A theory is a logically self-consistent model or framework for describing the behavior of a related set of natural or social phenomena. It originates from and/or is supported by experimental evidence (see scientific method). In this sense, a theory is a systematic and formalized expression of all previous observations that is predictive, logical and testable." -- Wikipedia