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Thread: Lisa the Legend: Chapter 82 - Last Night on Earth now up! (24th June 2013)

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  1. #1
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Lisa the Legend: Chapter 72 now up! (27th August)

    Nah, I just mean the chapter recaps. Did you end up doing a recap of the whole thing? I seem to recall you did, but my mind may be playing tricks on me.
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
    2007 Silver Pencils: Winner of Best Poem (Death Sonnet -- Untitled)
    2004 Silver Pencils: Winner of Nicest Fanficcer & Least Likely Couple (with PancaKe)
    Former 3-time winner of Most Dedicated Reader at the Fanfiction Forums
    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Lisa the Legend: Chapter 72 now up! (27th August)

    Ada: You're right, I did, about two years ago! Completely forgot about that. I posted synopses of Books 1 and 2 and Book 3 until chapter 64 - I never linked them to the contents page, though. Had to do some hunting, but here they are, and I'll link them into the contents so they can be easily found, too.

    Book 1 Synopsis
    Book 2 Synopsis - Part I
    Book 2 Synopsis - Part II
    Book 3 Synopsis (to C64)

    Spent the last few hours editing and deliberating over Chapter 73. It's because I'm scared of plot holes, especially when revelations are this big. After so many years and hundreds of thousands of words and different incarnations and directions of the story, it's so so hard to be sure that I've covered all my bases. But now I'm vaguely sure that I have, and if I haven't, I'll need to learn to be less hard on myself. After all, any regular novelist would have the opportunity to redraft their story as much as they want before publishing it; but LtL is published one chapter at a time, so although I've made improvements to past chapters I've never edited out actual facts that are crucial to the plot, because that would feel like misleading the reader. So we'll just have to see what happens. But I'm pretty sure we are watertight now. I hope. So the chapter will be here in a minute. Yes. A real minute.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Lisa the Legend: Chapter 73 now up! (4th October)

    Hullo readers,

    May the revelations flow!


    Previously on Lisa the Legend:

    Lisa, Marina and Gavin escaped the reaches of both the Union and the Guard to attempt to fulfil to Lisa's new mission:

    “Lisa’s bleached her hair and gone into renegade action-fighter mode,” Marina said dryly. “We’re gonna break into the Sepulchre of Suicune and get the key fragment ourselves! Come along for the ride, it’ll be heaps fun!”

    Gavin’s face had gone slack. “Wait – what?”

    “I’m not going back to the safe house,” Lisa said.

    “Why the hell not?”

    Lisa fought the urge to snap at him.

    “Because I’m so sick of this constant running, the constant hiding from the Union, hoping they don’t find me,” she said tersely. “And I’ve realised the sooner I get the fragment of the key that’s in the Sepulchre, the sooner the Union will have no use for me anymore.”

    Eventually convinced of Lisa's plan, Gavin used his pokemon to help him to teleport them all back to his apartment in Goldenrod City, from where Lotus Lake - the location of the Sepulchre of Suicune - was only a few hours' walk:

    “Okay then, let’s do this! Everyone power up – and on the count of three, we’ll appear at the destination point. Visualise it, everyone. Ready? One …”

    Lisa took one final, sweeping glance of the deserted beach, the tranquil waters, the silhouette of the white fishing boat against the golden rays of the setting sun …

    “Two …”

    Lisa closed her eyes; and, all of a sudden, a nervous panic swelled up within her, blocking her throat …


    Instantly, Lisa felt as though she was being squeezed through a wringer as cold blasts of air whooshed against her body – and then, quite as abruptly, she fell unceremoniously against a hard, thinly-carpeted floor, her body aching, her throat still restricted, leaving her gasping for breath.

    And upon arriving at Lotus Lake, Lisa made a startling realisation:

    "I’ve been here before.”

    Marina blinked in disbelief; Gavin’s eyebrow edged toward the bottom of his beanie.

    “When?” he asked.

    Lisa revelled in the broad grin that stole over her face as she spoke.

    “Last October,” she said.

    “Suicune brought me here on the very first day of my journey.”


    Chapter 73 – The Sepulchre of Suicune.

    “Oh wow,” breathed Marina.

    “That’s insane …” Gavin muttered, putting his hands to his head and gazing at the murky lake, almost in reverence.

    Lisa was still reeling from the surprise herself: it felt like a bombshell had been dropped on her.

    “After we passed the site of the Bug-Catching Contest, I realised we were taking the same path I took last October, just in the opposite direction,” she explained to the others excitedly. “I wondered, the further we got, if Lotus Lake was the same lake Suicune took me to on that first day …”

    “You know what this means, right?” Marina rushed. “Suicune wanted you to see this place. Right from the start.”

    “I know …” Lisa said, pacing along the shoreline, where the foul-looking water lapped at her sneakers. She thought back to that fateful day, when she had fallen through into the basement of the Burned Tower, right into the middle of the meeting between Suicune, Entei and Raikou. Somehow, she had naively thought that Suicune had been trying to escape her and that she had been lucky to cling onto his back. Now, the pieces of the puzzle all sliding into place, she understood: Suicune had allowed her to take a seat on his back and he had transported her directly to Lotus Lake, to his Sepulchre.

    It was almost as though he had known, then, that she would need to know this place in the future.

    “So what happened that day?” asked Gavin urgently. “Did Suicune show you what to do, how to get into the Sepulchre from here?”

    Lisa was already reliving that day.

    “He drank from the lake,” she said slowly.

    “Ew,” Marina contributed.

    “No, it like, became clean as he drank,” Lisa said quickly. Her mind raced ahead of her, making the connections. “Maybe – maybe he was showing me the path – maybe the entrance is underwater, beneath the lake …”

    “Did you see anything?” Gavin pressed.

    Lisa swore loudly.

    “No!” she cried, turning back to face them. “Because Wooper came along and interrupted everything!”

    “What do you mean?” asked Marina.

    “Wooper appeared and like, tried to battle Suicune or something. Suicune got really mad – I mean, like, mental – and fired off all these Ice Beams before it ran away … And I tried to catch him in a pokéball …” Lisa felt her face flush slightly with embarrassment. “But the ball bounced off him, he ran away, and the ball fell onto Wooper and caught it.” She cursed beneath her breath again. “I was so excited about catching Wooper, I don’t think I even looked in the water after that, really. For all I know, there could have been a neon light under there that said, ‘Lisa, enter here!’”

    “I d-don’t think you need to worry about that now, Lisa,” Marina stammered suddenly.

    “What d’you –” Lisa began, surveying Marina’s pallid face; the blue-haired girl was staring timorously at a point over Lisa’s shoulder.

    Instinctively, Lisa turned to see what had provoked such fear in Marina.

    Her jaw dropped.

    Standing before her, as though he had just emerged from the water, was the dignified, cobalt-furred form of Suicune, the mystic aurora on his back ablaze.

    //We have much to speak about, Lisa Walters//

    The telepathic voice that echoed in Lisa’s head was battle-hardened and yet regal; it somehow reminded her of the voice of a kind wolf, if such a thing existed.

    “Y-yes,” she replied, lost for words as she stared at Suicune’s awesome glow. She was vaguely aware of Marina and Gavin beside her, slowly backing away in apprehension.

    Quite suddenly, Suicune’s sinewy legs seemed to fold beneath him; he reposed, half his usual height, on the shoreline, water lapping gently against his bulky form. Lisa idled for a moment or two, bemused by the beast’s silence, and then –

    //You were much hastier to climb upon my back the first time we met. It seems that you require an invitation now?//

    There was a hint of disapproving grandfather to his tone.

    “Oh – of course not – but –”

    //Your friends shall await you here//


    Her mind galloping, Lisa approached Suicune and, feeling almost as though she was being horribly disrespectful to the beast (how different from their first encounter!) she hoisted a leg over his considerable girth, seating herself uncomfortably on his back and covering a portion of his shimmering aurora which, gratefully, did not burn; indeed, she could not feel it at all.

    She surveyed Marina and Gavin nervously. They were both extremely pale, and yet seemed to understand what was happening. Gavin gave Lisa a very forced wink, which she mirrored. Marina, meanwhile, fluttered her hand weakly.

    Suicune rose abruptly and turned to face the lake and the cliff that bounded it; Lisa wound her fingers into tufts of his cobalt fur as she rose with him. An uninvited shiver ran down her spine as Suicune bowed his gently-furred head down to the water level and began to drink from the slough.

    Déjŕ vu.

    As Suicune lapped up the dirty brown water, the shallows around him began to bubble – gently at first and then vigorously – and as the water bubbled, it gave off a glow that was radiant even in the midday sun. The impurities in the water were boiled away as the frothing water changed from a murky greenish-brown to a clear, crystalline cerulean.

    Lisa’s eyes swallowed the sight before them, as the entire lake frothed and glowed and, within the space of a minute, became utterly pristine, perhaps the most beautiful lake she had ever laid eyes on.

    Behind her, Gavin gave a low whistle.

    Lisa squinted her eyes against the glare that now bounced off the surface of the clean water. She searched beneath the surface for some kind of sign – a path, perhaps – but there was nothing other than the clean, pearl-white rock that made up the bottom of the lake.

    Suicune removed his mouth from the water, his jaws dripping. Without warning, a burst of silver light exploded from the aurora, immediately beneath Lisa. She cried out in fright as a glistening silver globe of energy enveloped her, sealing her securely in a translucent bubble. Comprehension dawned on Lisa as her memory twigged: Suicune had placed the same bubble around her and Gavin during his battle with Entei in the Ice Path: he was protecting her.

    //Hold on//

    No sooner had Lisa tightened her grip on Suicune’s back than he bounded, with incredible speed, directly into the depths of the lake.

    An instinctive shriek erupted from Lisa’s mouth as Suicune pelted underwater. The bubble around her was pressed tightly against her face and front, creating an invisible boundary between her and the cold liquid beyond. After a few moments underwater, she opened her eyes and saw the subterranean world of Lotus Lake whizzing past in all its resplendent glory. Ornate protrusions of pearly rock decorated the lake floor at haphazard intervals, interspersed with emerald-green tufts of salvao weed and surprisingly beautiful flowers that looked something like underwater lilacs. However, Lisa scarcely had the time to register the sights before Suicune, still bounding at full bore, charged at a dark crevice positioned at the point where the lake floor intersected with the base of the cliff. Though she trusted her legendary Guardian, Lisa flinched as her head narrowly missed the top of the crevice. Suicune bolted on through an underwater tunnel that was lit only by the glow of his aurora, which looked positively magical in the water, surrounded by indigo motes and dreamy globules of white-gold light. Suicune reached a fork in the tunnel and took a left, winding slowly upwards until, without warning, the pressing cold on Lisa’s face disappeared; they were above the water level now, though still in a dark, rocky tunnel. Excited and apprehensive in equal measures, Lisa watched, a taciturn passenger, as Suicune navigated his way through a series of twists and turns in the tunnel system. As they cantered through one particularly gloomy tunnel, Lisa spied several cobwebs lining the ceiling; seconds later, an enormous Spinarak web appeared ahead, completely occluding the tunnel. As Lisa screamed, Suicune ploughed onward, shooting an enormous ray of rainbow-coloured light at the web, sizzling through it and causing scores of Spinarak to tumble from the roof of the tunnel. Lisa covered her head with one arm, but thankfully the silvery bubble remained impenetrable; the spiders slid harmlessly off the bubble and were behind them in a matter of seconds, though Lisa still shuddered unpleasantly at the creepy sensation she had felt as they crawled over the membrane. Unperturbed, Suicune ran on. At one point, Lisa noticed an old square tablet fixed over the entrance to one of the tunnels they entered; there was a series of ancient-looking glyphs carved into it. If it were even possible anymore, Lisa’s pulse quickened: the glyphs looked similar to some that she had seen on Mount Fairfax, near the Sepulchre of Entei: they must be close.

    And sure enough, just a few moments later, the tunnel widened into a capacious cavern and Suicune slowed to a walk before stopping completely. Lisa was only vaguely aware of the silvery bubble popping gently around her: her eyes were shining at the beauty before them; in complete awe, she exclaimed, “Wow.”

    The cavern was what looked like a gigantic antechamber, its ceiling easily four or five metres high. The walls were of a pearl-white rock, the likes of which Lisa had never seen before: they glimmered in the light of a dozen torches affixed to them in brackets; however these torches, too, were completely alien to Lisa: they burned with an azure flame.

