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Thread: War of the Forums

  1. #601
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#66)

    Is MH indestructible or something? He's starting to remind me of Phil from 'Yosh!' in the early days before he pulled himself together.

    Yes, maybe I do work too much, but can you think of a better and viable alternative?

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  2. #602
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#66)

    Oh, sure. I get to be the drop-out punk that nobody wants to deal with. Terrific. >>'

    Part of me is begging not to say this, but I'm really eager to learn just why Blademaster was 'expelled' and what history he has with Dark Sage, who I never knew had eyebrows capable of spearing a man through the heart. Could that be artistic license? Or is it something else altogether...?

    (puts on a suit of Kevlar, just in case)

    Anyway, no sense repeating anything else that's been said, so... Ciao.

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  3. #603
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#67)

    Yeah, I'm in a bad mood right now, partially because of the delay in releasing this page. Check out for Smiley Town for all the details you never wanted.

    Phoenixsong: Yes, you were right! There's almost always someone who has the right idea about these things. And that theory may yet have merit, but...

    Yes, his gift is a razor. They're so hard to find! ^_^;;

    And that was a low blow, I must say. Maybe I'll put you in this fic and have I-don't-know-how-to-fight MH vanquish you...

    Sage: Indeed, you're here! And perhaps you will stick around for awhile... heh... ehehe... bwahahahaha!

    ...Ahem. Excuse me. That laughter had absolutely no hidden meaning whatsoever. ^_^

    I agree with you about suits. They're just way too formal... give me a T-shirt and shorts any day, even if it's snowing.

    As for what role, if any, that MoP may have in the future, I refuse to reveal anything. As a fellow writer, I'm sure you understand the need for secrecy.

    You're right that MH has something special. But perhaps it's not as different from reality as you think... there have already been lots of references to actual things and events on the forum, after all. Only time will tell!

    Gavin: Yeah, it's the Sage. And no, I'm not that evil. Usually.

    The "small talk" scene was completely unplanned, actually. I was mostly trying to find a way to lead into the question about the gift without Blademaster ever having to ask it. I also really wanted to end the page with that, because I didn't think showing the discussion to follow would be wise. But hey, glad it served the comedy purpose, as well!

    And yes, MH has "the gift"...

    Gabi: Heh. Well, he does seem to have a knack for surviving beatings. But somehow that seems like a lame talent to me. ^_^;

    Robbery seems like a fine alternative...

    Blade: Yeah, you're a dropout. Can't you just feel the love?

    I'll note that you want to know what terrible misdeeds you committed to get expelled. ^_^ And I'll see if I can find a picture of Roger Smith murdering someone with his eyebrows. I'm sure we all want to see that.

    Another page awaits!

    #67: Okay, in all seriousness, does anyone understand how you can have consecutive life sentences? Does that even make sense?

    Anyway. It would appear that someone's really getting busy in... Region AR, Sector XX. Whatever that means.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  4. #604
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#67)

    Brian, even if someone is given a life sentence, he is eligible for early release (parole or other options) after a certain amount of time. But multiple life sentences increase the amount of time before early release becomes an option, as the time periods stack. If someone would be eligible for parole after ten years with one life sentence, two of them would increase it to twenty.

    It seems the mods are in big trouble. Wonder what's up... Maybe Becca's friends have decided to drop in?


  5. #605
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#67)

    Eight hundred life sentences, eh? Would this have something to do with the eight hundred or so bodies in the background a while ago? Uh oh, loks like the mods are in trouble now; serves them right for spying. Although the details they overheard may have been sufficient punishment in themselves. In previous chapters, I like how Dark Sage always looks so mysterious... and Blademaster gets his turn at being insulted for a change.
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  6. #606
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#67)

    put in some votes for my fav comedy. Keep up the good writing


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  7. #607
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#67)

    Perhaps your bad mood caused you to misinterpret my comment. I was calling my own comment on the irony lame. Like, I was over-analyzing it or something. (Does that get me out of having MH hand my butt to me on a plate? Please?) Besides, if I make any low blows, you'll know it. Trust me. Mwahahahahaha!

    Hm. Wonder who's going to be serving those sentences? My bet is the male mods; whatever they heard, it's probably enough to scar them for 800 lifetimes.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  8. #608
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#67)

    The mods are under siege!!! Or, at least, the forum is and they seem to be incapable of doing anything about it yet. Ye gads! Who will save the day? Will Blademaster, Mega Horny and co. end up somehow teaming up with the mods to fight of Becca and the aliens? What about all the civilians in Fanfic?

