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Thread: War of the Forums

  1. #721
    The slaughter never ends. Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#84)

    "But if anything goes wrong"... then what? o.o I wonder what Dark Sage is concerned might happen... And, of course, I wonder if whatever he's concerned about will happen...

    Oh, and I loved the bickering between Mega Horny and Shuppet Master. XD

  2. #722
    ' 3 ' Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#84)

    I wonder as well with Dark Sage's remark there... what does he have in mind, hm?

    And I love it when Martin use flaming and then spits out a stream of fire at Jay; but hey, I thought mods are supposed not to flame?

    The guy with the big eyebrow? Now, could he be Andrew? Hm... I don't think he is Chris, though.
    Please take it easy~

  3. #723
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#85)

    DS: But how would that be the case? After all, if Dark Sage and company are going against the moderators, wouldn't Jay be their ally by the "enemy of my enemy" adage?

    If you think you've been guessing to this point... heh... eheh... ehehehe...

    Blade: Er, whatever do you mean? That line never appeared on that page. Uh-uh. No sir. Not a chance. And I totally didn't go back and frantically edit the page after seeing your post. Certainly not. I'd never do something like that. Absolutely not. *shiftily glances around*

    MH: ...Okay, actually, I'll go with that. Yeah. That's my excuse, Blademaster. MH is exactly correct. He gets it.

    Phoenixsong: Veddy veddy intellesting. But not veddy funny.

    (Yeah, I have no idea where I heard that line. It was probably some obscure, ancient movie or something.)

    It would seem that DS didn't plan on Jay's escape, yes. (Although his denial could always be for show...) What would happen, indeed? For that matter, what could go wrong? Jay certainly isn't going to go back to the slammer willingly, but what plans does he have?

    And yes, master! I will work faster! *clicks mouse more quickly*

    PC: She's scary. You're right.

    You would think that this would help DS, wouldn't you? How could it possibly hurt him? He seems to be awfully worried about something, but what? Mr. Eyebrows is definitely an enigmatic figure...

    Gabi: I know. It just seemed funny to me, that's all. Worth a mention.

    Sike: What could go wrong? Sike, Sike, Sike. Something can always go wrong. Things can always get worse than they already are. It's a fact of life!

    And yes, the bickering between MH and SM was very entertaining to prepare.

    Faiz: Well, DS is obviously worried about something. Who knows if he's even thinking of anything in particular.

    I've been waiting to use the flaming infraction for a very long time. And note that infractions work a little differently in this world.

    As for the eyebrow man, I know who he is. Does anyone else?

    The following page needs no introduction.

    #85: This page was in the works before I designed the first panel of #1.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  4. #724
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#85)

    The foreshadowing of all of Mr_Pikachu's complaints about multitasking had to lead to something like this eventually.

    btw, I’m totally amused. Sam's said a few times about how I get to be the cute character. We're actually planning on cosplaying Anthy and Utena eventually. If only I can convince Sammy to dye her hair pink... ><
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  5. #725
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#85)

    Martin got a sword through the back?! o.O







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  6. #726
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#85)

    Uh-oh... Jay had some help... (why does that thingy look like a lightsaber? They have lightsabers in Naruto?) Poor Martin... well, perhaps this will teach the other mods to listen to you in the future, eh? Sad that it has to come at the expense of Martin's health/life, though. :/

    So NOW does Faiz step in? I tell you, I'm not going to let that rest!

    Mwahaha... my little servant knows his place... yes... yesssss... be afraid, PC. Be very afraid... mwahahahaha...

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  7. #727
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#85)

    Wow...yeah, I think Blademaster said it all. OMG, Martin's going to die!!!!!!

    Wonder who the monkey is? I came up with this hilarious theory, but I think I'll keep it to myself. Most likely it's not true, but if it is, then I will be highly amused.

    Anyways, is Martin's fate sealed?! OMG, must see #86

  8. #728
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#85)


    I'm gonna go with my gut and say he's dead. I don't know why you would've had a flesh wound planned for 85 pages. Plus, he's not as spritely as he once was ...

    Egad. Plot twist.

    I liked page 84 too: my only question there is, whose unconfirmed report was Shuppet Master passing on? Suspicious indeed.

    EDIT: I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that I reckon Martin stepping down as mod may in fact have been the stimulus for this entire fic. Hey, it's worth a shot!
    Last edited by Gavin Luper; 4th August 2007 at 04:29 AM.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  9. #729
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#85)

    Well, I recall that Martin stepped down after Brian posted the preview, so I don't think he was the stimulus. But I agree that it's a bit odd that this page has been in the works for so long, so it must be really important. I just love it how 'the prisoner' is innocently sucking on Pocky in frame 4. And if the mods get out of this okay, Brian gets to make everyone eat their words about him multitasking.

    For the previous chapter, I wonder how much Drak Sage knows about Jay...
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
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    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  10. #730
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    Default The Golden Pen Award 2007 - The Results Are (Finally!) In!

    And lo… after a long waiting… *unnecessary dramatic pause* the results are here! We would like to thank you to those who have made the award possible; the credits goes to you.

    This year saw a lot of category – with the addition of a few nominations, namely Best Depicted Death, Best Romantic Moment, and the Best Created Card and Most Original Deck awards – which only means more categories brought home by the winners.

