Spent six points at the financial tower here for;
Ashe the female Dratini -> Dragonair
Tenchi the male Snorunt -> Glalie
Which I think is right, yes? First lot of evolutions.
Also, seeing as I never chose abilities for my starting four, choosing;
Inner Focus for Glalie
Shed Skin for Dragonair
Levitate for Gastly
Scrappy for Kangaskhan
Last edited by Concept; 19th January 2011 at 10:03 AM.
This for EXP
And this Gym Leader Reward
I'm evolving CPR the Chinchou into CPR the Lantern. Everything the same.
Back bitches
Catching a slowpoke (bank)
And using my Small Stone to evolve it into.. yes that's right.. a Slowking!
Prospero (m) Own Tempo
Evolving my Seedot to a Nuzleaf (cant find the bloody link, but it HAS been used. Stupid computer crashed and dropped all my bookmarks)
Anways, going to use my last large stone on it to make it a Shriftry.
Paid for stage one
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
Good Ayeun, but I'm gonna need that link anyway..
*shifty eyes*
The rest approved.
can you evolve pokemon that are in battle?
Back bitches
No, you can't.
I'm also buying a female Snorunt and evolving it into a Froslass with a Small Stone I got from DL at the Tree. Thanks
Her name shall be Yin Frosenstreem and her ablitity is Snow Cloak.
Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 22nd January 2011 at 08:22 PM.
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
Evolving my Eevee, Cassandra, into Espeon!
Completed Battle
meloveghosts vs dragonis : 41 rounds : completed 12.13.2010 : winner meloveghosts [link]
glitz pit! blademaster vs master of paradox : completed 1.7.2011 : winner blademaster [link]
dogfish44 vs darth cookiemonster : 15 rounds : completed 1.19.2011 : winner dogfish44 [link]
meloveghosts vs shadowlynx : 8 rounds : completed 1.25.2011 : winner meloveghosts [link]
Using the four most recent battles I reffed to acquire a pair of stones, Large and Small, as well as a free evolution. Using them as follows:
@Wonder Guard
So, kinda an unusual one here. Back in this battle, Ayeun promised me two stones if I won (1 small and 1 large). Apparently, they have been paid for here and approved here.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
When you get back, just confirm that i'm not bullshiting - Quote
I confirm that you are not bullshitting.
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
yeah im new
[Species] MAKUHITA
[Gender] MALE
[Nickname, if any]
[Ability, for ability-matches] THICK FAT
[Specific notes, like shiny-ness, etc.] hes a lot bigger than normal makuhitas
[Species] ZUBAT
[Gender] FEMALE
[Nickname, if any]
[Ability, for ability-matches] INNER FOCUS
[Specific notes, like shiny-ness, etc.] nope
[Species] DIGLETT
[Gender] MALE
[Nickname, if any]
[Ability, for ability-matches] ARENA TRAP
[Specific notes, like shiny-ness, etc.] incredibly small
[Species] ILLUMISE
[Gender] FEMALE
[Nickname, if any]
[Ability, for ability-matches] TINTED LENS
[Specific notes, like shiny-ness, etc.] a flirt also is volbeat colours
Last edited by RODAN; 11th February 2011 at 08:31 PM.
Moxie not allowed til march :/
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
ok, i will give him thick fat instead
Ok. Yer approved Rodan. I'm one of the two mods here, so give me or MeLoVeGhOsTs a PM if you have any questions that arent answered by our knowledgeable folk round here.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
OK, lots of windows open right now, points and stuff going everywhere..
Saberhagen (m) Keen Eye
Catching and Evolving:
Tudor (m) Poison Point
Bank - 2 Points for Sneasel, 2 points for Budew
Ref Reward - For free evo
Evolving Togepi. AH!!! THEY ARE TAKING MY MONIEZ!!!. Also, have some exp. While I'm at it, renaming him Tokuchi. (Yes, I know I don't need to do that here. Meh)
Ability will remain as Serene Grace.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Hey starting and want to get my start pokemon approved
Torchic (M)
Abilities: Blaze
Bagon (M)
Ability: Rock Head
Misdreavus (M)
Ability: levitate
Chinchou (M)
Ability: Volt Absorb
thank you for your time
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
All approved.
Jelibean man: Welcome! You're approved. Check out the forums to see how we do it; read the rules to get a general idea and don't hesitate to ask me or DarkestLight any questions.
thanks me love ghosts i have been reading up on the rules and i am friends with chaos redefined so i should be ok
Ok Muggles. Approve these 4. As of yet, all are Unnamed....
All from my awfully long Zone. La
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Buying the following Pokemon:
Female Lickitung named Soomi, ability Own Tempo.
Female Zangoose named Känsä, ability Immunity.
Male Chimchar named Sarufire, ability Blaze.
Female Munchlax named Shaoxi, ability Pickup.
Paid at The Financial Tower.
What...? Mint is Evolving!
Seadra M
Swift Swim
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
Yay for being new!
Did I do it right?
Blade approved.
MxG, yeah, what Ayeun said. Just wait a little longer.
Cueball: welcome dude(ette)! Have a nice time here, don't hesitate to ask me or DarkestLight any questions! You're approved, but I suggest giving your pokemon their abilities here aswell, that way, you can use them in ability battles aswell (since these are fairly common nowadays). You can choose one ability for your pokemon (no Dreamworld abilities yet) and you can change that choice every time it evolves.
Ima Dude, and how about this?
[Clear Body]
[Flame Body]
[Keen Eye]
Perfect! Good to go!