    As for the life sentences - yeah, it's that whole parole thing. It seems that some governments would prefer to suspend logic to make their laws work, rather than change their laws to actually be logical.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  9. #609
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#67)

    I must say, I think I have to agree with the theory that Becca' friends must be dropping in to say a very unfriendly "hi" to the mods of Fanfic. Probably a "retrieve and leave" kind of scheme.

    Not much to say other than that. It was still pretty funny since you had to recalibrate the entire Fanfic system for your own "twisted" purposes

  10. #610
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#68)

    Sage: Well, yes. But why don't they just add to the parole time instead of saying you'll live multiple lives? And for that matter, why do we have multiple life sentences when there is no possibility of parole? It's total nonsense.

    Something big is definitely about to happen, but it's anyone's guess as to exactly what...

    Ada: Heh, now that's an interesting idea. Not sure how accurate it is, but in any event, there were a lot of "high-level infractions" in a very short amount of time. But I think the mods are going to have a lot more problems than just the mental images from Becca's words. And yes, Dark Sage is definitely a man of mystery. Anyone who can make Blademaster look bad with just a few sentences is something else.

    Puzzle: Er, thanks! Not sure whether Ada and Faiz will be happy about breaking the "silent ballot," but thanks for your votes nonetheless!

    Phoenixsong: I wasn't really serious, actually. Just figured that if you're going to call MH hard-headed, the two of you ought to have a cage match. ^_^

    As for the life sentences... hehe...

    Gavin: Oh, it may be even worse than you think. For starters, why do you think anyone will save the day? Maybe the world's about to come to a tragic end...

    And the legislative system has so many problems (in America and probably elsewhere), I guess that nonsensical laws are the least of our worries.

    PC: It's a definite possibility. But perhaps there's more to it than meets the eye... (Yes, I saw Transformers a few days ago.) You have to wonder just how important Becca really is to their little team.

    And while I may retool Fanfic on occasion, I try to leave as many references to the real thing as possible. It's fun to mix fantasy with reality like that. ^_^

    It is time... for more.

    #68: The tension builds... I think my favorite part of this page is the back-and-forth argument between Brian and Martin. That was awesome to devise.

    The title is also the name of a recently cancelled Fox sitcom, a 1996 historical drama that bombed, and a 1979 documentary about regional resistance to the Vietnam War.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  11. #611
    Im your sheild and sword Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#68)

    w8 wat? am i in trouble... Puzzle no like trouble


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  12. #612
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#68)

    Ah, a jailbreak... that's an unexpected twist. I thought you might have meant the Archives, but the jail-thing I didn't see coming. Verreh nice, verreh nice, yes...

    I really liked that last panel; Gavin looks all nice and dramatic. Actually, the huge bubble with Brian screaming at Martin kinda detracts from it. I suppose it couldn't have gone anywhere else, though, so it works.

    Hrm... who might be breaking out of jail? My (easily incorrect and it doesn't matter because you won't tell us until it happens anyway) guess is that we'll be seeing some banned or dead members... then again, that's kinda mean, so eh. Not that they'd see it (not that I'd know who they are, most likely), but... oh, I don't know. Keep it coming, I guess.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  13. #613
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#68)

    Whoa. Action is coming! I loved how Ada and Gavin are there discussing the important details and their theories as to what is happening, while Martin and Brian are bickering in the background. Though I suppose they were doing work, just arguing while they did it. Either way, I like this latest plot twist. A prison break! How excitement! I'll be waiting for the next installment!

    Unsolved Puzzle: What mr_pikachu was saying is that the votes for the Golden Pen and Silver Pencil Awards are supposed to be secret; that is, you aren't to mention them anywhere on the forum. Because you're still quite new to the forum (welcome, by the way), we won't give you an infraction this time. But if you want to stay out of trouble as much as you say you do, I'd suggest a thorough reading of the Fanfic Rules, and probably the General TPM Rules, too.

    EDIT: Considering Phoenixsong's musings, it would be cool if we got to see an old member resurrected from the Archives or something. Btw, I agree that making the Archives a kind of 'prison' is a very cool use of imagination.

    Last edited by Gavin Luper; 18th July 2007 at 12:07 AM.
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    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  14. #614
    Im your sheild and sword Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#68)

    o i no vote for him yet, i ment nominated

    P.S i am going into hibernation wearing a flame proof suite in a hiddn cave deep in the center of the earth till trouble goes away.