    Anyway, without further ado…

    (The winner are in bold)

    General Fic Awards

    Best Fiction Overall
    17 Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    16 Knights to Remember, by classy_cat18
    7 The Quest for the Legends, by Dragonfree
    20 The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0

    Best Pokemon Fic
    15 Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    10 Electric Buggy to Victory, by Andrew
    7 The Quest for the Legends, by Dragonfree
    17 The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    10 Scyther’s Story, by Dragonfree

    Best Yu-gi-oh Fic
    5 Yu-Gi-Oh!: Sorcerer Kings, by Dark Sage
    8 Yu-Gi-Oh: Tilting the Balance, by Master of Paradox
    14 Yu-Gi-Oh!: Twilight Princess, by Blademaster

    Best Nonfiction/Alternate Fandom Fic
    8 Spinner-out of Fate, by firepokemon
    18 War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu
    17 GATE, by Bulbasaur4 and Dr.McNinja
    6 Symmetry, by Samchu and eevee-shayna shayna

    Best Dark Fic
    11 Knights to Remember, by classy_cat18
    7 The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    17 The Origin of Storms, by Sike Saner
    14 Lost Heaven, by Weasel Overlord
    6 A Scarlet Christmas, by IceKing

    Best Trainer Fic
    7 Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    11 Electric Buggy to Victory, by Andrew
    7 The Quest for the Legends, by Dragonfree
    13 The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    14 The Academy: The Sinner and the Saint, by The_Arbiter

    Best Fantasy Fic (Tie)
    14 Divinity, by Bulbasaur4
    13 GATE, by Bulbasaur4 and Dr.McNinja
    9 Quest of Twelve, by Lady Vulpix
    6 Symmetry, by Samchu and eevee-shayna

    Best Comedy Fic
    14 Electric Buggy to Victory, by OzAndrew
    13 Minty Thrill, by DragoKnight
    15 War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu
    5 Baba Yaga’s House of Plastic Surgery, by Phoenixsong
    11 A Fast-Paced Fic, by Mega Horny
    3 The Epic Battle of All Ages, by Iceking

    Best Action
    19 Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    11 The Quest for the Legends, by Dragonfree
    13 The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    5 BloodiER Sword: 3075 A.D., by Mewfour

    Most Original Concept
    8 Spinner-out of Fate, by firepokemon
    21 War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu
    11 Crazy Like a Fox, by Phoenixsong
    7 A Scarlet Christmas, by IceKing

    Best Description
    4 The Quest for the Legends, by Dragonfree
    7 Le Portrait de Petit Cossette, Book 3, by eevee-shayna
    3 Yu-Gi-Oh!: Twilight Princess, by Blademaster
    2 The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    13 Divinity, by Bulbasaur4
    16 //¤// G. A. T. E. \\¤\\ - It Begins..., by winged_follower

    Best Writing Style
    4 Spinner-out of Fate, by firepokemon
    3 Symmetry, by Samchu and eevee-shayna
    12 The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    5 Yu-Gi-Oh!: Twilight Princess, by Blademaster
    7 Chance, by Saffire Persian
    9 Lost Heaven, by Weasel Overlord
    11 The Ties that Bind, by Saffire Persian

    Best Plot
    16 Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    9 Morphic, by Dragonfree
    18 The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    14 Knights To Remember, by classy_cat18

    Most Improved Fic
    20 The Quest for the Legends, by Dragonfree
    17 Divinity, by Bulbasaur4
    10 War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu

    Best Short Story
    15 Me Llamo es Richard, by dratinihaunter13
    11 Bohemian Rhapsody, by dratinihaunter13
    6 Make a Move, by mr_pikachu
    8 True Colors, by Plantae
    8 Uninvited, by Gavin Luper

    Best Poem (Tie)
    13 Just Words, by mr_pikachu
    6 Daimler, by Gavin Luper
    13 Rain Eternal, by mistysakura
    9 Anemone, by fireguardian

    Best Promising New Fic
    9 Yu-Gi-Oh!: Twilight Princess, by Blademaster
    13 Morphic, by Dragonfree
    4 Urban Chaos (A Pokemon ASB Fanfic), by Unsolved Puzzle
    10 +GATE+, by Bulbasaur4 and Dr. McNinja
    11 //¤// G. A. T. E. \\¤\\ - It Begins..., by winged_follower

    Best Single Location (Tie)
    7 The Redwood District Hospital, Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    9 The badger sett, An Encounter Down a Badger Sett, by Weasel Overlord
    9 Andrew’s Bouncy Castle, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    8 The ruins of Alph, //¤// G. A. T. E. \\¤\\ - It Begins... , by winged_follower

    Best Overall Setting
    10 The Quest for the Legends, by Dragonfree
    3 Symmetry, by Samchu and eevee-shayna
    13 TPML Village 04621, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    11 Divinity, by Bulbasaur4
    4 Uninvited, by Gavin Luper

    Fic Moments

    Best Plot Twist
    11 The sisters' scam, Me Llamo es Richard, by dratinihaunter13
    15 The scientists being forced to raise the pokémorph children themselves, Morphic, by Dragonfree
    5 Dave’s real profession, The Silent Man, by Gavin Luper
    2 Pichu is Tomas, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    12 Becca and Mega Horny (to be) getting married, War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu
    7 Brooklyn turning out to be with WAVEX, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0

    Best Battle Scene
    6 Tony vs. the Bulb-is-sore, Minty Thrill, by DragoKnight
    14 The War, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    7 Chris 2.0 vs. Chris Watarimono, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    4 Thunderyu, The Quest for the Legends, by Dragonfree
    8 Wobbuffet vs. Wynaut, The Epic Battle of All Ages, by IceKing