    Lisa tore her eyes from the ethereal fires that encircled her and surveyed the enormous statue at the far end of the antechamber. Just like the antechamber of the Sepulchre of Entei, there was a vast rock altar, a dais the size of a bus that seemed to be made entirely of pearl, flanked by an imposing, six-foot-tall golden statue hewn in the form of Suicune, its eyes made of glittering sapphires.

    “Oh my God …” Lisa breathed.

    Absent-mindedly patting Suicune’s aurora, which seemed rather dull compared to her environs, she slid gently off his back and walked slowly toward the dais.

    Suicune’s antechamber was even more beautiful than Entei’s: the pearl dais was utterly exquisite. Lisa’s eyes were drawn between the statue and the mystical blue torches before finally, as she stood with a hand touching the cool metal of the statue, she properly noticed the ledge behind the dais, and the giant archway that held an impossibly large oak double door. She drank it in slowly, luxuriantly. The doorframe was covered in gold-leaf that spiralled over the wood in a florid, spidery pattern; at various intervals within the pattern, the doorframe was encrusted with resplendent gems, many of them various shades of blue, but also several purples, yellows, greens and reds.

    “It’s so beautiful,” Lisa gaped.

    //My home// Suicune’s voice echoed through her.

    Lisa gazed at the titanic wooden doors, engraved with those odd, ancient runes.

    The Sepulchre of Suicune.

    She pressed her palm gently against the left door.


    Suicune’s scream reverberated in her brain; she clutched her head and spun round to face him; he had bounded right over to her and stood beside her on the dais.

    For a moment, each Guardian stared into the eyes of the other, Lisa’s honey-brown irises locked with Suicune’s violet-black ones.

    “This is your Sepulchre,” Lisa said slowly, not quite understanding the outburst. “I thought you wanted me to enter it.”

    Suicune’s aurora flared slightly.

    //You are very intelligent// came the dignified, lupine voice. //Yes, we shall both enter the Sepulchre very shortly; and this has indeed been my wish for … some time. However, you must know that the Sepulchre is not designed to be occupied for long// His tone became deathly serious. //Once we enter the Sepulchre, we can only spend a few minutes there, or it will self-destruct//

    “But I thought the Sepulchres only destroy themselves when the wrong person enters them –”

    //When that happens, the Sepulchre begins to destroy itself instantly// Suicune said gently. //As you and I are protected by the Legend, Lisa, we are allowed the privilege of a very few minutes before the destruction begins. Another security measure to guard against Guardians being forced to enter under duress//

    Lisa gulped and stepped cautiously away from the oak doors.

    //As we will not have time to discuss much in the Sepulchre, I have decided that it is necessary to do so here, in the antechamber, before we enter//

    Suicune’s legs folded beneath him again and, looking more like a dog than Lisa had ever seen, he curled himself up neatly on the pearl dais.

    //You ought to sit, Lisa. I shall need some time to explain myself to you//

    Once again, Lisa had the sense that her pulse had quickened, and yet, she could not remember a time recently when it had not been pounding like a jungle drum in her ears. Was Suicune really going to give her full disclosure, at long last?

    Lisa shifted further from the archway and sat down two feet from Suicune’s head, crossing her legs on the pearl floor. She ran her fingers along the smooth, shiny surface and an excited shiver shot through her.

    //I shall begin, I think, with an apology//

    Lisa started, completely thrown by this moment of unexpected vulnerability; Suicune regarded her with an unexpectedly doleful expression.

    “What for?” she asked, vexed.

    //For binding myself to you so soon// came the majestic voice in her mind; Suicune’s eyes were downcast. //Never in history have we used children as guardians before. Only adults should have to bear such a burden. And yet, a decade ago, when Joseph Sterling became aware of the Legend and discovered that your father, Azura Frost and Lance Hudson were guardians, we had no choice, you see//

    There was a deep, almost human remorse in Suicune’s voice, Lisa thought; a second later, she scolded herself mentally for thinking that such an emotion could be exclusively human.

    //Raikou, Entei and I feared Sterling’s new knowledge, and his growing power … We decided to pre-empt any attempts he might make to force the guardians to enter the Sepulchres; we decided to bind ourselves to their children instead//

    Lisa winced; her recollection of first hearing this tale from her parents at the Fairfax Inn was flooding back to her, including the tears.

    “My parents explained this to me,” she told Suicune. “I understand why you did it.”

    //Not fully// said Suicune enigmatically. //You may have wondered, for instance, why I chose to bind myself to you, Lisa, instead of, say, your elder brother, Thomas?//

    “It – it’s crossed my mind,” Lisa admitted.

    //I rather thought that – should the day come when Sterling figured out the switch we had made – that he would assume Thomas was the Guardian instead. The older, stronger boy seemed a much likelier Guardian than a young, innocent-looking girl. This was my rationale; I never expected that Sterling would find out the truth. I never anticipated that you could, indeed, fall into any real danger. And yet here we are//

    Suicune locked eyes with her once more; his tone again took on that sympathetic, grandfatherly quality.

    //I am sorry for the pain and suffering I have caused you, Lisa Walters//

    “I forgive you,” Lisa said at once, almost before Suicune had finished; and yet she wasn’t quite sure why she was so hasty, when her Guardianship was indeed the root of all the troubles she had been through; she supposed, later, that it had something to do with the fact that Suicune was speaking openly, and at length, with her for the first time in history, and that privilege alone had completely blown her mind.

    //I have often wondered// Suicune went on. //If you had any recollection of our first encounter?//

    Lisa nodded, poking her fingers through the artistic gashes in Jamie’s jeans.

    “I have a memory …” she said slowly. “When I was about four … I nearly drowned in my pool at home and then something blue – well, you – appeared in front of me. Before, I used to think it was a dream. These days, obviously, I understand what it was …”

    //I see// Suicune responded pensively. //And this dream … is it what led you to be in the Brass Tower on the day we met last year?//

    It took Lisa a moment to register that Suicune was referring to the Burned Tower.

    “Actually, no …” she admitted. “I saw on TV that you’d been sighted there, that’s really why I went. I was just … curious.” She added the last word clumsily: she had almost said “I was just bored”, but such a remark seemed stupid to make in the presence of Suicune.

    The beast nodded its head gently, as though mulling something over.

    //It had been many years since I had visited the Brass Tower// Suicune explained. //In my experience, it was a deserted and dangerous building. I did not expect it to have become such a popular venue for pokémon battles … So then, it is all a matter of chance, it seems. We were not necessarily destined to meet that day. Interesting…//

    Suicune trailed off. Lisa anticipated his next words, his grand reveal, with bated breath, but it did not come for several minutes; the beast simply sat in silence, his dark eyes staring at the ground.

    Then, suddenly, he said, //There are just two things I must speak to you about before we enter the Sepulchre//

    Lisa stiffened.

    //Firstly, what is your plan? Why have you come here today?//

    “Oh,” Lisa muttered; she had not expected to be the one answering questions. “Well, I came to get my fragment of the key. I’m … going to break it. Destroy it. End it.”

    As she spoke, her voice grew more impassioned. However, her certainty lasted only a moment.

    //You will fail. The Seven Keys are indestructible//


    Suicune growled.

    //The Iron Lock was created by humans, ostensibly to keep anyone from accessing the great and terrible power referred to in the Legend. Of course, if those humans had truly wanted that power locked away for good, they would have created a unopenable lock, or a lock with keys that could be destroyed//

    His tone was caustic.

    “W-what are you saying?” Lisa ventured.

    //I am saying that the humans of that era did not wish to lose the power hidden behind the Iron Lock. They did not want it falling into the wrong hands, but still they did not want to lose the power itself. This is why it is exceedingly difficult to open the Iron Lock, but not impossible//

    “But that doesn’t make any sense …” said Lisa.

    //Humans never have// said Suicune.

    “But why go to all this trouble, all these keys, if …”

    //You fail to understand the bigger picture, Lisa. Perhaps you are still too young. Permit me to explain. Those humans who decided to sequester the great power away from the world did not sequester it from themselves. It was – it is – too spectacular to lose. Those humans became Guardians of the great power, wishing to control it and have exclusive knowledge of it. But never did these Guardians wish for the power to be entirely forgotten by the world. Hence, the role I have played for centuries//

    Lisa grappled with the information overload.

    “When you say Guardians, you don’t mean …?”

    //Yes. Your ancestors, Lisa. And the ancestors of Darius Hudson and Marina Frost. The very first Guardians//

    Lisa’s head was spinning; it was still too much to make sense of. She tried to recall the explanation of the Legend her parents had given her back on Mount Fairfax.

    “So our ancestors were the ones who invented the Iron Lock in the first place?”

    //That is correct//

    “Something like … hundreds of years ago …”

    //Seven hundred. Yes//

    “And then they hid the keys …”


    “And then they split the Sixth Key and hid one part in your Sepulchre – right here – and the other two parts in the Sepulchres of Entei and Raikou.”

    //Your parents have been very open with you. Yes//

    “And so then …” Lisa was beginning to see the pieces of the puzzle cluster together in her mind’s eye. “Everything was forgotten over the years, except by you, Raikou and Entei, until you bound yourselves to my Dad, Azura and Lance twenty years ago …”


    “Ouch!” Lisa cried, clutching her ears in agony; Suicune’s telepathic voice had rung out in her head louder than ever before; he had shouted. “What – what do you mean?”

    //Your parents have lied to you. What is this nonsense about everything being forgotten?//

    “The Legend,” Lisa said timidly; Suicune was standing erect, face incensed. “It was all forgotten until Lance’s father excavated the shrine or something … And you, Raikou and Entei were inside, and you bound yourselves to Dad, Azura and Lance …”

    Suicune’s aurora flared erratically; a spark of ice-blue light exploded from the centre of it and struck the dais, sending a chip of perfect pearl flying past Lisa’s face.

    “That’s just what Dad told me …” Lisa said hastily, unnerved by Suicune’s response.

    //Human greed … that desire for wealth and power … no reason it wouldn’t have extended further, of course …// Suicune muttered darkly. Lisa wondered if he was even aware that he was still transmitting his thoughts to her.

    “What are you saying?” she asked nervously.

    Suicune’s inky eyes swamped her.

    //It is important that you listen carefully to me now, Lisa. I believe you are the only one I can entrust with this information//


    Sarah Venner scrolled uninterestedly through the seemingly endless report on the screen before her. There were times when being Lance Hudson’s personal assistant made life nothing short of a thrill: in her short tenure she had already attended high-level meetings among the Guard members, travelled to far-off locales with Lance and met some of the most influential people in Johto – senators, researchers, writers, CEOs – many of whom were close personal friends of the Johto League Champion.

    And then there were times like this, when she found herself stuck in the office while the sunny day taunted her through the window while she redrafted a report of the Guard’s most recent mission.

    Her rust-coloured eyes shifted back and forth along row after row of unserifated black text on a white background. Given the nature of the Guard’s work, the reports should have been riveting, but they were consistently bloodless and clinical. It was always the same: a description of the mission’s location and objectives, which Guard members were involved, what measures were taken, what happened, what the outcome was and what could be improved upon next time.

    Sometimes, Sarah managed to keep herself engaged with the report if it involved her mother, Alison, who was a Senior Agent with the Guard. It was quite exciting to read things like, “Agent Alison Venner immobilised two enemy agents before completing the reconnaissance”. Sarah smiled: to think it was only a year ago that she had believed her mother to be nothing more than a dull investment banker.

    She sighed, eyes blurring before the screen. Her mother hadn’t been on this particular mission – it had been undertaken by Senior Agent Jim Donovan; and judging by the number and calibre of the grammatical errors, the report had been written by him too.

    Just as she reached up for her glass of water, there was an electronic whirr and the sleek fax machine by the window began frantically printing a transmission. Rather hoping that it wasn’t part two of Donovan’s report, Sarah picked the fax up from the tray and glanced over it, her eyes widening in surprise.

    “No way …” she breathed.

    Fax in hand, she charged at the door of Lance’s drawing room, not bothering to knock: her rudeness would be forgotten in the wake of the news she was about to deliver. The door swung open, but Lance was not seated at the head of the mahogany table; he stood before the wall-length glass windows, speaking very sharply to someone on his mobile phone.

    “… isn’t my decision, it’s Azura’s, and she can do whatever the hell she likes with Marina, but I’m YOUR dad and I decide what’s best for you. That’s final, young man!”

    Sarah flinched. She knew exactly what was going on, because the cold war between Lance and Darius had been brewing for days now. It seemed it had finally erupted into full-scale conflict.

