Saf Zone: Crazy Elf Boy
Quest in Grave's Yard
3 Ultra
Kitsune Chan, Medivh and Mary Celeste
Kit/Mary 100/100
Med: 100/98
You give Gastly an annoyed face, and recall Kit, as that was enough spooking for one day. Gastly floats around happily, laughing at their scare. You continue on, diving through the narrow section first,and then crawling to the light. You dig up and out - and end up at a high point on the Graveyard. You could see all round you, even to the crypt you entered a while ago.
Hrm, only way to go is down, but which direction?
What do you do?
3 Ultra
Kitsune Chan, Medivh and Mary Celeste
Kit: 100/90 --Recalled
Mary/Med: 100/98