    Most Suspenseful Moment
    13 The aftermath of the debate, Morphic, by Dragonfree
    12 Dave hitting the ground ‘like a sack of potatoes’, The Silent Man, by Gavin Luper
    11 #60 Girl Talk, War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu

    Most Emotional Moment
    5 Lisa's parents reveal the truth, Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    6 Jane's departure, Morphic, by Dragonfree
    10 The second last stanza, Just Words, by mr_pikachu
    5 #63 And these guys rule the world, , War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu
    5 Essax and Faurur’s reunion, The Origin of Storms, by Sike Saner
    11 The scattering of Charizard’s ashes, The Ties that Bind, by Saffire Persian

    Best Romantic Moment
    6 (Autowin) The request, Knights to Remember, by classy_cat18

    Best Comedic Moment
    18 The “Turn off all electronic devices” scene, My Holiday Trip, by dratinihaunter13
    17 mr_pikachu's on-air wardrobe malfunction, War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu
    13 The theft of the soap balls, Minty Thrill, by Dragoknight
    4 The ending of The Epic Battle of All Ages, by IceKing

    Best Depicted Death
    6 Pig-boy's death, Spinner-out of Fate, by fireguardian
    12 Morpheus killing herself, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    5 De Leo getting killed by the Glalie, The Origin of Storms, by Sike Saner
    8 Eli, Le Portrait de Petit Cossette, Book 3, by eevee-shayna
    11 Ecks, shot to death by Callisto, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0

    Best Chapter
    4 Chapter 58 (“Behind the Glass”), Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    8 Chapter 2, Morphic, by Dragonfree
    10 #63 And these guys rule the world, , War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu
    11 The Blue Avenger (Part II), The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    8 Chapter 38.5 - Christian Cronus: Part 2 – Demons, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0

    Best Quote
    9 “Oh yea, first it’s ‘wave to the audience’, then guess who has to tag along to watch his production of ‘Town Without a Turkey’ because his ex is there? I DON’T WANT TO GO SOMEWHERE WHERE HIS EX IS ALLOWED TO KISS MY BOYFRIENDS ASS! HE WASN’T EVEN THAT GOOD! General Cluck was way better. Man I’d like to cluck his…turkey.” – The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    3 “ I know you’re doing the right thing,” she said, trying to choose the best words. “ The Union are the bad guys and the Guard – you – are the good guys. As far as I see it anyway, since you all saved us tonight. But –” Her throat began to seize up again as she reached the hardest part of all, the thing that was tearing her up the most inside. “ But you’re my Mum and Dad. You raised me. You teach me to drive and help me with my homework. That’s – that’s what parents do!” she spluttered. “ You go to work each day to support your family. You dig for fossils and lost treasures and things. You attend meetings and seminars. But you don’t – you DON’T! -” (She nearly shouted this part.) “ – fight wars!” Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    9 "I knew I was a pussy and a social cripple, but one thing I never pegged myself as was a moron." - Richard, Me Llamo es Richard, by dratinihaunter13
    7 ”'s another crazy guy who wants to beat me up. Fantastic.” - Mega Horny, War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu
    8 “Rule #1 of mr_pikachu handbook… If you act like an idiot enough, people will underestimate you!”, War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu
    10 “What IS this? The..frikkin’ wizard of friggin’ Oz? ‘Oooh I want a hangover cure! Oooh I want a sense of humour! Oooh I want to lose my ungodly obsession with FRIJJIN PIRATES YOU WEIRDO!” - OzAndrew, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    14 “Death is like a game of dodgeball,” he explained, firing the ball up into a corner of the room, where it bounced back and fled into his expecting hands. “Chaos. Panic. A rush of people sweeping around as a man in a black suit stands perfectly still. But instead of firing dodgeballs…he clicks his fingers and points. That is it. A click and point and BANG, you are gone.” – Henry, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0


    Best Character in a Leading Role
    13 Lisa Walters, Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    9 Andrew, Electric Buggy to Victory, by Andrew
    2 Dave, Morphic, by Dragonfree
    9 Richard, Me Llamo es Richard, by dratinihaunter13
    7 Chris 2.0, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    11 Shonta, Knights to Remember, by classy_cat18
    6 Scyther, Scyther’s Story, by Dragonfree

    Best Character in a Supporting Role (Tie)
    14 Riku Iwata, Knights to Remember, by classy_cat18
    9 Phil, Electric Buggy to Victory, by Andrew
    6 Eric, Me Llamo es Richard, by dratinihaunter13
    9 Scyther, The Quest for the Legends, by Dragonfree
    14 Becca, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0

    Best Villain
    13 Joseph Sterling, Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    11 Saul, Saul the Betrayer, by Weasel Overlord
    9 Pichu, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    7 De Leo, The Origin of Storms, by Sike Saner

    Funniest Character (Tie)
    7 The Blue Avenger, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0
    3 Cinder, Knights to Remember, by classy_cat18
    6 Jessica, Electric Buggy to Victory, by Andrew
    4 Olivia, Electric Buggy to Victory, by Andrew
    8 Tony, Minty Thrill, by Dragoknight
    11 Mega Horny, War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu
    11 Nurse Smiles, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0

    Most Original Character
    18 Scyther, The Quest for the Legends, by Dragonfree
    8 Simon, Bohemian Rhapsody, by dratinihaunter13
    4 Lucretia, Uninvited, by Gavin Luper
    2 Starbucks, Pokemon: Storming Heaven’s Gates, by Dark Sage
    5 Essax, The Origin of Storms, by Sike Saner