    Feeling a pang of sympathy for Darius as well as rather awkward to be eavesdropping, Sarah called loudly across the room, as if she had just burst in, “Lance! You’ll want to see this!”

    Lance Hudson froze, silhouetted by the sunlight pouring into the drawing room.

    “I’ll speak to you later, son. Goodbye.”

    With a clap, he shut the mobile phone curtly and spun on his heel to face Sarah.

    “What is it, Sarah?” he asked cheerily, locking eyes with her.

    Had she not heard the preceding phone call, Sarah might have believed him to be genuinely pleased to see her; however, she had worked with him at close quarters long enough to understand that there were many sides to Lance Hudson, and he kept most of them under fierce and constant guard.

    “I have a message from the Union,” she said, brandishing the sheet of thin, shiny fax paper.

    Lance’s eyes bulged slightly; he instinctively reached for the ‘World’s Best Dad’ mug on the table.

    “Good or bad?”

    “I suppose good.”

    Lance closed his eyes and took three large, grateful sips of tepid coffee.

    “Read it to me.”

    Sarah searched the page for the particular line she was after.

    “It’s mostly another one of those threat messages they send,” she explained. “The important line is this: ‘Your Safe House is not as safe as you think it is. We will steal your three Guardians from under your nose.’”

    An enormous grin broke out on Lance’s face.

    “That’s the best news I’ve heard in days!” he whooped.

    “I know!” Sarah grinned.

    Lance took the fax from her and reread it gleefully as he paced by the enormous glass window.

    “So they think all three Guardians are at the Safe House, then,” he said excitedly.

    “Which means they didn’t recapture Lisa after all … or Marina, by the sounds of it …” added Sarah, glowing.

    “Unless it’s a message designed to dupe us, but that would be inconsistent with the other messages. And besides, if the Union really had either Marina or Lisa, they would be making all kinds of demands, not allowing stupid grunts to send through some kind of random threat …” He looked up at Sarah earnestly. “Although, if Lisa wasn’t captured by the Union … why on earth didn’t she re-establish contact with us?”

    “Marina, too,” Sarah added. “She has a phone.”

    Lance frowned.

    Sarah bit her lip.

    “We’re going to need more coffee, I think,” she said seriously.

    Lance deigned an appreciative smile.

    “Black with an extra sugar. I’m going to need it.”


    //The version of events that your parents told you is a lie// said Suicune. //However, I am not convinced that even they are aware of this//

    The knot building in Lisa’s chest eased slightly.

    “You mean they were lied to?”

    //To an extent, yes. I assume you are still young enough to believe that power and wealth can be dangerous and corrupting things, Lisa?//

    Lisa felt a little riled at his very clear attitude. “I suppose so …”

    //I have noticed that adult humans grow less and less adept at understanding this with age, nothing more// came the kind-wolf voice again, reassuringly. //I feel sure that you are still pure of heart, Lisa.

    //So then, it is crucial that you understand this Legend while you are still able to//

    Lisa’s skin turned to gooseflesh.

    //This Legend, its very inception, begins with your ancestors, the ones who decided to hide the Great Power from the rest of the world – the creators of the Iron Lock. They developed their own secret society, granting membership only to those they deemed worthy. They enshrined their activities with mythology and mystique and unusual rituals, claiming that a higher power had tasked them with protecting the Great Power//

    //The truth is, they were simply greedy individuals. The ancestors of Walters, Frost and Hudson were wealthy land-owners in medieval Ecruteak: they were simply lording their power over the common folk, ensuring that their secret power was kept solely in their control// Suicune’s violet eyes were almost black with rage. //It was greed, Lisa. The creation of the Iron Lock, of the keys … the inception of this war … nothing more or less than greed and powerhunger//

    Lisa’s lungs had almost forgotten what air tasted like.

    “B-but …” she spluttered eventually. “But you were part of it. You and Raikou and Entei. You helped them build this whole system …”

    Suicune’s eyes glinted.

    //Yes, Lisa. And thanks to our involvement, it became much, much more difficult for even the Guardians to open the Iron Lock. By binding their souls to ours, we were able to act as a safeguard without them knowing//

    The regret in his voice baffled Lisa.

    “But then, doesn’t that solve everything?” she cried. “If you’re a safeguard, then nobody can get past you!” Lisa’s heart soared suddenly. “Neither the Guard nor the Union … right?”

    Suicune’s eyes fell.

    //Like every human, you see me as a legendary being, because your ancestors spread the myth that my brothers and I are magical creatures. Immortal, even.// His tone became deathly quiet, almost fragile. //Lisa, when it comes down to it … I am just a beast. I can be captured quite easily, attacked, too, and I can – and will – die//

    His eyes lingered on Lisa; his final word reverberated in her skull.

    //My Sepulchre// Suicune continued. //is enchanted. It will open only for two beings: myself, and the human my soul is bound to. As long as we are both present, the Sepulchre will grant entry – even if we are brought here under duress. Like you, Lisa, I am only a safeguard as much as I am a pawn. Do you follow me?//

    Lisa nodded blankly.

    //You will understand, then, why I scarcely trust the Guard more than I trust the Union. Your ancestors may not seek to harm others with the Great Power, but the greed remains//

    “What did you mean when you said my parents had been lied to?” Lisa pressed.

    //I was leading to that. As I was saying, the greed in your ancestors has prevailed to this day. Do you know Bernard Hudson and Daisy Frost?//

    “Marina and Darius’ grandparents, I suppose?” Lisa asked. “I’ve never met them.”

    //Yes, they are the ancestors of Marina and Darius. Now, open your mind and try to see things holistically, Lisa// said Suicune, apparently by way of preamble. //Twenty years ago, when Bernard Hudson entered our collective shrine, he was not making some kind of archaeological discovery. He was already the Guardian of Entei and he already knew of the Legend. The time had come for us to bind ourselves to the newly-adult children of the current Guardians, a changeover that has occurred every twenty years or so for the last seven centuries//

    //Historically, Raikou, Entei and I simply perform the binding process and have no further contact with our new Guardians. Before the process, we consult with the old Guardians and entrust them with the task of explaining to their children the significance of what has happened//

    //Do you see the problem now?//

    “You’re saying that Daisy and Bernard and – my grandfather – lied? To their own children?”

    //I do not know this. But from what you have just told me, it seems the most plausible explanation. Hudson, at least, had a great deal to gain, financially, from claiming to have made a great archaeological discovery, and Daisy Frost and Theodore Walters – your grandfather – may have been equally behind this decision, exchanging their silence on the matter for monetary gain. They may have collaborated together to decide to stage the rediscovery and rebirth of the Legend. This is, of course, a lie. The bloodline of Guardians has continued unbroken since it began//

    The derision in Suicune’s tone was palpable.

    //Ultimately, I do not know what happened. Unfortunately, I have known very little of the human Guardians throughout time; and never have I been privy to their affairs or discussions or decisions. What I don’t know, I can only now assume – and assumptions can be wrong. However, I spoke directly to my Guardian at the time – your grandfather – as I always did before a handover of Guardianship, and he agreed to give your father full disclosure about the Legend. So his failure to do this does suggest that he either had his silence bought, or was hungry for power and glory himself, which, given that he was human, does not really surprise//

    Lisa’s mind reeled. Her grandfather had died a few years before she was born: all she knew of him was a black-and-white photograph that used to sit in the lounge room at the family home in Ecruteak. Theodore Walters was a tall, solid, ex-soldier who had a well-groomed moustache and loved his wife Patricia. The thought that he had been mixed up in the Legend seemed absurd enough, let alone the allegation that he had been so devious as to lie to his own son about it all, just for financial gain.

    Lisa jolted again: had her Nanna known about this all along, too? Or had Theodore kept his secret identity to himself?

    //I have never engaged with Lance Hudson or the rest of the Guard, beyond my Guardian// Suicune continued, now pacing along the dais. //But I have never trusted the Guard fully, particularly after what happened here last October – and especially now//

    There was a pregnant pause. The antechamber was filled with silence, broken only by Suicune’s soft paws on the pearl dais and the low, distant cracking of the azure torches.

    “Wait – what happened here last October?” Lisa asked breathlessly. She was not sure her heart could take any more revelations.

    Suicune continued to pace, talking without making eye contact with Lisa, whose fingers were now knotted tightly through the holes in her jeans.

    //That was the second thing I needed to tell you, Lisa.

    //Your Quagsire is a Guard spy//


    Thin white plumes of steam rose into the air from the two mugs of coffee on the mahogany table. Lance Hudson sat at the head of the table, a mess of papers and pens spread out before him. Sarah Venner was perched in the grey tub chair to his left, her cheeks flushed.

    “Ready?” asked Lance, his voice slightly hoarse.

    “Totally,” she replied swiftly, steeling her nerves.

    Lance picked up the receiver on his sleek black desk phone, dialled a number he knew by heart and handed the phone to Sarah, who gripped it in her sweaty palm. It rang four times before a voice message cut in:

    “This is Larry O’Brien, leave a message.”


    “Hey Dad, it’s me, Jenna, just calling to let you know that I got a Distinction on my midterm. Call me back, love you!”

    Lance pressed a button and the line went dead.

    “Nice work, Jenna O’Brien,” he smirked.

    Sarah smiled back.

    “Whoever this girl is, she’s a bit of a geek, calling her dad every time she gets a good grade,” she laughed. “Still, I’m surprised they haven’t picked up on anything yet.”

    “The Union doesn’t usually pay much attention to things like Christmas parties or meeting the families of its agents,” said Lance wryly. “Now remember, Lisa is Angela, Marina is Stacey, the Guard is the bank. Oh, and Gavin Luper is Mark.”

    “It’s all up here,” Sarah reassured him, tapping her head. “I hope he calls back this time …”

    A low trilling issued from the speaker on the desk phone.

    Sarah pressed a button on the receiver.


    A restrained, fatherly voice crackled down the line.

    “Hi sweetheart – I got your message. Congratulations on your Distinction.”

    “Thanks, Dad,” Sarah beamed. “I was so stoked, especially since I thought I was going to fail it since I left it until the last minute again.”

    “Well, you’ll learn for next time, won’t you? Ha ha. Well done anyway, Jenna. And how’s work going at the bank?”

    “Not too bad. Though it’s not as fun now that Angela and Stacey have quit.”

    There was a brief pause; Lance gave Sarah the thumbs-up.

    “Oh really? I didn’t know that,” said Larry.

    Lance closed his eyes in relief, his teeth clenched in a victorious grin.

    “Still, it’s a good part-time job, sweetheart, you should keep at it.”

    “Yeah, of course I will, it’s just a shame not to have my friends around anymore, you know. I haven’t heard from Mark lately either, have you?”

    “Mark? Ah yes, your brother’s going well I’m sure, he’s still out on his Orange Islands trip. I haven’t heard from him in a few days though.”

    Lance gave Sarah the wind-up signal.

    “He’s always so bad at keeping in touch,” laughed Sarah. “I might give him a call now and see how he’s doing, Dad. That okay?”

    “No worries, sweetheart, I’ve got to get back to work anyway. Nice to hear from you and I’ll see you soon, alright? Tell Mark I say hello!”

    “Will do, Dad! Love you! Bye!”

    “Love you too, sweetheart.”

    Click. The line went dead again.

    Lance cautiously pressed the hang-up button, just in case.

    “Man, that was fun!” said Sarah excitedly, wiping the nervous sweat from her forehead and reaching for her coffee. “Why can’t my job be like that all the time, hey?”

    “Because you’d explode if you were under that kind of pressure all the time,” Lance replied soberly. “I have to say though, you make a brilliant Jenna O’Brien.”

    “Merci,” grinned Sarah. “Okay, so Larry had no idea Lisa and Marina weren’t in our custody – which means they’re definitely not in the Union’s custody, either. That’s so weird …”

    “And he said Gavin’s still on his quest to Cianwood … which means Gavin hasn’t been captured by the Union either.”

    Lance rapped his knuckle repeatedly on the edge of the table.

    “So let’s see what we have: Lisa disappears on Red Rock Island after being attacked by the Union at the Colosseum; Marina evaporates at Red Rock Airport; and Gavin was due back from Cianwood Island day before last, but hasn’t returned my phone calls since before he left …”

    Sarah’s eyebrow rose.

    “You think they’ve all met up?”