    *flame proof suite 90% , drained by fear*


    There is much talk... and I have listened through rock and metal and time... Now I shall talk and you shall listen...
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  15. #615
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#68)

    Oooo... suspense! I love it! I'm trying to get over my obession as Gavin being portrayed as Abel, but I can't. He just is always looking awesome. XD And I love the 'behind the scenes' argument when it cuts to Ada and Gavin. Fantastic.
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  16. #616
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#69)

    Puzzle: No, you're not in trouble. I was just saying that it's supposed to be a silent ballot, as Gavin repeated. Believe me, when people get an actual infraction, we make it perfectly clear. ^_^;

    Phoenixsong: Break out! Yeah, I've been planning this for a very, very long time.

    The picture I used in the last panel is one of my best images of Gavin... consequently, I only use it for big dramatic moments. You're right about the line at the end; I admit it didn't quite satisfy me when I wrote it. However, I came across the same problem with MH's last sentence in #6, and everyone seemed to love it. (I actually thought this one was better, but that's just my opinion.)

    As for who might be escaping... why should I tell you? You'll just have to keep reading! ^_^

    Gavin: Action awaits! Yeah, you can really see some disparity between the mods on this page. Ada's all business when she needs to be, Gavin tries to avoid getting drawn into such nonsense, and the other two go at it like cats and dogs.

    But who's trying to make a run for it? Like I'm going to spill the beans!

    Oh, and thanks for clarifying what I was trying to say earlier. I didn't word it very well.

    B4: Yeah, Gavin's got a cool character, huh? And yeah, I love multiple, simultaneous plotlines and conversations. To be honest, they're a lot easier to convey in this format than in straight-up prose.

    New page alert!

    #69: So does this count as his two weeks' notice?

    Goodbye, Farewell and Amen was the title of a made-for-television movie that was also the final episode of M*A*S*H.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  17. #617
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#69)

    Heh, Shuppet Master an "evil, demonic little boy that needs to die"? Nay, I say, SM never hurt anyone. Rather, I say he's more of a peacemaker.

    Anyways, so MH is going to be training straight under the Dark Sage huh? Well, this certainly shall become interesting, along with the prison break that's going on in Archives apparently.

    I have a theory on where this might go, but I don't know if I should put it out there or not...

    See you for the big 7-0!


  18. #618
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#69)

    HEY! Why am I 'the village idiot?!' You people are in kahoots against me, aren't you?!

    (gives this fic an overall score of 0/10)

    Who's the idoit now!? DX

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  19. #619
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#69)

    You've been studying advanced computer programming for your whole life? I agree with Gavin, nice use of the Archive concept.

    As for chapter 69... It's clear that the relationship between MH and Blademaster just can't go well.

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  20. #620
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#69)

    Cahoots is spelled with a "c", Mr. Idoit.

    ...MH will kill him? How? o.O

    I really don't have anything intelligent to say right now; I'm busy and I don't feel well. So eh. Looking forward to numero setenta or whatever.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

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  21. #621
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#69)

    I take it this means Blademaster is officially fired again... Oh, well...

    This flip-side of TPM is really odd... I know SM, and he is, as Perfect Chaos said, more of a peacemaker than anything else. I'm more of a lover than a fighter myself, although you have a few alliances down pat. I wouldn't call myself SM's mentor, though... Maybe I inspired him, but he walked his own path.

    I'm eager to see where this subplot goes. It has a lot of potential.

    I don't know who might be behind the breakout in the Archive... Maybe one of fanfic's more... agressive members... Someone known for writing Mature Audience Only fics...

    Who knows?

  22. #622
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#70)

    PC: Remember that it was MH's opinion. And he probably wouldn't have a good opinion of someone who just beat him senseless. We all have our biases.

    Yeah, apparently MH dropped his bodyguard to get a trainer. Against his will. And yes, the prison break could prove to be a major catalyst.

    As for your theories... only time will tell how accurate they may be...

    Blade: Don't blame me! Blame Dark Sage! ^_^;;

    Okay, I feel rather idoitic now.

    Gabi: Yeah, the concept of the Archives was fun. And you're right that MH and Blademaster have plenty of rather vicious quarrels.

    Oh, and by the way, programming professor... me /= character;


    Phoenixsong: MH is threatening to kill his bodyguard, yes. Whether or not it's an empty thread remains to be seen.

    And hey, intelligence is overrated.