    Best Romantic Relationship
    15 Shonta and Ryan, Knights to Remember, by classy_cat18
    14 Mega Horny and Becca, War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu
    14 Brot'mau and Kiiah, Divinity, by Bulbasaur4

    Best Un-Romantic Relationship
    7 Andrew and Jess, Electric Buggy to Victory, by Andrew
    4 Dave and Jean, Morphic, by Dragonfree
    10 Simon and his mother, Bohemian Rhapsody, by dratinihaunter13
    2 Surai and Layla, Symmetry, by eevee-shayna and Samchu
    15 Mega Horny and Blademaster, War of the Forums, by mr_pikachu
    11 Chris 2.0 and his Dusclops, The Pokemon Masters League, by Chris 2.0

    Best Original Cast
    17 Knights to Remember, by classy_cat18
    5 Morphic, by Dragonfree
    6 The Quest for the Legends, by Dragonfree
    8 Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    8 Me Llamo es Richard, by dratinihaunter13

    Best New Pokemon
    13 Thunderyu, The Quest for the Legends, by Dragonfree
    10 Lunanine, Lisa the Legend, by Gavin Luper
    8 Jymbo, The House of Eye-Gouging Horror, by IceKing

    Best Created Card
    6 (Autowin) Fien-dish Fries
    Image of a yellow-and-blue spotted burger box colored red, protruding from which are jagged French fry 'teeth' covered with ketchup 'blood'.
    Effect: Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this monster on the field, you can equip it to your “Hungry Burger” as an Equip Spell Card OR change it back to a monster in face-up Attack score to your Life Points. (1 monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the Monster that this card is equipped to is destroyed in battle, this card is destroyed instead.), Yu-Gi-Oh! 3.0: Next of Kin, by Blademaster

    Most Original Deck
    6 (Autowin) Armor Deck, Yu-Gi-Oh! 3.0: Next of Kin, by Blademaster

    Member Awards

    Best New Writer
    13 Houndoom_Lover
    13 mario72486
    Unsolved Puzzle
    16 winged_follower

    Most Dedicated Writer
    9 Dark Sage
    13 mr_pikachu
    6 classy_cat18
    17 Chris 2.0
    5 Plantae

    Most Improved Writer
    4 Dark Sage
    13 Dragonfree
    6 eevee-shayna
    6 Samchu
    9 Chris 2.0
    3 Crystal Tears

    Best Writer
    11 Gavin Luper
    2 mr_pikachu
    14 Dragonfree
    5 Plantae
    10 Weasel Overlord
    8 dratinihaunter13

    Most Dedicated Reader
    14 Sike Saner
    5 Mystic_clown
    3 Master Kirby
    6 darktyranitar
    4 Chris 2.0
    9 mr_pikachu

    Best Reviewer (Tie)
    16 mistysakura
    3 The Blue Avenger
    16 mr_pikachu
    7 Phoenixsong
    9 Darktyranitar

    Best Newcomer to the Boards
    12 Dragonstar1715
    17 mario72486
    3 Unsolved Puzzle
    10 IceKing

    Most Rounded Member
    7 Phoenixsong
    5 The Blue Avenger
    18 mr_pikachu
    11 mistysakura
    8 Chris 2.0

    Finally, the honourary Awards award – given to member with the most number of awards – is awarded to Chris 2.0 for winning 12 award. Congratulation, Chris; keep up the good work!

    And thus wraps up the Golden Pen awards. Congratulation to all the winners, and good job to the other nominees who had made it into this award; keep on writing, and never ever give up. Last but not least, this host would like to profusely apologize for all the trouble he had caused for posting this up so late; really, he had it all planned… but things happen. It’s an ill wind that brings one no good… no rest for the wicked. Right. Until the next award: adios, sayonara, and have a nice day!

    Please take it easy~

  11. #731
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    Default The Awards are IN!


    Ohmygod thats amazing! Thank you to EVERYONE who voted - you guys are the best readers ever! I had typed up a sort of blow-by-blow account of the awards but I'm putting it in here cos well nobody who doesnt read the fic wants to see it :p

    Well I'm ovewhelmed and will thus add these to my sig in the hope of pulling even more readers into the vortex that is my fic. Notable mentions: I'm so so so surprised Andrew's Bouncy Castle got nominated for an award, let along tieing for first place, because we haven't seen it since the 6th chapter of the fic! In honor of the award I will ensure I bring it back in some way or form

    I'm very overcome that The War got best description; I found that an immense slab of a chapter to write and it drained me a lot! We lost two members of the cast in the barbaric fight across the village, but I think it has to be a favourite part of the fic for me in terms of what it did for the future of the village. Thank you for taking this chapter so fondly and applauding it.

    As for Death....I'm surprised Morpheus was nominated; luckily new readers will find that the entire scene will NOT be spoiled due to a clever codename. I was expecting Ecks' death to win, felt more concrete, more absolute. But thank you.

    And one of our more recent chapters (42) got best chapter! I am very pleased, I think it has gotten a lot of posetive feedback and I can only attribute it to the moderator known as The Blue Avenger whose twisted psyche has been a fantastic source for overcoming writers block I

    Best Quote was exciting because I has 3 very different quotes nominated; I like that the more philosophical one has much more depth to it than OzAndrew's drunken ramblings or Tucker's sour Theatrical expirience. However I am shocked Becca won for best supporting character - I'll have to make a note of that since, well, I didn't know her character was so well liked! Well done to Classy for tieing. We rock!