    “Does any other theory make sense?” Lance asked, ruddy-faced. “We have three teenagers who have travelled together in the past – maybe they decided to regroup.”

    “But why? They’re safer with us, surely.”

    Lance shrugged, exasperated.

    “I can’t get my head around it either. But all three of them are AWOL and all in the same place. It’s too neat to be a coincidence.”

    “I agree,” Sarah said, slowly nodding her assent. “The only other option is that a rogue third party has taken all three of them hostage … but we know that the Union has either absorbed or obliterated every other underground organisation in the country. So it only makes sense that Lisa, Marina and Gavin must have met up and joined forces but … but that’s really weird.”

    “Regardless, it’s our best lead,” said Lance heartily. “Thank God Larry finally picked up.” He reached for his desk phone. “I’m sending Giles and Gideon to Red Rock straight away; they’re still in Olivine visiting Jasmine, so they’re our closest agents. I need you to look through Lisa, Marina and Gavin’s files, find out what contacts they have on Red Rock and e-mail the names and contact details to Giles and Gideon. If the kids are laying low somewhere – for whatever reason – we should be able to find them.”

    “Right, I’m on it,” Sarah said, grabbing her coffee and heading for the door and back toward her desk. A mundane day had suddenly evolved into the most interesting one she had had for a while.

    “Oh, and Sarah?”

    “Yup?” She paused on the threshold.

    “Once you’ve done that, start calling Marina and Gavin’s phones again, a hundred times if you have to. I want answers.”

    She nodded her head.

    “I’ll do my best!”


    Lisa stared into Suicune’s ragged, furry face for one intense moment, and then laughed.


    It was one of those slow-burn moments: Suicune stared Lisa down as solemnly as possible to show that he was not joking.

    “You’re wrong,” Lisa said slowly. “He’s a Fiskmire now, anyway – and – and he’s a pokémon, for God’s sake!”

    She heard the high-pitched quality in her voice and felt her insides slipping away like grains of sand through cupped hands.

    //Your Fiskmire is a Guard spy// Suicune repeated.

    “Okay then, how?!” Lisa spat aggressively. Of all the things Suicune had told her, this was the most absurd. The most hurtful. “How could he possibly be a spy?”

    Suicune remained placid.

    //Let me explain. After you fell through the floorboards of the Brass Tower that day last October, I was … entranced … with the unexpected occurrence. You have now told me that it was apparently no more than dumb luck that you fell in on my meeting with Raikou and Entei, but in that moment, I believed it to be fate, a sign that I should take action on what I had been thinking. You see, at that time, Joseph Sterling had just begun digging for the first of the seven keys …//

    Suicune’s voice petered out abruptly; he seemed to have fallen just shy of saying something potent. Lisa moved her eyes from the holes in her jeans to his face, which was suddenly contorted, almost distressed. After a moment of apparently fighting with himself, Suicune shook his head firmly and continued.

    //Entei, Raikou and I were becoming increasingly concerned. Various groups over the centuries had tried to search for the keys, but none had gone so far as to actually locate one. Sterling had made a failed attempt a decade before, but this time he was digging in the right place. It appeared there was a mole within the Guard: how else was Sterling obtaining his information? We wondered if the information that we switched the Guardians might leak to the Union – and, if so, if your lives – and the security of the Iron Lock – would be in danger//

    //I tried to profit from the opportunity of you dropping in on me like that. I allowed you to climb atop my back before sprinting directly here, to my Sepulchre. I did not tell Raikou or Entei. My plan was to explain the Legend to you and use you to extract your fragment of the Sixth Key and hide it somewhere else, somewhere the Union would never be able to track it down …//

    Lisa shivered. Suicune had had the same plan as her – but a whole six months in advance. She tried not to think how much pain she could have avoided if Suicune’s plan had succeeded – however, Suicune gave her no choice but to imagine it.

    //If we had succeeded, scores of deaths, this terrible war, and unimaginable pain may have been avoided, Lisa. I was on the verge of succeeding, too. I brought you right to the shores of the Lake of Purity. But then … the spy//

    Lisa recalled Suicune’s rage as the Wooper had popped out of Lotus Lake. Suicune had fired off dozens of ice beams before fleeing the scene, leaving Lisa alone.

    “How could a Wooper be a spy?” Lisa demanded again.

    //I am not accusing your pokémon of disloyalty, Lisa// said Suicune levelly. //Wooper probably did not know he was being used as a Sentry//

    “A what?!” Lisa exclaimed; Suicune’s story was becoming progressively more confusing.

    //There is a process – an ancient process – that I have heard referred to simply as Sentrying. A pokémon can be placed under a special type of hypnosis of a Psychic or Ghost type pokémon; the commanding pokémon then has almost full access to the vision of the Sentried being. I sensed the latent psychic aura around Wooper and knew at once what had happened//

    Lisa stared blankly at Suicune, unsure whether or not to believe him; and yet, what choice did she have? This was Suicune, her Guardian.

    “So you’re saying Wooper wouldn’t have known …” she said slowly.

    //Almost definitely not// Suicune’s voice became gentler. //Fiskmire is still the same pokémon you know and love, Lisa//

    “The Sentrying – could it still be in effect right now?”

    Suicune’s jaw hardened.

    //Possibly. I do not know how the process is broken, other than the commanding pokémon ceasing control of the hypnosis. Do you have your Fiskmire here with you?//

    A bitter chill came over Lisa.

    “No, I don’t …” she muttered. “The Union took him from me.”

    //I’m sorry to hear that// Suicune gave a soft growl.

    “How do you know Wooper was a Guard Sentry, though, and not a Union one?” Lisa probed.

    //An educated guess// Suicune replied. //Unless I am mistaken, the Union did not learn of the Sepulchres’ locations until they captured and interrogated Professor Westwood …// The bile rose in Suicune’s voice. //… which was not until November at the earliest. On that day in October, only Westwood and a very few members of the Guard had any knowledge of what the Lake of Purity conceals. The Guard probably put Wooper as a Sentry so that they would be alerted if the Union located the spot. In any case, it made it impossible for me to continue with my plan of sneaking you into my Sepulchre//

    //I did try again, of course, which you will remember//

    Lisa nodded.

    “That day at the beach …” she muttered, recalling the day on Shellder Beach about a week into her journey, when Suicune had appeared for the second time.

    //And as luck would have had it, your Quagsire was also present. The psychic aura still surrounded him then, if that answers your earlier question. I believe I expressed my outrage enough at the time//

    Lisa recalled the explosions of golden orbs and ice beams and nodded meekly.

    //I decided to forcibly remove you from the Quagsire, but you viewed me more as a threat than a friend. And as a result, Gavin Luper appeared and teleported you away … leaving me unable to locate you in any kind of hurry//

    //Desperate, I enlisted the aid of Raikou and Entei, and unfortunately this was the beginning of the disintegration of our brotherhood. Raikou was not particularly warm to the idea of entering the Sepulchres; Entei was absolutely furious. We had an altercation regarding the issue – and, unfortunately, that is when we were overheard by Professor Samuel Oak//

    Lisa winced; the image of Anna’s body being consumed by flames fought its way into her mind’s eye.

    //Needless to say…// Suicune said quickly, swiftly skirting around the issue in response to the upset expression on Lisa’s face. //A succession of events made it too dangerous to risk approaching you again; the Union was tracking you at the time, and – moreover – Entei’s wrath would have been catastrophic should I have made another attempt to enter the Sepulchre, and I could not endanger any more innocent lives.

    //However, your appearance here today renders such a risk null and void …// Suicune said, tone suddenly crisp and alert, in contrast to the serious, reminiscent tone he had taken up for the past few minutes. He rose quite abruptly, tilting his cobalt-furred head to the side and regarding Lisa kindly. //I believe I have sated your curiosity enough, and you mine, Lisa. Shall we enter the Sepulchre, then?//

    “Ahuer…” garbled Lisa; several urgent vocalisations had fought their way out of her mouth at the same time; she was in no way convinced that Suicune had sated her curiosity. “Well, I still had plenty of things I was wondering about. Like that time you appeared in front of me and Gavin in –”

    //It was far less interesting than it appeared, but will make sense soon enough// Suicune cut through her emotionlessly. There was something enigmatic in his tone – something almost suspicious. His irises did not meet hers. //For now, I think it’s time we entered the Sepulchre at last. I am sure you are keen//

    Lisa remembered what he had said about the Sepulchre self-destructing in a matter of minutes. Would she get another chance to speak like this with Suicune, or would he coldly bid her farewell and disappear after they had succeeded in their mission?

    She continued to press him.

    “Something I really want to know,” she said boldly, “is what this great power is that’s referred to in the Legend. You helped lock it away. You know what it is.”

    She tried to keep her voice neutral, but an eager, nearly accusatory tone crept in regardless.

    Suicune did not smile.

    //Yes, I do//

    He turned his back on her and strode calmly toward the archway that led to the Sepulchre.

    Lisa stared after him in exasperation.

    “Well, what is it?!” she demanded.

    Suicune did not turn around. The telepathic echo that entered Lisa’s mind a moment later rang with cold finality:

    //Trust me, Lisa. You will sleep better if you do not know//


    Lisa stood beside Suicune on the pearl dais, her right hand resting on the enormous, gem-encrusted oak door that led to the Sepulchre of Suicune. A flurry of Butterfree had stirred to life in her gut, almost making a bid for freedom.

    She looked for Suicune’s go-ahead signal and found him looking directly at her with a steely gaze, his irises black.

    //Lisa, what is about to happen is …//

    He broke off abruptly; Lisa would have raised an eyebrow if it had not seemed rude: was a legendary pokémon actually struggling to find his words?

    //Just remember that I understand the Legend. I helped engineer this system, this safeguard. It is essential that you follow my instructions while we are in the Sepulchre, or the result could be deadly//

    “Of – of course.”

    //Promise me you will do exactly what I say in order to obtain the key fragment//

    Honey-brown eyes surged into violet-black.

    “I promise.”

    Suicune’s jaw twitched.

    //Then, let us enter//

    A shiver running over her skin, Lisa pressed both hands against the ornate, ceiling-high door at the same time as Suicune breathed out a radiant beam of rainbow light at the oak port, forcing it to swing open as if no effort was involved at all.

    “Oh my God …” Lisa gasped.

    Finally: here it was. The Sepulchre of Suicune was spread out before her in all its intense beauty. It was another cavern, though much, much smaller than the antechamber, and with a lower ceiling. Lisa goggled at the walls, floor and ceiling: all three were constructed of what looked like refined, perfectly-cut sapphire. Two azure torches were fixed to the wall in pearl brackets at the far end of the Sepulchre, casting a slightly psychedelic light onto the blue, glassy floor. In between the two torches, there was what looked like a decorated golden tabernacle built into a cleft in the sapphire wall.

    Lisa heard the oak door creak to a close behind her.

    //There is no time to idle// Suicune said urgently, striding calmly into the Sepulchre and heading immediately for the golden tabernacle.

    Lisa found her feet and followed him numbly. Her mind was a teeming web of nerves. She found herself wondering if it was somehow sacrilegious to be traipsing her muddy sneakers through a cavern made of sapphire.

    She reached Suicune’s side. By the torchlight, she could see the ornate tabernacle had been fixed to the back of the cleft with a gold bracket. The tabernacle itself was a glorious sight to behold: a shining gold receptacle, about two feet in height, complete with a small, sapphire-encrusted door.

    Lisa searched for Suicune’s gaze; he nodded.

    //Yes. Open it//

    Lisa reached for the tabernacle and closed her hand around the cold door handle. Heart and gut pounding, she twisted the handle and flung the frail door open, plunging her hand into the golden box’s dark innards. Immediately, she felt something soft and smooth – but it didn’t feel like a key, or a piece of a key.

    She pulled it out and held it up to the torchlight: a small, brown leather-bound diary.

    “What’s this?” she cried, panicking. Had someone stolen the key fragment?

    //That will be useful to you later// Suicune said calmly. //But there is no time to explore it now. Keep it somewhere safe, for later, and try the tabernacle again//

    Lisa squeezed the leather diary into the pocket of her graffittied jeans and eagerly fished around in the open box again, a little deeper this time. Her hand closed around something cold and metallic, but it was something far too big to be a key, let alone a fragment of one …

    She removed the object and gasped.

    A foot-long silver sceptre was in her hand.

    It was encrusted with glittering sapphires; its tip was made of what looked like a sharpened diamond crystal.

    She had seen it before.

