hey in a rush with work but here's the collection of poems i been working on. they all go together, so i'll call the whole thing


“Pink Padded Room”

Finally, I go insane and she follows me,
Up to a room with a bed and a door
That locks we grasp and
Claw and gasp and fall and
Off come cold clothes covering her skin
So warm and swelling with a secret,
But before I let her body speak it,
I pull back and stare at
The asylum lying bare in front of me.
It’s over in minutes.


She has me on the end of a yo-yo string,
Swinging wild.
The other end tied down around her finger,
The whir keeps me warm while I wait to come up.

I’ve just never wanted to kiss someone so badly.

“I Like This Timing”

Two years ago this is how it would have gone.
We’re both at this party. I know Jeff, you know Danielle.
A brief introduction and a smile that lasts a second too long.
An hour later our eyes make contact again and I ask you,
“Are you staring at me?”
You tell me what? No! No, I’m not!
“That’s too bad. I had a great line if you were.”
You want me to tell you but I won’t.
“I might want to use it later, when you stare at me again.”
The rest of the words don’t matter,
We know where we’re going.
Each time we talk to someone else our gaze drifts back.
You pass it off, you let it go.
That’s when I sneak up on you.
“There’s something I have to show you.”
I lead you somewhere away from Jeff, Danielle, all of them.
I can feel you smiling at the back of my head.
“It’s this.” I face you. “It’s what you’re feeling, right now,
Knowing you and I are here alone and no one’s watching.
Do you feel that?”
I bet you haven’t blushed this red in years.
“That’s what I wanted to show you.” What I still want to show you.

And skip the months of red tape restraints and if only,
If only two years ago, skip it all in this fantastic moment –
When I grab your waist, pull you in, and nothing stops us from
Well… you know…


Picks up not knowing what to say,
Calls the same way,
Cries with the phone off.
Confesses and not into my embrace,
But into the man bracing himself miles away.

She without courage stands silent next to a stove,
Staring at the fireplace to remember.
What if she burned the whole house down?

But she can live for thirty years, three kids, one husband.
She can forget love alive,
Settle next to love rehearsed – be passion’s fool!

She might even only cry on holidays and birthdays,
In her walk-in closet,
Hard enough to break his heart.
Mine too, if I was still around.

“Thank You”

You fit me like a freshly ironed button-down,
Warm, smooth, so I know I look good.
My shoulders straighten, my voice gets louder,
From cuff to collar, you keep me together.

You could move away and never come back,
No goodbye kiss or hug or smile.
I’d look down, remember one night, any of them,
And that’d be enough.

When you wish me sweet dreams,
When you thank me-
You could stand any man next to me,
And I would feel luckier.

So thank you.