    Nurse Smiles got funniest character AGAIN! It always amazes me when one-off-characters get such popularity. Unfortunately Nurse Smiles is currently under house arrest after taking over the radio station so I'm not sure when she will pop up.

    Luckily though we see her before the fic finishes

    And I got most dedicated writer, thank you!

    Our last Golden Pens ... we may be around for the Silver Pencils but I doubt it. I hope not anyway - I need to finish this fic. But I would never rush it, don't worry.

    What can I give to all of you as some way of saying my thanks? How can I convey to you the odd feeling inside that's making me smile despite the rain, despite my dog spewing over the floor and despite the horrendous attempt at breakfast I've concoted as I type?

    Well I'm writing fast - Chapter 46 is up soon, a chapter filled with frantic battles as the league heats up. We'll see more of Thomas and WAVEX, we'll see Grey struggle balance working for TPML as he prevents himself caving in to demands. We'll see Amy's decision on the Board offer, and the reprocussions.

    We are entering climatic territory as the next few chapters build and build to what I hope is a good ending for the fic.

    Anyway TPML Extra #4 is here; this is a sort of smaller version and I have put-off the original #4 which was the origins of 04621 as some of that can be explained in the fic.

    TPML Extra #4 - Tidbits [1]

    So you know the characters in the league. You know the mods, the villagers, the locals, well in this edition of TPML Extra youre going to learn some of the history behind the characters you've met over the last 45 chapters.

    This extra will focus on 5 of the main cast.

    Chris 2.0 - Obviously he was mirrored slightly after me, as many writers do that. There isn't much to say about him, other than Chris and I both need some moral guidance from Jenny every now and then. Chris 2.0, however, is managing to build his own moral compass after Jenny's departure.

    Jenny/FabuLass - Initially quite a ditzy idiot, Jenny was modelled after an ex-girlfriend I initially loathed. Her name was Helen. Anyway I did end up meeting a Jenny that I can happily say I'm still in love with to this day! The transition from TPML-Ch1-Psycho-Jenny to Sensetive-FeelingsAhoy!-Post-Ch20-Jenny wasn't intentional; it just happened.

    Initially I wanted Jenny to be introduced earlier than Ch15. But I wanted to hold it off longer to help build to the surprise when she was revealled. Finally I threw her in after Chris' relationship with The Crystal Syndicate, Razor Leaf and Hanada Tattsu were all at boiling points.

    She was going to be almost his sidekick; they were hideously in love and her team was, originally, going to grow and I wanted her in the league. But very early on I introduced the Morpheus idea, tying her in to Ecks' storyline and giving Chris a more prominent part in Ecks' capture. However when she was recovering from her attack she became the dormant part of Chris' soul that warned him, that cautioned and that worried. So she started becoming his conscience, in a way. Is it for the best, that she didn't turn out how I planned? I guess so, since she was such a core part of the story. But I always envisioned her with a Masquerain, Jynx and perhaps others, battling in the league.

    Becca/The Missing Link/ - from Ch2 we saw that she didn't seem to like her job. Becca was going to be a bit more weak and pitiful...there were a few scenes in the beginning where she was dashing around doing this and that, but that sort of shy persona ended up being very similar to Amy. Through many situations Becca is vigilant and firm - I think she has done a lot of things herself since she ran the league for a couple of years all alone. Therefore she has had no equal, and Mods weren't introduced until Chapter 8 so I feel like she hasn't really been open to many as she's worked. Now, however, she's not running the place herself, and I don't think she ever wants to do so again, either.

    Girafarig - Many will not know there was a member called Girafarig in TPM and it was against him I had my first ASB match (and loss). He had Rhyhorn, Larvitar, Onix and Aron, and used the first three in our match. I had Sneasel, Poliwag, Magby and Electabuzz and, during the match and under Andrew's idea, I caught a Mankey to help deal with Gira's rock types. It didn't work.

    He didn't stay around and dissapeared quite suddenly. I don't remember much to his personality but when PMing him he explained he just didn't like ASB much anymore. I had him leave early (in Ch4, I believe) to train at the TPML in New Zealand; my thoughts were he had distant family there he wanted to spend time with. After arriving in TPML he got assaulted by Chris and probably found the cosy little village a bit boring.

    I also wanted him to return to the village just before the league; if I had known the lengths to which this fic would reach, he would only have resurfaced recently. But we soon learned he never went to New Zealand, after the Other Islanders decided he would be useful and they could learn about their favourite TPMLers from him. And so Chris and TBA found him on in Ch20.

    I've found though, despite his low profile, he has gotten great development through the WAVEX saga and his relationship with Crystal Tears is good fun to write

    Razor Leaf - Definitely a staple member of the cast, I wrote him out before Dan decided to leave, although the two did happen at the same time. Obviously he had been portrayed as an absoute bastard. Dan and I discussed the fic, which I had written a chapter of, and from the way we talked we both expected his character to be a good friend of Chris's, a buddy.

    Too cheesy! So they became mortal enemies. RL just hated Chris. His character was a favourite of mine basically due to the way I sent him off; he left the village but realized he wasn't really going to be that happy.

    If you look throughout the fic there are a lot of comparisons between the village and TPM forums as a whole; some people have been here for years and enjoy their big-fish status; others come and go, some people yearn to leave and others dread the idea.