    //You seem shocked//

    Lisa turned the mace over and over in her hands, utterly amazed.

    “I am shocked …” she said breathlessly. “I … had a dream … a while back now … and I saw this exact thing in it …”

    //This is fascinating// said Suicune, not sardonically, //but we are running out of time//

    Tearing her eyes from the sceptre, Lisa reached into the tabernacle once more – but it was empty.

    “The key fragment isn’t here …” she muttered, turning to Suicune. “Unless …” She held the sceptre up to the torchlight. “This is the fragment?”

    //No, the fragment can only be found once you kill me//

    The azure flames crackled for hours.


    Lisa stared in horror at Suicune’s expressionless mask.

    //There is no time for resistance// Suicune said gently. //This is the design of the Sepulchre. The fragment can only be retrieved after my death//

    The word ‘death’ ignited a panic in Lisa. Her father’s words at the Fairfax Inn flooded back to her:

    “A sepulchre is a burial place, a tomb.”

    An electric shiver coursed through Lisa’s spine.

    “But – why – can’t we just take the key somehow –”

    //It’s impossible. You must kill me//

    “I – can’t. I can’t do that. I can’t!” Lisa cried, hysteria building within her. “This doesn’t make any sense –”

    //THERE IS NO TIME FOR THIS!// Suicune boomed.

    Suddenly, he was on his feet; the aurora on his back was ablaze with an ice-white fire; his violet-black eyes were razor-sharp.

    //Lisa, you promised me you would obey everything I told you to do!//

    Lisa didn’t recoil; on the contrary, she lunged forward, geared by fear.

    “I didn’t know you wanted me to do this!” she cried, jabbing an accusatory finger at Suicune. “You knew – all along?”

    //This is the divine plan, Lisa. The design of the Sepulchres. Only the human Guardian, with his sceptre, may spill the blood of the Legendary Guardian and claim the key fragment. This was designed as a safeguard, but it has become a terrible curse. Our only chance to break it is here and now. It is the only way//

    “No,” Lisa said firmly. “This was a stupid idea. Can’t you just run away – disappear? Unless the Union have both of us, the fragment’s safe …”

    //There is no time for this!// Suicune repeated hotly. //Entei is now able to track me and the Union is more than adept at tracking you, Lisa! Do not lose your conviction now. We are running out of time. You must take the sceptre and kill me!//

    “I CAN’T!” Lisa shrieked. She was shaking violently. “Do you have any idea what you’re asking me to do?!” she screeched, impervious to Suicune’s level gaze. “I can’t do this! I can’t kill you!”

    The word sizzled her tongue: it was foreign; impossible.

    //It is your responsibility as my Guardian!// Suicune roared.

    “Then I don’t want that responsibility!” Lisa shouted back, a bead of sweat rolling down her forehead.

    And, quite suddenly, the sapphire floor beneath her tremored, almost throwing her off her feet.

    //The Sepulchre … it is preparing to self-destruct …// Suicune’s voice was suddenly hushed. His eyes frosted over for a moment. //It is possible, Lisa, that a flesh wound will be enough to satisfy the Sepulchre and grant us access to the key. I may not necessarily have to die: it simply requires that my blood be spilt …//

    “What are you saying?”

    //Take the sceptre, Lisa, and make an incision on my chest, enough to draw blood. Once it falls on the floor of the Sepulchre, that should be enough to release the fragment//

    There was another tremor; it was less violent than the last but lasted longer; Lisa almost lost her footing once again.

    “It’s going to self-destruct?” she said blankly.

    //It will if we don’t hurry// Suicune said. //Quickly, Lisa …//

    Suicune raised his head to allow Lisa access to his cobalt-furred chest. She glanced at the sharp crystal that formed the tip of the sceptre uneasily before moving to Suicune’s side, sceptre extended.

    //You must make an incision near the heart. The blood has to be fresh// Suicune urged.

    Lisa nodded earnestly. Her hands quivered as she raised the crystalline blade to the fur on Suicune’s chest.

    //A little further down – yes, right there. Hold the sceptre tightly, Lisa. Now, make the cut// Suicune’s voice echoed calmly in her pounding ears.

    “Okay, here goes,” Lisa said in a terrified voice.

    She gripped the sceptre tightly in both hands and, murmuring a silent, jumbled prayer, she pressed the diamond blade into the soft skin. A thin red cut began to open up.

    “N-nearly done,” Lisa quavered.

    All of a sudden, Suicune gave a guttural growl and threw all his weight down onto the blade. The sceptre burst through his flesh and tore his heart into a hundred pieces. Her arms trapped beneath his bulk, Lisa watched in horror, her scream mingling with his almighty roar, as crimson blood exploded in bucketloads from his chest, his violet-black eyes reeling backwards as he fitted violently, legs and head flailing in agony, until the ice-white aurora on his back extinguished itself and his dead, broken body went limp, leaving Lisa alone to a private eternity of terror.
    Last edited by Gavin Luper; 4th October 2011 at 01:07 PM.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Lisa the Legend: Chapter 73 now up! (4th October)

    That was an epic chapter. Very reminiscient of the Half-Blood Prince. The surface of the lake, pulling out the sword (although I guess that's more Chamber of Secrets/Deathly Hallows), what happened at the end... I was actually quite suspicious that Suicune was lying. Just because it seemed that we could no longer trust "revelations". But after what happened at the end, I don't see how Suicune could have been lying. And I wonder whether the guarded power will ever be revealed to us... because we can't pin it down, it seems more horrible than anything that could be put on paper. I really enjoyed the Jenna O'Brien bit, injecting a bit of humour at a crucial point. But it seemed like Lance and Sarah were acting way too young -- especially Sarah, who actually acted like a high school girl. And the phrase "I assume you are still young enough to believe that power and wealth can be dangerous and corrupting things" felt awkward. It felt like Suicune was saying that Lisa was naive for believing that, and that the truth was that power was not corrupting. Like when people say "you are still young enough to believe in the tooth fairy".

    Looking forward to the next chapter!
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
    2007 Silver Pencils: Winner of Best Poem (Death Sonnet -- Untitled)
    2004 Silver Pencils: Winner of Nicest Fanficcer & Least Likely Couple (with PancaKe)
    Former 3-time winner of Most Dedicated Reader at the Fanfiction Forums
    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Lisa the Legend: Chapter 73 now up! (4th October)

    Just caught up with everything. I'm in awe at how much of your recent work ties in with that you've written at the very beginning. It's a true testament to your vision for the fic that this has become so much more than a Pokemon fic.

    The last chapter was interesting, especially the notion that Lisa's loved ones and ancestors lied - but not conventionally. All the information passed down over 700 years had to suffer, especially with Suicune's notion that humans have intentions and traits which he does not.

    I'm curious about this vast power - I'm thinking it's something very unusual as opposed to a huge force. Could it be something supernatural? All I can think of is something really comic book-y (mind reading, precognition, something with death?) but Suicune noted it was a terrible power.

    Gripped for the next chapter!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Lisa the Legend: Chapter 73 now up! (4th October)

    Quote Originally Posted by mistysakura View Post
    That was an epic chapter. Very reminiscient of the Half-Blood Prince. The surface of the lake, pulling out the sword (although I guess that's more Chamber of Secrets/Deathly Hallows), what happened at the end...
    Yes, I couldn't help shake those vibes off, too, especially when re-reading the part when Suicune is all "promise you'll do what I say in the Sepulchre", etc. - very directly reminiscent of Dumbledore. The funny thing is, I wrote this chapter back in 2009 (yeah, that's how many chapters I have stockpiled ...) so I don't even remember if I was directly inspired by HBP or not at the time. It actually happens for a couple of other things in future chapters - I have moments where I try to remember if I had had a particular idea before or after I read Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows. There is at least one plot point coming up that I had planned years and years ago, and then when I read Deathly Hallows in 2007 I was like "oh crap, now it looks like I'm copying Harry Potter". But them's the breaks. And let's face it, Harry Potter was a huge influence on the direction this fic took circa 2002-3.

    Quote Originally Posted by mistysakura View Post
    I was actually quite suspicious that Suicune was lying. Just because it seemed that we could no longer trust "revelations". But after what happened at the end, I don't see how Suicune could have been lying.
    I won't confirm or deny anything here.

    Quote Originally Posted by mistysakura View Post
    And I wonder whether the guarded power will ever be revealed to us... because we can't pin it down, it seems more horrible than anything that could be put on paper.
    Hmm, yes, I agree - the unknown is a lot more frightening than something known. Unless, perhaps, the thing, once known, turns out to be truly terrible.

    Quote Originally Posted by mistysakura View Post
    I really enjoyed the Jenna O'Brien bit, injecting a bit of humour at a crucial point. But it seemed like Lance and Sarah were acting way too young -- especially Sarah, who actually acted like a high school girl.
    Yeah, it probably was a bit lighter in tone, but as you pointed out ... the chapter needed it. It would have been way too heavy otherwise - the revelations and then Suicune's sacrifice. For the record, Sarah is eighteen years old, so not far off a high-school girl, really.

    I hope Lance didn't seem too young-acting - I know I hate it when characters act out of character in a story, it really hurts the plausibility of the world created. Did it jar badly, or just slightly?

    (One of the pitfalls of starting this fic when I was thirteen, of course, is the slightly unrealistic ages of the characters. Having Lisa and Gavin running around as fifteen and sixteen year olds seemed entirely realistic at the time, but as an adult now I kind of wish I could scrap the whole thing and age them up - it would give me a lot more room to move and be a lot more plausible. But hey, this isn't a novel, it's a fanfic from my youth and it's drawing to a close, so I'm gonna enjoy the innocence of it while I can.)

    Quote Originally Posted by mistysakura View Post
    And the phrase "I assume you are still young enough to believe that power and wealth can be dangerous and corrupting things" felt awkward. It felt like Suicune was saying that Lisa was naive for believing that, and that the truth was that power was not corrupting. Like when people say "you are still young enough to believe in the tooth fairy".
    Ah ... I didn't realise it could be so easily interpreted that way. What I (or Suicune) actually meant was that power and wealth ARE indeed dangerous and corrupting things, and young people tend to recognise that, but as they grow older they often end up becoming corrupted by power and wealth themselves and no longer view them with the same suspicion they once did. Does that make sense?

    Quote Originally Posted by mistysakura View Post
    Looking forward to the next chapter!
    I hope you like it - will post once the other readers have had a chance to catch up, roughly a week or so from now, I hope. NaNoWriMo is just three weeks away, which is terrifying ... I think I may end up finishing LTL altogether by the end of November. So, chapters will be in abundance!

    Thank you so much for returning to read and reply - appreciated muchly, as you know. See you next chapter, Ada!

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris 2.1 View Post
    Just caught up with everything. I'm in awe at how much of your recent work ties in with that you've written at the very beginning. It's a true testament to your vision for the fic that this has become so much more than a Pokemon fic.
    Hey, Chris - great to see you back here, too. Thanks very much - yes, this will start happening more and more as we draw nearer to the end of the fic. Lots of things, even seemingly insignificant ones, that happened very early on - in books one and two - were made specifically with a view to being clues to later plot points, or to making much more sense to a reader once they had read the conclusion of the fic.

    You're right: it's true that this is scarcely a pokemon fic anymore. If anything, I like to think of it now as a kind of adolescent action-adventure. I have even toyed with the idea of stripping it all back to something original, but as soon as I do that (I've tried drafting it), the essence of the fic gets lost in translation. So I think I've finally made my peace with enjoying this for what it is - a fanfiction and a fun relic from my youth - while simultaneously looking forward to finishing it off and moving on to some original long form work at last.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris 2.1 View Post
    The last chapter was interesting, especially the notion that Lisa's loved ones and ancestors lied - but not conventionally. All the information passed down over 700 years had to suffer, especially with Suicune's notion that humans have intentions and traits which he does not.
    I wanted it to be realistic, and the reality is that humans are far from perfect: they usually act with their own interests at the forefront of their minds when making decisions. Even if that is sometimes at the cost of the truth.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris 2.1 View Post
    I'm curious about this vast power - I'm thinking it's something very unusual as opposed to a huge force. Could it be something supernatural? All I can think of is something really comic book-y (mind reading, precognition, something with death?) but Suicune noted it was a terrible power.
    Of course I can't say anything yet, but Suicune was right in what he described it as.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris 2.1 View Post
    Gripped for the next chapter!
    Excellent, glad to hear it! Thanks again for stopping by to catch up and read LTL again, it's great to have you back here.

