Evolution is not so much a matter of "belief" in it as much as it is a matter of whether or not you believe that the Universe is something that can be completely understood by humans or if you believe that reality is this magical thing that nobody could ever understand. Personally, I subscribe to the former and I can't imagine living otherwise. But on the other hand, the great Dostoevsky once wrote in one of his books how he couldn't understand why atheists, knowing that there was no god, no afterlife, and no divine meaning in life, didn't just shoot themselves on the spot. Ah the diversity of human opinion.

And as for DT's comment, it's a very interesting question, one that scientists are working on. Why is life preferable to inanimacy? *shrug* The universe would be so much simpler if we were all rocks. One theory is that in some primordial goo some atoms randomly combined to form the first amino acid and subsequently the first protein, hence the first organic molecule, and things went from there. There's no real observable answer to that though.

And finally, I think it would be pretty funny if the Universe was actually run by the Flying Spaghetti Monster and that the afterlife has a beer volcano. I would get a kick out of that.