    DS: Yeah, he's off the job. Such a pity...

    Just because this is based on the actual forum doesn't mean it has to be exactly the same... but maybe there are deeper reasons for some of the things you mentioned. Or maybe not. It's really hard to say sometimes.

    As for the latest incident, you'll find out what's going on very soon.

    Very, very soon.

    #70: Remember Jay? The guy who won "Nicest Member" in the Fanfic Awards (see #16)? Looks like he's back with a vengeance...

    "Escape" was also the title of an abandoned Fanfic from 2004 by Indiana Blastoise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  23. #623
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#70)

    This looks like Fan Fic needs to team up with... RPG!!! XD XD INVASION!!

    ... okay, I was just being overly enthusiastic there. lol, I love it that the escapee is Jay. Oh Jay... >.< *grumbles about AIM virus thingy he did once* Grrr...

    Anyways, love it like usual!
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  24. #624
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#70)

    Lols. Jay. He was nice guy, had some problems though.

    I didn't like him once he fell in with the PCG group.

  25. #625
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#70)

    I know not this Jay of which you speak. Does that make me an idoit? Then again, I was pretty dead around here for years, so perhaps I missed something. I seem to be dead at exactly the times when weird/notable/bad/whatever people crop up on most forums, though, so eh.

    I've got another question. You might have answered this already--and if you have I'm too lazy/tired to go look for it--but about how many different animes are you drawing the characters from? Originally my question was "will you be using multiple characters from the same animes", but then I remembered Samchu-eevee-shayna-same-person and Mewf0ur/Shup, plus other possible people I don't recognize, so eh. New, less obvious, hopefully less stupid question. There you go.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  26. #626
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#70)

    Ooh... Jay... I was rooting for it to be Bjarni, that would've been funny (I think he posted in Fanfic once causing some controversy). Jay's a much more serious problem though. I like how Mega Honry's just sitting there, bored, while DS, Shuppet Master and Blademaster sort out their differences as well.
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#70)

    The sad thing about Jay is that he was nice in the past. Then he slowly degenerated into one of TPM's worst nightmares.

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  28. #628
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#70)

    Yeah, don't feel bad Phoenix, I'm as clueless as you are about Jay, and also other people too (like Ledian_X and WPM [knew who they were but don't know what they did to make people hate them]).

    Anyways, so a former nice guy of Fanfic has escaped is now possibly looking for revenge. Seeing how serious all the mods are, this could be a very grave threat for Fanfic...

    I have to admit though, it would've been funny had it been Bjarni.

    See you for #71!


  29. #629

    Default Re: War of the Forums (#70)

    Wow, after reading almost all of these, I have found a new favorite web comic (can we call it that)

    Good job on this mr.pikachu!

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#70)

    Bjarni... *shudders* now HIM I remember. I don't recall ever seeing him in Fanfic, but I know he caused trouble around Fanart for a while. He requested something from me in a request topic once, but of course I had no idea what he was talking about so it never got done. Never did figure out what his deal was.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  31. #631
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#70)

    Hmm... I've been around TPM for quite a while, but I don't seem to remember Jay... I guess that whatever crimes he committed, none of them affected me.

    However, from what I'm hearing, I assume he did some things that were pretty bad. The mods may have their hands full. Maybe they should get some help from the RPG mods. Assuming that the two groups are allies and not enemies.

  32. #632
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#70)

    Oh geez, Jay. Well, man, I can honestly say I didn't see that one coming. Good show.

    Also, number 68 got some serious laughs out of me. It's funny because you guys really do operate that way. ;P
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  33. #633
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#70)

    OK, so when I saw "Jay" I immediately wondered who the heck you were talking about. My first thought was that you had shortened Jake to Jay (I swear to you all I'm not conceited), but then I realized that names are not shortened in this story. Jay must be from many years ago, back when I used Pokemasters for its PokeDex (yeah, it used to have one of those...this was back when Pokemasters had a .com on the end of it).

    Wow. I'm old.

    Anyways, I know I haven't replied much, but I have been reading every update to this...this...what does one call this? Whatever it is, I greatly enjoy it, and can only wait to see how long it is until you INCLUDE ME.

    Um...I meant...wait to see what happens next...of course...
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinoryu
    I shall not be out-nerded!

  34. #634
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    B4: Heh, you think RPG should play a role? But what role would you suggest? Ally or antagonist?

    Yeah, it's Jay. A very deserving prisoner, don't you think? I wonder what his role is... or I would, if I didn't already know. Fun!