    Chapter 74 ... as you can probably determine from what I said to Ada above ... was written in 2009 and has been edited a lot since then. So, I'll give it another week or perhaps a fortnight, and then press on with that. So exciting now.

    Cheers dudes!
    Last edited by Gavin Luper; 9th October 2011 at 10:21 PM.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Lisa the Legend - Chapter 74 now up! (19th October)

    Okay, it's been a fortnight, so here's the next chapter!

    A couple of things I want to ask all my readers:

    1. I hope I'm not going too fast for some of the regular readers who haven't yet had a chance to read the last chapter - do I need to slow it down a bit? I know LTL chapters over the past few years have always taken several months to be posted, so I know I'm breaking the pattern by updating regularly again, but I would hope this is a good thing! ^_^ But if you guys want me to slow down a bit, I can. Let me know.

    2. Do you guys like the "previously on" section at the beginnings of chapters? I know Ada liked them for one, but does it work for the rest of you? And those of you who do like it, should it be a bit shorter - as it seems to take up quite a large part of the post now - or is that totally okay for you guys as readers?

    And a couple of things I just wanted to note down:

    1. This is Chapter 74, and, incidentally, some of the events referred to in this chapter originally happened in Chapter 47. Just thought I'd note that 1) the numbers were the reverse of one another and 2) that's how long it's taken for something I foreshadowed in 2004 to come to fruition now, at long last.

    2. Remember when I changed the name of Book III to "LTL III: Rogue"? Well, scrap that: I've reverted to the original title. So, Book III (this current tome) is now (once again) entitled: Lisa the Legend III: Revelation.

    Hope you enjoy this one, guys. And again, if I'm going too fast with these and you'd like more time to R&R between chapters, let me know!



    Previously on Lisa the Legend:

    Lisa and Gavin discovered the apparently dead body of a legendary beast on their return trek from Port Valeo:

    Raikou, the legendary beast of electricity, was lying spread-eagled on the rocky ground of the gorge, clearly dead. Lisa stared at the beast, completely overcome with disbelief and confusion. The creature did not appear to be breathing; it’s chest was not moving at all and it’s yellow underbelly was oozing blood from a deep gash. The image seemed familiar to Lisa, but she could not recall why.

    “ Oh – oh my God …” Lisa gaped, unable to articulate her shock.

    Lisa discovered the truth of her relationship to the Legend ...

    Her father was still speaking, but Lisa heard his voice as if he were calling to her down a cold, dark well. “When you were four years old, Suicune bound itself to you, Lisa. I was there … I saw too late what happened … there was nothing I could do … And so the same thing happened to Lance and Azura … Darius became bound to Entei, and Marina to Raikou … everything changed … by the Legend, it means you kids … the three of you … are now the ones bound to protect the secret … guard the legendaries … you are the ones …”

    ... and the truth of her relationship to Suicune:

    “Exactly,” Dad said. “The only way anyone can take the fragment of key hidden within the Sepulchre of Suicune is to have you enter it, Lisa, as you are the guardian of Suicune. That’s why the Union tracked you down so vehemently over the past four months, Lisa; that’s why you’ve been the object of their attacks so many times. Once they possessed you, they could effectively force you into the Sepulchre of Suicune, once they found it, and lo and behold, they’d be a step closer to having all the keys and finally having access to the secret in the shrine of the legendaries.”

    Lisa, Marina and Gavin escaped the reaches of both the Union and the Guard to attempt to fulfil to Lisa's new mission:

    “Lisa’s bleached her hair and gone into renegade action-fighter mode,” Marina said dryly. “We’re gonna break into the Sepulchre of Suicune and get the key fragment ourselves! Come along for the ride, it’ll be heaps fun!”

    Gavin’s face had gone slack. “Wait – what?”

    “I’m not going back to the safe house,” Lisa said.

    “Why the hell not?”

    Lisa fought the urge to snap at him.

    “Because I’m so sick of this constant running, the constant hiding from the Union, hoping they don’t find me,” she said tersely. “And I’ve realised the sooner I get the fragment of the key that’s in the Sepulchre, the sooner the Union will have no use for me anymore.”

    And Lisa's date with destiny came to a tragic end:

    //A little further down – yes, right there. Hold the sceptre tightly, Lisa. Now, make the cut// Suicune’s voice echoed calmly in her pounding ears.

    “Okay, here goes,” Lisa said in a terrified voice.

    She gripped the sceptre tightly in both hands and, murmuring a silent, jumbled prayer, she pressed the diamond blade into the soft skin. A thin red cut began to open up.

    “N-nearly done,” Lisa quavered.

    All of a sudden, Suicune gave a guttural growl and threw all his weight down onto the blade. The sceptre burst through his flesh and tore his heart into a hundred pieces. Her arms trapped beneath his bulk, Lisa watched in horror, her scream mingling with his almighty roar, as crimson blood exploded in bucketloads from his chest, his violet-black eyes reeling backwards as he fitted violently, legs and head flailing in agony, until the ice-white aurora on his back extinguished itself and his dead, broken body went limp, leaving Lisa alone to a private eternity of terror.


    Chapter 74 – The Diary.


    Blood trickled from Suicune’s dead body onto Lisa’s arms.

    Tears splattered from her cheeks onto the bloodsoaked sapphire floor of the Sepulchre, the scene lit by the surreal glow of the azure torchlight.

    “No, no, no …”

    She repeated the word to herself a million times, a tormented mantra sustaining her through the horrific sight of the mangled corpse strewn before her. Vaguely, she was aware of the Sepulchre shaking more violently than ever, but it all seemed rather irrelevant.

    The creature that had guarded her from the beginning – who had just revealed the truth about the Sepulchres – the real truth – was gone forever.

    She tried to ignore the rising tide of betrayal in her chest; the mounting certainty that Suicune had never intended to just ‘spill some blood’: he had tricked her into murdering him.

    The cavern lurched violently again. There was a metallic clatter: the golden tabernacle, previously affixed to the sapphire wall, had been thrown to the floor by the force of the tremor, its gold bracket twisted and broken.

    The fragment!

    Lisa’s eyes scrambled over the floor: Suicune had said that the fragment of the key would be released after his death … but where was it?

    Her eyes came to the bloody body still leaking over her arms. The visceral smell of it hit her suddenly and her vision blurred. Mustering all her strength, and closing her eyes as she did it, Lisa yanked her arms and the sceptre from beneath Suicune’s broken form; there was a disturbing sucking noise and she felt some slimy organ slide over her hands as she finally extracted them.

    She opened her eyes: her arms and sleeves were completely soaked in red blood and small morsels of flesh. Somehow, the urge to vomit did not overcome her: the shock was simply too great.

    Unexpectedly, the crystal blade at the head of the sceptre in her hands, despite being covered in blood, too, was glowing: instead of transparent white, it was now as blue as any of the tiny sapphires that encrusted the silver sceptre itself, and even more resplendent: it looked almost like it was pulsating.

    Lisa’s fuzzy mind tried to connect the dots. Suicune had said the sceptre was not the fragment. And yet, he had also claimed his death was not necessary to obtaining the fragment. Lisa shook her head. Surely he wouldn’t completely mislead her … the key must be elsewhere in the cave …

    On her knees, she shuffled over to the golden tabernacle and shook it vigourously, but nothing fell out of it. She scanned the cleft where it had previously resided, but there was no sign of any key there, either. Desperate, she glanced up at the azure torches affixed to the wall and saw that one of them had been extinguished.

    For a moment, her eyes were glued to the top of the sconce. The extinguished torch was comprised not of a thin wooden rod but rather, a tiny, ornately-shaped stick of what looked like glass.

    Lisa hauled herself to her feet and, gripping the sceptre in her left hand, reached her right hand tentatively up into the sconce; however, it was not hot to the touch: on the contrary, it was cold, as if a flame had not burned in it for centuries. Lisa closed her fingers over the piece of glass-like material and pulled it out with ease.

    She held it up to the light of the still-burning azure torch: barely an inch long, it was made of clear crystal and featured a series of small bittings and a shallow groove down its length.

    Feeling nothing, Lisa tucked the fragment into the tightest, most secure pocket in Jamie’s jeans.

    She had taken about two steps toward the enormous doorway when the Sepulchre heaved its almighty final tremor. She fell to the floor, slamming the side of her face into the sapphire and almost losing the sceptre as around her the Sepulchre of Suicune tore itself to shreds: the torches collapsed from the wall as if there was nothing fixing them to it; they clattered to the floor and, in the same instant, the cleft in the wall suddenly exploded, showering the chamber in a fine mist of sapphire dust before, unexpectedly, an enormous jet of water gushed into the Sepulchre from where the cleft had been.

    The volume of water gushing into the tiny chamber was immense: before Lisa had even reacted, water had covered the floor of the entire Sepulchre and was splashing against the closed doors and Suicune’s destroyed corpse. The final torch – still burning on the floor – fizzled out underwater; the only source of light came from the sapphire luminescence of the sceptre.

    Lisa lifted her head from the floor just in time to avoid a mouthful of water. Her head was throbbing. She squinted through the pain and realised that the Sepulchre would fill with water in a matter of a minute or so; amid the cacophonous roar of the incoming flood of water, she gripped the sceptre, clambered awkwardly to her feet and, patting her pockets, waded for the door, the foamy water already swirling around her knees.

    She never reached the door. Just as the water level reached her thigh, there was a deep, resonant crack beneath her that reverberated through her entire body; it sounded like an iceberg breaking apart.

    Her feet searched the floor and found empty space.


    Surrounded by a whirl of cold, foaming water, Lisa plummeted into a crevasse, propelled by the water. Holding her breath and barely able to shield her head and face with her arms, she slid down a dark, narrow tunnel for a terrifying twenty seconds, her face battered by water and dank air, until, quite abruptly, the rock tunnel around her disappeared, replaced by cool, fresh air and blinding sunlight; but before her eyes adjusted to the brightness, she was plunged underwater again.

    Her lungs were about to burst. Eyes darting around the pearly, submarine landscape, Lisa realised with a rush of relief where she was. Kicking furiously, she propelled herself to the surface, emerging, exhausted, in the middle of Lotus Lake.

    She glanced up: a waterfall was now cascading from the hole in the rocky cliff face that she had shot out from. The water frothed and eddied around her shoulders, the noise of the cascade and the tingle of bubbles popping on her skin forming an unlikely residue of the terror chamber from whence they had come.


    Though it was Gavin’s panicked voice that reached her from the shoreline, it was Marina’s strong, well-practised arms that took her under the shoulders and pulled her back toward the shallows.

    “Are you okay?” Marina panted breathlessly, hauling Lisa’s weight along with her as she sidestroked in Gavin’s direction.

    Lisa murmured something unclear: she wasn’t even quite sure of what she had said. She felt dazed, the horrible reality of what had happened in the Sepulchre chasing her mind. She knew she ought to help Marina by kicking her legs, but every droplet of energy seemed to have left her.

    “There we go,” Marina said gently as they reached the shore.

    The pebbles grazing her arm shook Lisa from her daze. She sat up gingerly, blinking against the sun, before clambering out of the shallow water and onto dry land.

    Gavin knelt down beside them and placed a hand on Lisa’s shoulder.

    “Lisa, what happened to you?!” he demanded anxiously.

    Lisa followed his eyes down to her formerly green-and-black T-shirt and ripped jeans: although the rush of water had given her a thorough clean, everything was now stained with Suicune’s blood.

    “It’s not mine,” she managed, forcing words past the lump in her throat.

    She felt, rather than saw, Gavin and Marina exchange glances.

    “Are you okay? Did you get the key?” Gavin pressed.

    “I got it,” Lisa said weakly, patting her pocket.

    Both Gavin and Marina beamed; Gavin’s elation extended itself into a mighty whoop.

    “That’s awesome!”

    Marina’s smile, however, tumbled into a concerned grimace.

    “What happened, Lisa?”

    Lisa felt Marina’s gaze burning the side of her face, but she couldn’t bear to make eye contact. A wave of something like shame, or guilt, overcame her: she couldn’t shake the knowledge that, even if Suicune had conned her, it had been at her hand – thanks to her own naďveté – that he had died. The fact that she had retrieved the key fragment was meaningless: all she could think about was Gavin and Marina’s faces when they discovered what she had done in the Sepulchre; when they found out that Suicune was dead.

    “Lisa? Are you alright? Tell us what happened in there …”

    “I don’t want to talk about it.”

