Why am I always late?

Name - Lirein
Age - 17
gender - female
class - Saboetur
Persenality - Lonely person who speaks at grave times , Found at tall places .she never interacts with people unless asked , strong fighter.
appearence - "6'03" feet tall, raven black hair till waist which is rarely seen . Crimson eyes , thin yet strong , wears a cloak with a hood that covers her face except her left eye , wear a veil over her mouth.shirt will be a a regular black shirt , with a white line across the chest and sleeves are full , white. black flipout pants . shoes will be ninja shoes.
Occupation - Nomad
History - Unown
Weapon - A sword , it's hilt has a black dragon and the blade has a black tail going up .She also use energy convert bow and arrow.
Relationship - None
Offers - training , battle stratergy , range training.