    Razor Leaf was a big fish in TPML Village and when he was faced with life outside, he started to panic. His username was always a sort of metaphor for his persona in the village. Grey always called him Daniel, and he would always object. But he was forced to be Dome Ace Daniel because he wouldn't have a 'username' in the outside world.

    Amy left because she couldn't take the pace of the village, it was caving in and she began thinking of life outside Pokemon training and leagues, trying to figure out what she was going to do with her life.

    Chris also left TPM after a personal crisis, but Jenny taught him that he relied on the league because it validated him and made him happy.

    That's why I like the character journies of people like Dan and Amy. It's interesting. But did Dan fit in with the Brains? Could he handle being a celebrity?

    Who knows.

    Next TPML Extra - #5 - Geography.
    Descriptions and directions confusing you? Next time you'll see a fully drawn sketch of TPML Village, showing you exactly where everything is! Also history on some of the landmarks including Crush Quarry (was something being built there?), Feizhi Outpost and Ivy Lake!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  12. #732
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#85)

    YIKES! Guess he shold have looked behind his back.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorak
    Ever wonder what it'd be like if a person who could barely speak English were to rom-hack one of the Pokemon games, replace the characters, plot, and Pokemon with ones of his own creation, while at the same time making a terrible mockery of the English language as a whole?

    Of course not. Because that'd suck really, really hard. Unfortunately, even though you didn't think about it, this guy did.

  13. #733
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#85)

    Well... in Naruto, the sword can fly under Orochimaru's control... but that's the anime. Now, I wonder as well if the monkey's going to be of any importance in the plot. And heck, who knows? Martin might just survive this?

    Well, if he doesn't... then my prediction was right after all!
    Please take it easy~

  14. #734
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#85)

    OUCH. Sucks to be Martin right about now... and who the heck was that who ran him through there? Whoever the monkey-man is, I guess he's what Jay was expecting back in #83.

    And dangit, the fourth panel made me want Pocky, but I'm all out of Pocky money. XD

  15. #735
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#85)

    *reloads* *reloads* *refreshes*
    Darn... I want 86 now! ^_^ Very interesting plot twists! I can't wait to see what happens neeeeeeeext!

    And yesh, I want Pocky too!! WHO SAID THERE WOULD BE ADVERTISING IN THIS FIC? Damn subliminal messaging...
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    Default Re: The Golden Pen Award 2007 - The Results Are (Finally!) In!

    *stares blankly*




    Excuse me. I need to go change my pants. Be back in a minute.






    Okay, yes, I can see me winning... three or four, maybe. That's about my usual total. EIGHT?!

    (Calm down, calm down. Deep breaths. In, out. In, out.)

    Yes, well. Wow. Um, thank you for all your nominations, first of all. I know there's a lot of really tough competition out there, so to even be nominated is a real honor. And mega thanks to everyone who voted for me... it means a lot to know that my work is viewed so highly. Heck, I'm astonished that so many people read stuff like War of the Forums and Just Words!

    Oh, and thanks to Mega Horny, Blademaster, The Missing Link and the rest of Fanfic for lending me their personas. War of the Forums just wouldn't be the same without them. Thanks. Just... thanks.

    Eight awards... and four other categories within a single point... wow.

    P.S. Eight awards. Six of which were for writing. And I got a whopping two votes for Best Writer. Go me! XD

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  17. #737
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#86)

    Shayna: I've been trying to figure out how to make the twist unexpected, yet not totally out-of-the-blue. Guess it worked, huh?

    Oh, and by the way... I'd dye my hair pink and wear a Utena uniform for my girlfriend. Yes, that's right. Take my revolution!

    Blade: Very pwned.

    Phoenixsong: It's not a lightsaber, just a really cool sword. Filled with evil. Yes. But if this is a lesson, it's a shame that the moderators have to learn it the hard way. And there are few harder ways than a sword through the back.

    As for Faiz... heh. You're desperate, aren't you?

    PC: Poor, poor Martin. Must be in a lot of pain right now. But who says he's going to die? He could always have one last trick up his sleeve...

    Who's the monkey? You'll know soon enough, man! A lot of big things are going to happen in a hurry.

    Gavin: He's still standing, isn't he? I think that's a good sign. Maybe.

    As for the unconfirmed report, maybe I'll get to that and maybe I'll leave it as an eternal mystery. Who knows?

    You're wrong about Martin's resignation being the stimulus for the fic. In reality, it was one of at least three or four things, many of which will appear here. But good try!

    Ada: I said that earlier, actually. But there's one thing I didn't mention... recall that Martin told you, Gavin and I that he was going to resign before it actually happened. Timing is everything!

    But yes, this was a crucial page for a number of reasons. As for the prisoner, it would seem that they were really wasting time worrying about her, huh?

    And how much does anyone really know about Jay?

    Shuppet: That's what happens when the guy who's supposed to watch for an ambush is staring at a pocky-chomping prison girl instead.

    Faiz: Anime is anime, and WotF is WotF. I always have a reason for my character introductions, after all. There's a reason for the monkey to be there... and what will happen to Martin?

    Sike: Yes, the monkey was a major twist, huh? I guarantee you, that's no friend of Martin.

    And you have a special budget for pocky? I'm impressed!

    B4: Hehe, sorry. I was out of town for the day, so there was no chance to post the next page. But I'm glad you're intrigued! It's good to know that this work is being appreciated. ^_^

    And subliminal advertising? What do you mean? Vote mr_pikachu for president!