    Her voice was quite as empty as her heart. She rose to her feet.

    “We should head back,” she announced robotically, looking in Gavin and Marina’s direction but deliberately fixing her eyes on the waterfall behind them.

    Without waiting for a response, she turned and strode aggressively toward the main path, her bones groaning silently and her eyes brimming with salt.


    “Food and drinks are on me,” Marina chirped, brandishing a fifty dollar note and smiling encouragingly at Lisa.

    Lisa couldn’t manage a proper smile back, instead briefly parting her lips and flashing her teeth in an apologetic gesture to show Marina that she knew what she was trying to do, but it wasn’t going to work.

    “Lisa, what do you want?”

    “Nothing, I’m fine.”

    She didn’t know why she said it. The walk back from Lotus Lake had been long so far, and the sun had given her a headache.

    “Right … okay … Gav?”

    Gavin was scrutinising a row of protein bars at the counter with a look of mingled contempt and curiosity.

    “Coke and a burger. No, I’ll pay, it’s cool …”

    “I’ll find a table,” Lisa muttered, only half sure that they had heard her.

    She pushed through the queue for the slushie machine and navigated her way through the crowded cafeteria. They had stopped for a rest break at Gatehouse 42, a popular hangout for trainers and travellers situated at the west end of the National Park. The gatehouse was particularly busy today: it was a Wednesday afternoon and by the looks of it, the results of the some kind of special Bug-Catching Contest – ‘Weedly Wednesdays’ – had just been announced; groups of teenagers Lisa’s age or younger were clustered in the lounge, boisterously comparing their finds.

    “Well, I was going to go for like a Butterfree or something pretty like that,” a blonde girl gabbled to her friends as Lisa pushed past, “but I decided on a Caterpie, because I want to really take part in her evolutionary journey and, like, really be there for her at each step, you know?”

    “That’s so, like, down to earth, Tahnee,” cooed an almost identical-looking girl.

    Lisa’s frown – already a firm fixture on her face – deepened.

    She eventually located an empty table at the back of the cafeteria, positioned right underneath an extravagant floor-to-ceiling poster of local personality Kipp Anderson. Her muscles breathed a deep sigh of relief as she sank into the wooden chair, and yet she was already itching to escape. While walking, she at least had plenty of fresh air and silence to calm her down; on the contrary, Gatehouse 42 was a throbbing adolescent hangout, complete with a miniature game arcade, beanbag-laden lounge and buoyant dance-pop music blasting through the speakers. The vibe was insouciant, and nothing could have been further from how she felt.

    She stared into the sugar bowl on the white table. The walk had mellowed her somewhat, but she still felt numb with shock and disbelief. Almost unconsciously, she tipped some sugar crystals onto the table and drew lines and patterns through them with her fingers.

    “Grub’s up!” came Gavin’s voice.

    He and Marina appeared at the table with a red plastic tray loaded with three plates and several drinks.

    “I said I didn’t want anything,” Lisa said shortly, as Marina placed a burger, salad and chips before her.

    “I know, Lisa, and I know you’re in a funny mood, but that doesn’t mean your body stops needing nourishment,” she said matter-of-factly, placing a tall glass beside the plate. “I got you an iced coffee because I know you love them, and a bottle of water too in case you’re dehydrated.”

    Lisa bristled and pushed the glass away deliberately.

    “Uh-oh, it’s serious now,” Gavin laughed. “She’s even refusing coffee.”

    “Could you just shut up and not be a complete tosser, for just once in your life?” Lisa snarled.

    Gavin blinked.

    “I was just muckin’ around, Leese.”

    “Yeah, well, for once just stop making light about serious things,” Lisa spat. “Just stop it. You have no idea what I just went through so stop treating it like I’m overreacting or something!”

    “Well, how are we meant to know what you went through if you won’t even tell us?” Gavin shot back.

    Lisa felt a sudden urge to punch him in the face; before she could, however, Marina stepped in.

    “Guys, chill. Gavin, just –” She stopped short; Gavin muttered the word “mustard” and left the table swiftly. “– just do that then …” She turned to Lisa, an exasperated expression on her face. “Lisa, I know what you’ve been through was probably really hard –”

    “You have no idea!”

    “Well, actually I do, Lisa.”

    She stared soberly into Lisa’s eyes until, suddenly, comprehension dawned on Lisa, a cold veil draped over her shoulders, chilling her core.

    “Oh … oh my God …”

    “Yeah. I was there when the Union entered the Sepulchre of Raikou, remember? I mean, I was their key to getting in, obviously.”

    “You should have told us the truth about that when we rescued you,” Lisa said shortly. “Why didn’t you?”

    “I already told you, I was … in shock. Kind of like you are now, Lisa.” Marina stirred her milkshake distractedly with her straw. “I just wanted to get home and tell my mum what had happened … Surely you can understand that?”

    Lisa hesitated. “Yeah, I can, I’m sorry. It just hurt when I found out you already knew about the Legend …”

    “I didn’t know that much. Still don’t,” she replied bracingly. “But I’ve been through the Sepulchre thing myself so maybe I know a little how you feel.”

    Lisa’s flesh turned to goosebumps. Oddly, her heart felt a little lighter. If Marina had entered the Sepulchre of Raikou, she too must have had to perform the same ritual as Lisa. The image of Raikou’s dead body sprawled in the Ikoswit gorge resurfaced in her mind. Had the fatal gash on Raikou’s underbelly been Marina’s work after all?

    Marina looked around fervently and lowered her voice so that only Lisa could hear her. “I know I was terrified when the Union took me down to the Sepulchre of Raikou. It was terrifying. Having to battle those Spinarak, walking in the dark tunnels wondering if they were going to collapse in on me …”

    “Did you do it or did he make you?” Lisa said all at once.

    Marina’s eyebrow tilted sharply.


    “Raikou. Did he talk you into killing him or did he trick you, like Suicune tricked me?”

    Marina’s jaw went slack.

    “What?! You mean Suicune – you killed – he’s dead?!”

    She clapped her hand to her mouth, eyes wide with shock.

    Electric terror buzzed through Lisa’s mind.

    “You said you’d been through the same thing!” she hissed.

    “Lisa – oh my God … what did you do?”

    “It wasn’t my fault!” Lisa whispered quickly, her face burning and eyes prickling. “He made me! He tricked me! He said the only way to get the key fragment was to spill his blood. He –” The tears began to flow freely. “– he forced me to do it. I didn’t have a choice.”

    “Oh God … Leese …”

    Marina’s arms were around her at once; Lisa let go and, silently and unabashedly, she let the tears fall on Marina’s shoulder for a minute, unperturbed by the whispering of some nearby teens.

    “You poor thing,” Marina said presently, rubbing her back.

    Feeling as though a great weight had lifted from her chest, Lisa wiped her eyes on the dirty sleeve of her black T-shirt and pulled away from Marina. Even in her fragile state, her mind was churning: something wasn’t adding up.

    “Marina,” she said slowly, reaching for her iced coffee and taking a quick, revitalising sip. “Are you telling me Raikou didn’t make you do that at all?”

    Marina’s brow furrowed.

    “No, of course not.” Her eyes bulged suddenly. “No, the Union had both me and Raikou captured and they made us both enter the Sepulchre against our will. I was blindfolded and handcuffed to that bitch, Veronica …”

    “Then how did they get the key fragment?” Lisa pressed urgently, almost forgetting to keep her voice at a whisper. Something was bubbling inside her chest.

    “Well, I never saw,” Marina admitted slowly. “I know they attacked Raikou and then, I dunno, I heard them moving around. They said they’d got the fragment. They were really happy. And then we bolted, because the Sepulchre started to self-destruct or something – there were massive explosions … it was terrifying …”

    Lisa remembered laying on the beach and hearing the first of those explosions, distantly, through the forest.

    “So you never actually saw them get the fragment.”

    “Well, no, as I said … but Leese, they’d got it, obviously, otherwise they wouldn’t be celebrating.” Marina stirred her milkshake nervously. “What are you thinking?”

    “Just before it happened, Suicune told me that only I could access the key fragment. Only the human Guardian, with his sceptre, may spill the blood of the Legendary Guardian and claim the key fragment. That’s what he said.”

    Marina frowned. “Sceptre?”

    “I think that backs up my case even more,” Lisa said pensively. Her mind was accelerating now, darting to new conclusions. “Marina, what if Raikou duped the Union and gave them a fake key fragment?”

    “How could he have done that?”

    Lisa shrugged. “I don’t know, but let’s say he did. Let’s imagine there’s some kind of inbuilt safeguard in the whole set-up, you know, in case the wrong people get access to the Sepulchre. That would mean the real key fragment is still sitting there. That would mean that Raikou is still alive!”

    “Leese, it’s a bit out there. Maybe there’s more than one way to get the fragment.”

    “If there is, why would Suicune voluntarily choose the one where he has to, you know … be killed?”

    “Maybe it doesn’t have to be the Guardian who does it, though,” Marina ventured, although her voice wavered.

    “Suicune said it did. Only the human Guardian may spill his blood and claim the key fragment. I’m telling you, this adds up …”

    “You said he tricked you once, though. Maybe it’s not true.”

    “He tricked me into killing him by telling me I only had to make a flesh wound. Then he –” Lisa steeled herself. “– threw himself onto the sceptre and killed himself.” She took a hearty gulp of iced coffee. “He knew all along what he was doing. It’s true.”

    Marina mulled it over for a moment.

    “Lisa, if you’re right,” she said evenly. “This could be huge.”

    “I know …”

    “I … I could retrieve the fragment myself. Do you think Raikou would be at his Sepulchre still?”

    “Suicune appeared to me the moment we got to Lotus Lake. He wanted me to get the fragment. Maybe Raikou wants the same thing. Maybe they planned it together.”

    Abruptly, Marina’s mobile phone vibrated violently on the white table. Despite the phone being set on silent, the resonance of the vibrations was not too far from deafening.

    “It’s just Lance’s office again,” Marina said dismissively, talking over the top of the vibration. “They’ve been calling me and Gavin all day, more or less.”

    The vibrating ceased. Marina seized the opportunity and switched her mobile off.

    “If we can give them two fragments at the end of all this,” she said, “they might not hate us quite as much for not telling them what we’re up to.” She sighed. “Mum must be going absolutely spare.”

    “We’re doing the right thing,” Lisa said firmly.

    “Then why do I feel so guilty?” Marina demanded. Her voice was suddenly frail, though her face remained tightly drawn. “Seriously, Lisa,” she pressed, “I keep thinking about what I did, not getting on that plane. Mum and everyone will be so worried about me.”

    “We’ll tell them what’s going on as soon as we can,” Lisa said uneasily; she wasn’t used to Marina showing any vulnerability, nor was she sure that she possessed the emotional strength to comfort Marina so soon after needing such comfort herself.

    “And I fought so hard to be allowed to go to Red Rock to get you. Mum too. She’s going to absolutely slaughter me.” She bit her lip and swallowed what must have been a lump of anxiety in her throat before leaning toward Lisa. “If we go after this second fragment, that’s the end of it, right? We give them to the Guard and go back to the safe house, as sucky as it is, yeah?”

    Lisa squirmed. She had not yet communicated to Marina – at least, not fully – her distrust of the Guard and its members. The knowledge of how easily the organisation had been infiltrated in the past disconcerted her. However, the potential acquisition of a second fragment offered a solution to a dilemma she had until now been unable to solve: what to do with the first fragment. If they managed to acquire both fragments, perhaps they could give Marina’s to the Guard, while she, Lisa, hid hers somewhere only known to her.

    “Yeah, I think that sounds about right,” she replied.

    “This is exciting, though,” Marina said eagerly, her voice regaining its usual confidence. “Getting another fragment, by ourselves …”

    “You’d have to, you know, kill Raikou, though,” said Lisa solemnly.

    “Mm. I know. But … if it’s how it’s meant to be, it’s how it’s meant to be, right?”

    “Guess so.”

    “And if the fragment’s not there, or Raikou doesn’t want to enter the Sepulchre, we haven’t lost anything …”

    “I know,” Lisa said, and she was a little surprised that she finally managed a smile.

    With a subtle cough, Gavin returned to the table, mustard bottle in hand, and sat down heavily in his seat.

    “What took you so long?” Marina asked brashly.

    Gavin lifted the top of his burger and squirted an obscene volume of mustard onto the top of the beef patty.

