Ash, Sketch works by mimicking moves or by creating objects that themselves mimic moves. Since "sensing Aura" isn't a move, the whole Aura glove thing can't be done.


Grave's Yard
A frightening place where all the worst stories originate. Home to Ghost and Dark type pokemon, you may find a rare Psychic type, but only the bravest dare tread here.

‡ Round 6 ‡

You respond with a Toxic of your own, slathering Larvitar with a nice spray of the sizzly stuff. The Rock Skin Pokemon squeals and responds by slamming her foot against the ground, creating a series of powerful tremors that toss Ricario into the nearest headstone. Ricario roars and begins shrieking in a high-pitched voice, causing Larvitar's vitality to dip. The little green girl does a little spin on the spot, creating four little green doppelgängers.

Ricario's eyes travel from one Larvitar to the next without the means to tell which is the real deal. He fires off a random Focus Blast anyway, but the attack whips through a clone and obliterates the tombstone immediately behind it. Larvitar finishes by Stomping hard on Ricario's foot, and of course given the typing it doesn't do a whole lot of damage.

Larvitar's stomach twinges from the Toxin.

How do you proceed?

> Issue commands
> Throw Pokeball

‡ Post-Round ‡