    Okay, I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who nominated and voted for me in the Golden Pen Awards. I never thought I'd get eight awards... wow. Thanks, everyone! It really touches me to know that people like this fic enough to boost it to such success. Thank you all! And now, we continue. ^_^

    #86: The title was inspired by Evil Mewf0ur's Bloody Sword: 3050 AD.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  18. #738
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#86)

    True, Martin did tell us about his resignation before that. How much does anyone know about Jay? Uh... I don't know much at all. He apparently lives in Melbourne?

    No! Martin can't... so both Jay and kiyone are in this. And kiyone somehow helped Jay escape... but how? Did he set off all those other alerts so Jay could use the distraction to escape? Hmm... where are Gavin and 'me'? Avenge him we must.
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#86)

    Who the Hell is kiyone?

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#86)

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    Who the Hell is kiyone?
    A very annoying girl (also known as Steph) who would SPAM the board again and again and, whenever she got banned, she sent insults to the mods and supermods via IM and asked Kevin to unban her.

    And now mr_pikachu seems to have succumbed to the temptation of repeating the last part of the previous issue, like most animes do.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#86)

    I was referring to the pocky in one of the frames. ^_^

    Anyways, NYUUUUUU!!!!! Don't head towards the light Martin, no!
    And Kiyone? Man... I remember Kiyone... and I severely disliked Kiyone, along with everyone else. *shudders*

    *waits patiently this time for 87*
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#87)

    Ada: Well, I know some things about Jay. Things that I'm not about to divulge. Muahaha!

    Yeah, both Jay and Kiyone (I capitalized it for WotF, much like The_Missing_Link became The Missing Link) are involved. Not sure if I'll explain exactly what Kiyone did or leave it up to the imagination. But in any event, this is about to get ugly...

    Blade: As Gabi said, Kiyone caused all sorts of trouble for us. It's debatable as to whether or not she was worse than Jay, but they were both pretty bad.

    Gabi: Thanks for the explanation about Kiyone. But why must you compare WotF to poorly made anime? It was necessary for continuity as well as to achieve the correct number of frames! Why must you torment me so... ;_;

    B4: And I was referring to the additional subliminal advertising that you apparently didn't notice. Perfect...

    Kiyone was a serious problem for all of us. I'm sure you remember, since we all dealt with it for quite awhile. It was an extremely troublesome time.

    #87 is on the way!

    #87: Another major player leaps onto the scene. But who is that woman in panel four, anyway? And how did she know to slice and dice Jay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  23. #743
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#87)

    Uh oh...

    Jay's been taken out. But is the strange woman who did it a friend... or another foe?

    I don't think for a minute that the mods are in the clear yet at all. With Martin a casualty (dead?) they may be in even hotter water.

    I'll be watching as this develops. It's getting to a point where it's turning less comical and more serious.

  24. #744
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    #86: Nooo! Damn you Jay! Yeah, listen to Kalah Martin. Don't go towards the light! This is a very very sad time indeed. I too wondered who Kiyone is/was, but Gabi was nice enough to explain it to us all.

    #87: I think the second panel is the best one I've seen. I liked the emotion Gavin got the from the situation and I was really hoping that he would kick Jay's ass. I actually thought the girl was Ada (until you mentioned it was a mystery girl). Wonder who it could be...

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#87)

    Of course they're still in hot water. That lady hasn't dealt with the lightsaber monkey yet, to my knowledge. And Ada's hair is bluish, not black... eh. Dunno who that is at all.

    So much is going on... my brain hurts. Martin's dead (?), Jay is dead (?), there's some strange woman and strange monkey running around killing people, Dark Sage is planning a coup, Eyebrows Man and that other strange woman are apparently having a staring contest and TML is enjoying pocky. I apologize in advance if little bits and dribblets of my brain must be mopped up after it explodes.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  26. #746
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#87)

    Argh. Martin seems dead then.

    Nice emotion in the latest page. I swear I thought that was Ada flying at Jay in a rage, but then when you asked who could it be I realised it mustn't be her. The chick we saw approaching fanfic earlier from her spaceship? Possibly ...

    Jay must be killed! Surely Ada and I would need to avenge his death? Or want to, at least.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  27. #747
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#87)

    Seems I let myself fail to review before more than one page be posted. Shame on me.

    Anyway, so the "who's the Martin-killing monkey?" question's been answered now--and replaced with the "who's the Jay-killing lady?" question. o.o Who will she turn out to be, I wonder...

    And on a random note, I really like the choice of image for the second panel of #87. o.o

  28. #748
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#87)

    So, Martin is dead, huh? Stabbed in the back by a spam-happy transsexual illegitimate Sasquatch offspring...

















    PWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#87)

    Sorry, Brian. But if you did it to fill a panel, then you did pretty much the same thing they do.

    I still enjoy this fic/comic a lot, though. ^_^

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#87)

    Ah. I'm familliar with the name Kiyone.

    Hold on... I remember running into her a few time. Ugh, she was a real pain in the back...

    Whoa, now who's that girl there? Just come out of nowhere... another mod, perhaps? But who?
    Please take it easy~

  31. #751
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#87)

    I don't know what to say, just that in the tension of the moment, some crazy woman leaps in and steals the glory.

    mr._pikachu, could you PM me showing me how you stole the word balloon graphics from Comic Book creator? Thanks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorak
    Ever wonder what it'd be like if a person who could barely speak English were to rom-hack one of the Pokemon games, replace the characters, plot, and Pokemon with ones of his own creation, while at the same time making a terrible mockery of the English language as a whole?

