Hey everyone!

This is just an update to let you all know that I haven't abandoned this story (as if I would). Chapter 43 - the crossover - will be up on Friday arvo. At last.

I haven't just been wasting time, though. I've been working on Chapter 44 (a second crossover chapter), chapter 45 and chapter 47, so after I finish the crossover the chapters should come a lot faster.

Just to keep your spirits up, here's a preview of the Crossover 1:


Next Time on Lisa the Legend

So, Lisa's house has been invaded and attacked, but she has escaped, only to be brought straight to the peninsula for Lenina's trial.

“Um … where am I exactly?” asked Lisa.

“In the Valeo Forest of course, south of the port,” Paula said, admiring a Pidgeotto feeding its young.

“Port Valeo?” Lisa choked, spraying muesli everywhere.

Of course, if Lisa has been called to the trial, she can't be the only one.

Lisa jerked her head up to see the people who had just walked in and gasped. “ Jessica!”

The two teenage girls both looked up. One familiar girl, with sleek blonde hair and bright eyes, grinned. “ Hi Lisa!” said Jessica Hall.

And just because Lisa's in a different place, doesn't mean her pokemon don't change still.

Lisa watched in fascination, as the small beast grew much taller, wider and musclier. It had been the very last thing she had expected, but it had happened - one of her pokemon had evolved.

Chapter 43 - Return to Port Valeo.