    “What kind of tight arses run this place? I had to fight the rest of the cafeteria for the one and only bottle of mustard. Well,” he smirked, looking up at Lisa, “that, and I wanted to give someone’s hormones a chance to return to normal levels.”

    Lisa winced.

    “I’m sorry Gav, I know I totally snapped at you before. I’m really sorry.”

    “Forgiven,” Gavin shrugged, picking up his burger and regarding its dripping form almost lustily. “So, what’d I miss?”

    Lisa’s honey-brown eyes met Marina’s laughing hazel ones.

    “You tell him – I’m starving,” Lisa said, tucking into her burger heartily.


    The beep of a new text message arriving woke the woman from a sleep riddled with bad dreams.

    Her hand scrambled on the nightstand and found the pink-and-silver mobile phone; the time on the phone was 1:21 AM.

    1 new message received – Joe.

    She opened the message, rubbing her eyes vigorously.

    Check your emails. You fly to Goldenrod City tomorrow. Told you I’d have the 3rd Key’s location within 24 hours.

    “Bastard,” Veronica Stawell smirked.


    A soft-skinned hand touched Lisa’s arm.

    “Lisa, it’s just me, Marina.”


    “I know it’s early but you wanted us to wake you up before we left, remember?”

    “Before we go-goed, even.”

    “At least you make yourself laugh, Gavin. Leese? C’mon, wake up.”

    “Here, let me.”

    The soft hand was replaced with a rougher, tighter grip. Gavin shook her gently before, all of a sudden, a blast of cold air rushed over Lisa’s body.

    “Gavin, you idiot!” Lisa cried, finally torn from her half-slumber.

    “That’s mean, Gav,” came Marina’s voice.

    “Works every time, though.”

    Deprived of her covers and shivering, Lisa opened her eyes. Gavin and Marina stood before her, rucksacks already loaded on their backs. Satisfied that Lisa was now fully awake, Gavin graciously returned her doona, smirking.

    “So you guys are off already then?” Lisa murmured, tightening the doona around her body. She glanced at the clock on Dave’s bedroom wall: it was only six o’clock in the morning.

    “Yeah, Mel said she’d give us some breakfast before we leave,” Gavin explained.

    Lisa nodded in comprehension. After returning to Gavin’s dingy apartment in Goldenrod City the previous night, the trio had plotted the next step in their plans over another round of greasy pizzas and soft drinks. Emerald Plains – the location of the Ikoswit Gorge and the Sepulchre of Raikou – was a long walk away, a couple of weeks at least, but after calling his old friend Melanie (“She owes me a favour.”), Gavin was able to persuade her to drive them to Emerald Plains in her car.

    “Are you sure we can trust Mel, though?” Lisa had demanded, licking mozzarella off her fingers. “We can’t alert anyone to what we’re up to.”

    “She was my Uncle Eusine’s best friend and companion, and she always looked out for me ever since my parents – well – you guys know the story. She’s a real friend, and she’d never rat us out, I’d bet my life on it. Besides, we won’t tell her any of the dirty details.”

    “Alright,” Lisa had said eventually, “I trust your judgment.”

    “My biggest worry,” Marina had said, brandishing a slice of margarita pizza, “is that the Union will catch us, and we’ll lose the one fragment we’ve got. Maybe we should split up?”

    “I agree,” Gavin had said.

    “Yep, me too,” Lisa had nodded vehemently. “I don’t want to do all that work just to run the risk of losing the key we gained. How about I stay here with the key and you guys go with Mel, then?”

    In the end, her suggestion became the adopted plan, though she did not disclose to the others that her other motivation for staying behind was to recover from the previous day’s ordeal. Nevertheless, she sensed they were both quite sensitive to her emotional state: Marina had given her an enormous hug goodnight, and even Gavin had offered to let her have the final slice of pizza, a thoroughly out-of-character gesture.

    “Well, good luck then,” Lisa said, embracing Marina warmly and patting her on the back. “Stay safe, won’t you?”

    “Please!” grinned Marina, winking; her Guardian Butterfree hovered resolutely over her shoulder.

    Gavin moved forward and swept Lisa into a forceful hug.

    “Don’t answer the door to strangers,” he said, mock-seriously. “Look both ways before you cross the street.”

    “You too,” Lisa chuckled.

    As they parted, Lisa felt Gavin’s lips brush gently against her cheek, almost missing her skin entirely, but the move was so swift it was impossible for her to tell if it was merely an accident or if he had tried to kiss her.

    In any case, his chestnut-brown eyes did not betray his intention. He simply smiled and waved cheerily.

    “See you tonight, hopefully, or tomorrow morning. We’ll text you, okay?”


    “Seeya Leese!” Marina called, waving as she left the room.

    “Seeya guys! Take care! Bye!”

    They left, closing the door of Dave’s room on their way out. A moment later, Lisa heard the front door click shut.

    She considered going back to sleep, but already her mind was buzzing. Although it had really been her idea to stay behind, she suddenly felt left out. Already, Gavin and Marina were embarking on an adventure that she wouldn’t be a part of.

    She sighed heavily and stared at the low ceiling. Maybe there was such a thing as too much adventure. Had she become perversely addicted to it, after everything that had happened? After all, most of her experiences had been terrifying or almost fatal at the time; it was only when she looked back upon them that they became exciting rather than scary. Was she some kind of warped adrenaline junkie?

    She quickly tired of watching dust motes float around Dave’s smelly room. With sunlight breaking through the venetian blinds, she realised that sleep was going to elude her for good, and so she decided to take a shower.

    The bathroom in Gavin and Dave’s apartment was quite as depressingly decorated as the rest of the place. Small brown and cream tiles covered the floor and walls, the grouting between them a sinister black colour: it seemed the bathroom had not seen a mop or sponge for months, if ever. The basin was littered with a small cluster of men’s products – hair wax, shaving cream, cologne – most of them coated in their own residue.

    Lisa stripped off her dirty clothes and regarded herself in the dingy, spotted mirror. She had obtained quite a few bruises in the Sepulchre. Aside from the one on her cheek, she had also received a nasty purple bruise below her right breast and a graze on her stomach. She stared at length at her short, bleached blonde hair. It still amazed her how different she looked with it: she could have been an entirely different person, as far as the Union were concerned. She spent several minutes, too, obsessing a little over her eyes: how tired they now looked, compared to when she had been at Redwood Hospital.

    Already, it seemed like another lifetime. Yet another.

    Eventually tearing herself from the mirror, she pulled the stained and slightly mouldy shower curtain back and ran the water. The pressure wasn’t great, but there was enough of a stream for her to stand under, and it was hot. She spent the better part of a half hour under the warmth of the cascade, letting the water massage her head and cleanse her eyelids. She soaped and rinsed herself three times over before she finally felt that the last of Suicune’s blood was completely off of her; that she was a clean human being once again. By the end of the shower, she even found herself humming her favourite Julienne Brextar song, albeit a slightly slowed-down version.

    Draping the spare towel around herself, Lisa stepped out of the shower recess. As she rubbed her hair dry, her eyes fell on something brown that had half-fallen out of the pocket of her jeans.

    The diary!

    Though she had not forgotten about the small, leather-bound diary that she had discovered within the Sepulchre, it had certainly been pushed from her mind by the excitement of Gavin and Marina’s new quest. She rapidly finished drying herself off, pulled on a pair of knickers, a pair of blue jeans and a black top – all of which Marina had loaned her – and, removing the diary and the crystalline key fragment from the pocket of Jamie’s jeans, took them back into Dave’s bedroom.

    Sitting down on the end of the bed, she hastily pocketed the fragment before running her palm over the smooth front cover of the leather-bound diary. Suicune had said it would be useful to her later – what could possibly be within?

    Her skin tingling, she twisted the tiny gold latch on the side of the diary and opened it up to its first page. Written on the thick, yellowing, parchment-like paper in slanted black ink was Johto’s old mantra:

    Freedom, equality, brotherhood.

    And just below those words, a longer dedication:

    For the exclusive eyes of any son of the Walters family:
    may this aid your quest to do what is right
    and to fight corruption in all its many forms.
    Ryan, if you should find this, please do not judge your father too harshly
    – and of you, Thomas, or any of your descendants, I ask the same –
    if and when you should read this,
    The Diary of Theodore Walters

    “Oh my God,” Lisa gasped.

    In her hands was the diary of her grandfather.


    A strong hand rapped purposefully on the roughly-hewn door of the seaside shack.

    “It’s pretty quiet inside,” noted Gideon, standing a few paces back from the door and wiping his sunglasses on the inside of his black T-shirt. “If they’re in there, they saw us coming.”

    Giles, the shorter of the two, leaned impatiently against the door, before recoiling sharply.

    “Haha! What was that all about, dude?” Gideon guffawed.

    “Splinter,” snapped Giles, readjusting his own aviators in an attempt to regain composure. “Shut up, someone’s coming.”

    The door creaked open. A young man with dusty golden hair and muscular, tattooed arms extending from a blue wife-beater stood on the other side of the threshold, looking as though he had just woken up.

    “Can I help ya?”

    “Hi there, sorry if I woke you. My name’s Giles and this is Gideon, we’re friends of Lisa Walters.”

    A lopsided grin broke Jack Criddle’s tanned face; he extended a meaty, calloused hand.

    “Ah, yer a mate o’ Leese’s ay? Nice t’ meet ya! Name’s Jack Criddle.”

    “Nice to meet you too, Jack,” said Giles cheerily, shaking his hand. “Listen, we’re looking for Lisa and she said she was staying here with you. Is she in?”

    “Leese? Nah mate, yeh missed ‘er by a coupla days ay!”

    Giles exchanged a serious look with Gideon.

    “Darn it. We really need to see her as soon as possible. Do you know where she is now?”

    Jack scratched his head. “No idea mate, sorry! I dropped her an’ her mates off on the mainland on Monday, just outside of Olivine. But I dunno where they were off to.”

    Giles fought the broad grin off his face.

    “Oh right? Which mates were they again? Was it Marina Frost and Gavin Luper?”

    “Yeah, that’s them ay. Gavin and Marina, yeah.”

    “Terrific,” said Giles, his voice controlled. “Well, I can get in touch with Marina or Gavin and pass the message on to Lisa through them I suppose! Thanks for your help anyway, Jack. Sorry to have taken up your time!”

    “Not at all, matey, not at all! Mates o’ Leese are mates o’ mine I reckon! Top sheila, she is!”

    “I agree Jack, she’s a great friend,” Giles smiled, shaking Jack’s outstretched hand again; Gideon flashed a grin from his position near the letter box. “Thanks again.”

    “Cheers!” Jack called.

    Not until they were back on the coast road did Giles and Gideon begin to speak.

    “Third time lucky, hey?” grinned Giles.

    Gideon nodded.

    “I kept an eye on the back exit while you were talking to Jack – nobody left the house,” said Gideon sleekly. “I also kept an eye on his tattoo – it’s pretty fucking cool.”

    “You’re an idiot,” said Giles, retaining his professional tone. “So, either Jack’s lying – which I doubt, the dumb bugger told us pretty much everything we wanted him to – or all three kids have banded together for some reason and are now on the mainland.”

    “Give Lance a call and let him know, then,” said Gideon, as they reached the restaurants and stalls that comprised the busy foreshore of Red Rock Island.

    “Will do,” said Giles, pulling out his sleek, silver mobile phone and pressing ‘2’ on the speed dial.


    “This is mad,” Lisa said to herself, flipping through the worn pages of her grandfather’s diary. There were entries in it dating back as far as the late 1960s, and very few were personal. Almost all the entries that Lisa skimmed through chronicled important discoveries that Theodore Walters made in regards to the Legend, and the history behind it.

    Her heart drumming, Lisa forced herself to go back to the front page and start from the start. However, as she turned over from the title page, she felt her jaw drop once again: her grandfather had inscribed a brief table of contents in his own diary:

    Pages 5 - 60 : Research notes, important discoveries, theories, journalling.
    Pages 61 – 64 : Vital information for quick reference.

    Lisa struggled with her own sense of restraint for a moment before flipping frantically to page 61. An amused smile crossed her face when she saw that her grandfather had even written a header – Vital information for quick reference – and underlined it twice with his fountain pen. Her eyes scanned the page greedily, but page 61 was a disappointment: the scrawled text was in the form of antiquated glyphs. A little nervous, she flipped over to page 62.

    And her heart almost stopped.
    Last edited by Gavin Luper; 5th November 2011 at 08:04 AM.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

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