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Thread: Poetry Corner

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  1. #1
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Something out of Nothing (a poem for those with writer's block... like me)

    Howdy-hey, all. Well, I've got about a bajillion ideas for fanfics and I can't focus on any one of them or get any of them half-way started or anything like that. However, I am still in the mood to post something here, so I've got this poem I did for English class about a week ago. We're studying the poets of the Romantic period, and this is supposed to emulate the style of... the style of... I forget which one. They were all a bunch of fairly depressed guys who had visions and died young anyway, it's hard to tell them apart.

    Now, this here poem has no rhyme scheme and no organized meter, so if you're the type that finds this aesthetically displeasing then you might want to hightail it out of here... I just... kind of wrote it. See below the poem for more.

    Something out of Nothing

    Just a few words on a sheet of paper-
    At least, there are supposed to be.

    Sitting and staring at empty blue lines
    Or a blank white computer screen
    A thoroughly obnoxious plane of absolutely

    Dear God, how frustrating this is!
    The words just aren't coming out.
    The only sounds are gnashing teeth
    And pounding fists, a banging head-
    Not altogether helpful when you need to concentrate.

    Why is it so always so freaking difficult
    To get your thoughts on paper?
    To press a few keys on the keyboard
    And make a cohesive sentence or two?
    To write something beautiful that resonates with people,
    That means something to someone, something to me.

    Just a single sentence, a single paragraph
    That just might help someone relate to me-
    Bring a friend a little closer,
    Make a stranger not so strange-
    Something out of my heart, my experience
    That I can share with some
    And help others start to explore...

    It's such a noble plan, such a lovely undertaking...
    So why is it so hard?!... hey...

    Just a few words on a sheet of paper-
    They've finally appeared, and I like what I see.

    So yeah, there she is. I couldn't come up with an idea for a poem for this assignment, and then I figured: Hey, why not write about my writer's block? Who knows, maybe looking at this again will inspire me to just pick a fanfic and write the dang thing already.

    Comments? Critiques? Any human conversation or companionship at all?

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Something out of Nothing (a poem for those with writer's block... like me)

    Hrm. Not bad, Phoenix, not bad at all. Of course, I've seen your work and this isn't your best, but I still like it. Certainly a clever idea, though... reminds me of the time in fourth grade I put off writing my story until like the morning before, and I wrote it about the dream I'd had the night before, ending it with "And then today, October 30, I uh... I woke up." ...okay, so all you other people didn't need to know that, but I am currently in the mood to ramble and so you'd all better deal with it.

    I don't care too much for the last lines of some of the stanzas, like that one about needing to concentrate... would it have been possible to re-write the line so that it was more about the noise specifically being distracting, and then maybe made it fit the meter a little better? I know you said it's not supposed to have a meter, but that line just seems jarring to me; it looks too long compared to the rest.

    All in all, though, very nice. Are you gonna post those other ones you did for class that you told me about?

  3. #3
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Something out of Nothing (a poem for those with writer's block... like me)

    Thank you, Kratos, for actually deigning to reply to this even though you told me yesterday you wouldn't.

    Yeah, I know this isn't my greatest, I was really just looking for something to post while I was stewing angrily and trying to think of which fic to work on first. Why don't you post one, like The Domino Detectives, Pokemon Trainers, God of War or Tales II: Seeds of War? Maybe seeing your stuff up here, after years of telling you that this place is where your fanwork needs to go, will help get my brain juices going...

    And I remember that story. It was stupid. Why must you bring back a memory that serves no purpose other than to make my brain hurt again after seven years of trying to forget it? You have the most idiotic dreams, Kratos... thanks anyway for the reply though.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Something out of Nothing (a poem for those with writer's block... like me)

    I'm no poet, so I can't give a lengthy critique or anything. It's a cool poem, pretty much reflects writer's block to a tee. Fortunately *knocks on wood* I don't have writer's block at the moment, but I certainly have in the past, so this is certainly something most writers can relate to in some way or other.

    Verged on moving this to the Poetry Corner, but it is substantial enough - and individual enough - to stand in it's own thread. If any other mods have a prob, PM me.


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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
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    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  5. #5
    ' 3 ' Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Something out of Nothing (a poem for those with writer's block... like me)

    Writer's block... now having one... Funny, I just read somewhere, on a comic strip on how to cure writer block.

    Quite good poem. Who would have thought to put the subject of writer's block as a poem? I ain't an expert on poem, but it's pretty good.

    Now off to fix my writer's block then...
    Please take it easy~

  6. #6
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Something out of Nothing (a poem for those with writer's block... like me)

    Ah, yeah, darn it. I forgot there was a Poetry Corner... whoopsie. Thankies for the replies, though.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

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