    Of course not. Because that'd suck really, really hard. Unfortunately, even though you didn't think about it, this guy did.

  32. #752
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#88)

    DS: And Jay is down! But who's this mystery character...?

    Things could get very bad in a hurry, depending on what happens next. And is Martin still alive? Or is this the end for him?

    I think it was somewhere around #20 that I said this would turn much more dramatic later. Congratulations; it's later!

    PC: Stabbity! Martin's in serious peril here. I'm actually surprised that so few people knew who Kiyone was, considering her edgy personality here in TPM.

    I'm sure a lot of people wanted Gavin to go berserk. But what fun is crazy, bloody action without a build-up of suspense beforehand? As for the new girl, I've had her character planned for ages. But I didn't realize that she was so similar to Ada until I made #87... and since I needed to do it that way, it deserved to be clarified.

    Phoenixsong: Clearly, someone hasn't seen Blood+. Oh well. And I love your description of the ever-dangerous lightsaber monkey. Need to remember that one. ^_^

    As for the last part... I'll get a sponge.

    Gavin: Poor, poor Martin.

    Emotion is critical for something like this. In retrospect, I really wish I could've released these pages before the Golden Pen Awards... As I told PC, I didn't realize there was such a similarity until I made this page. Here's how you can tell them apart: girl without sword = Ada, girl with sword = someone else. Easy! XD

    As for avenging Martin... we'll see.

    Sike: Heh, you're hoping to not miss a page? I don't think anyone here has done that. But good luck to you! ^_^;

    Questions abound! This world is a lot deeper than you know. I've already planned many things that everyone's asking now... many unusual ways to use the forum to my own ends. Hooray for leeching!

    I honestly wish I could've found a higher-quality image to use for that second panel, but when you do a project like this, you go with what you've got.

    Blade: Pwned indeed. That's gotta hurt!

    Gabi: Okay, it's about time I defended my actions. Note that in panel five of #85, the scene is enclosed in a frame, which indicates that mr_pikachu is watching it on his monitor. But in #86, the action is shown without a frame and therefore as seen by someone at the scene. So there!

    And yes, I hope that one panel that misses your expectations doesn't ruin the whole thing. That would put a rather large amount of pressure on me. ^_^;;

    Faiz: Yeah, she was a major pain in the back. Although I don't think anyone feels that pain more than Martin. Poor guy.

    As for the new character... yeah, like I'm just gonna tell you!

    Shuppet: Steals the glory? Saves the day? Or annihilates everyone she sees?

    As for your last paragraph, I PMed you some information. Let me know if you have any further questions!

    Let us continue!

    #88: Jay has fallen, and now Kiyone as well... who is doing this? And why? Who else even knew about the prison break?

    This time, the title shares its name with the famous book and movie featuring cannibalistic serial killer Dr. Hannibal Lecter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#88)

    Account resurrection? How would a member even have the power to do that? Sounds more like something a corrupt admin would do to me. Now THAT's necromancy.

    Hm. Gavin didn't even see the girl the first time? Hm. Ah, well, with the lightsaber monkey dead, they sure know she's there now...

    What is this Blood+ of which you speak?

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  34. #754
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    Oh man, that's amazing. You see, if Voldemort had simply taken out his old wand and used it on Harry Potter...

    (Gets suppressed by the HPSD[Harry Potter Spoiler Destroyers].)

    Can't wait for the next installment.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorak
    Ever wonder what it'd be like if a person who could barely speak English were to rom-hack one of the Pokemon games, replace the characters, plot, and Pokemon with ones of his own creation, while at the same time making a terrible mockery of the English language as a whole?

    Of course not. Because that'd suck really, really hard. Unfortunately, even though you didn't think about it, this guy did.

  35. #755
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    WOOOT! GO KILLING GIRL!! ... *has no clue who it is* But i'm all for swift and fast oblivion!! ^_^

    I can imagine Suz doing this. XD But I don't think it is her.

    Anyways... great job! ... wait... have I ever not complimented this? ... I don't think so. *shrugs*
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    I could totally see this being either Suzie or Gabi. The ease with which she took down Jay and Kiyone shows the strength of her attacks to be greater than what Martin did, so that would imply that she's more powerful than the fanfic mods. That leaves the supermods and the admins. I doubt it's Andrew, Zak, Chris, or Kevin, although you do seem to have switched Kiyone's gender... Hm. I've decided. That girl is now my vote for Andrew. XD
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#88)

    Kiyone as a weird-looking man-monkey thing? Haha - interesting.

    I think the girl could indeed be Gabi or Suzie, either would fit the bill. Then again, it could just be some renegade fanficcer. In any case, die, Kiyone, die! Go sword girl.

    I'm surprised 'I' didn't see the girl. How fast could she have been? Surely the mods need to do something!

    Good work again!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  38. #758
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#88)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hypotenuse Man View Post
    I doubt it's Andrew, Zak, Chris, or Kevin, although you do seem to have switched Kiyone's gender... Hm. I've decided. That girl is now my vote for Andrew. XD

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  39. #759
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#88)

    Pardon? I'm not a woman.

    If I'm ever going to be in this, I demand to be one of the stick characters for Cyanide and Happiness.

  40. #760
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#88)

    Ok, Brian, you're forgiven. :>

    Yes, I also found the representation of Kiyone quite original.

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