    Andrew: Hey, you're still reading! I was starting to wonder if you gave up on this fic. Good to see you!

    I thought Jay wasn't too bad for awhile. But when he abandoned the idea of being a productive member, the only thing left for him to do was attack.

    Phoenixsong: Jay was a moderator... considering the power he once had, it's remarkable that he ended up getting banned. Some other stuff happened afterward that seriously shook up the forum, but it's since passed. Hopefully for good. If you didn't know that, you really are an idoit!

    And as for your latter question... that depends largely on how many characters there are. Which means I refuse to answer. Sorry!

    Bjarni was quite a nuisance, yes. A real troublemaker. In retrospect, I feel stupid for being fooled by his act.

    Ada: Yeah, Bjarni posted here once or twice. But Jay seemed like a more appropriate addition at this point in the fic. And things are about to change for MH. Maybe he should pay more attention!

    Gabi: He was a pretty good member for awhile; I remember that he approved some good games in PCG, for instance. It's a shame, what he became.

    PC: See my response to Phoenixsong for the first part. I don't feel like doing anything more than a simple copy+paste, and that would be cheap. ^_^;

    Actually, the real Jay hasn't been a "nice guy" for a very long time. And the Jay here was previously described as "some criminal."

    Everyone seems to want Bjarni to make an appearance... hmm...

    Ghost: Hey, Ghost! Good to see you here! Welcome to our little club.

    I suppose you can call it a webcomic, if you like. I honestly have no idea whether this is more of a fic, a webcomic, or a miscellaneous thing, but I at least try to update daily.

    And thanks for the compliment. I hope to see you here in the future!

    (Oh, before I forget... TPM Fantasy Football! Don't miss it![/plug] )

    DS: You'd be surprised how many people his "crimes" affected, actually. >_<

    Jay is indeed a major problem. There's a reason the mods aren't taking his escape lightly... but do they need extra support? It's hard to say.

    Hypotenuse: I was hoping that would catch some readers off-guard! Glad to see that it worked.

    And yes, Martin and I really did bicker about how fast I programmed while Ada and Gavin discussed code names and prisons. Too true!

    starjake: Jay may have been a member way back when, but he's been active more recently than that. I guess you two just never crossed paths. And of course you're not conceited! You're just arrogant and self-centered!

    I'm glad you've kept reading this thing, even if you haven't been replying. (But reply, dang it!)

    Nope, you're not conceited at all. But maybe you'll still enjoy the next page.

    And here it is!

    #71: I rewrote the last lines on this page several times, because they just didn't feel right at first.

    Multitasking can be effective. Demanding that somebody else multitask is a little irritating.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  35. #635
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#71)

    lol, poor ego boost. XD

    And ally of course! It WAS born from Fan Fiction afterall... ^_~ Ahh... the good old days... *memory lanes*

    Erm, anyways... great! It wasn't as dynamic as the others, but it was great because it helps set up the next comic! ^_^ *thumbs up*
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  36. #636
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#72)

    B4: Yeah, that wasn't exactly the most encouraging exchange, was it?

    True, RPG was born from Fanfic. Then again, Palestine emerged from Israel, and they're not exactly the best of friends...

    And yes, that was mostly a setup. But you know how I love switching back and forth between plotlines...

    Let's keep moving!

    #72: Looks like there's something amiss just a little bit deeper. But what could Dark Sage possibly want with the kid?

    Anyone who's ever used colloquial phrases should recognize the meaning behind the title.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  37. #637
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#72)

    Hmmm... I seem to have suddenly become Morpheus to Mega Horny's Neo.

    So what next? I can't wait to hear it in English just as much as he can.

    This is getting interesting...

  38. #638
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    lol, well I refuse to accept that we'd be evil to fan fic. I mean... look how many of us are here! Roy'd be evil, that's it. XD XD XD

    Anyways, a hidden gift? How interreesssting!! ^_^ I wonder what it is?? This intrigues me and I can't wait for more!
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  39. #639
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#72)

    Okay, hands up everyone else who couldn't help but start quoting .hack//G.U. about 72 here. Anyone else at all?

    ... Now, if DS pulls an Ovan to MH's Haseo, I will be very intrigued.
    Last edited by Hinoryu; 22nd July 2007 at 12:53 AM.
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  40. #640
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#72)

    There's a hidden meaning behind the title? If so, I can't see it. I can only make out that he didn't understand a thing.

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