know there isn't much going on when I'm creating a Star Trek topic in an attempt to get a discussion going

When it comes to science fiction there's no ship more iconic that the various versions of the USS Enterprise. Over the years the ship has seen many changes as the storyline of the various Trek series and movies progressed. Many fans of Trek were upset at seeing the original timeline get tossed out the window in Abrams new film back in 2009. This however gave the developers of Star Trek Online the chance to remain in the original timeline since it's highly unlikely that anything official is ever going to be done to show what happened post-Nemesis. Back in January the developers as well as CBS/Paramount gave Trek fans the chance to do something that many of them had dreamed about since they were kids: the chance to create the newest version of the Enterprise. Today it has become official:

Ladies and gentlemen behold! The first ship of the new Odyssey class: The USS Enterprise-F!

Design wise it appears to be very similar to the Sovereign class (the same class as the Enterprise-E). However the key thing that sets this apart from the older versions of the ship is something that may not be apparent at first glance. Instead of a single neck extending to the saucer section this ship actually has a duel neck: one on each side of the ship. Many designs were entered into the contest. The judges who eventually settled on this design all agreed that while there were many great designs that looked like they could be a Starfleet ship within the Trek universe that only a few looked like they could be an Enterprise. So will this ship truely become the official design outside of the game in the event that Paramount decides to move the story onto the 25th Century/post Next Gen? Only time will tell.

In the meantime for those of you that are Trek fans what do you guys think? Does this ship look like an Enterprise to you? Do you find it to be an uninspired design? Do you think you could have done better?