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Thread: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

  1. #1
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    Default Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    I recently came across a poll on Facebook that I thought was complete BS. It suggested that Michelle Bachman, the Tea Party's new golden girl, would not only win the GOP nomination, but also the Presidency, both by a landslide. (The poll didn't give any percentages, just long bars for the category of people that said they would vote for her and short ones for Obama.)

    I find this very hard to believe. This is the woman that just recently in a commercial said she believed a debt default would not be a bad thing, with a smile in her voice and a bouncing guitar in the background.

    I thought I'd try to get some honest opinions, and not depend on a poll that I believe was skewed.

    What's everyone's opinion of this woman? While you're at it, maybe you can voice your opinion on the other GOP candidates. (Or as I like to call them these days, the GOPTP candidates.) I just want to see what real people have to say.

    In case you're wondering, I have tried to remain neutral throughout the whole thing, but the whole "birther" issue and other sheer lunacy I have seen has tipped my support towards Obama in the past year. The Republicans' victory last year seems to have been a pyrric one at best.

    Opposing viewpoints are welcome.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Honestly, my political views are more anarchist/slightly-nihilist than picking sides, but Obama isn't THAT bad. All these laws aren't just his decision to make. If I could vote, I'd rather have him over any of these Right Wing radicals.

    Radicals(of either side, but Tea Partiers are just more prominent now) scare me a little, just because when you're that enthusiastic, you'd be willing to take drastic measures and risks.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Oh my god, Michelle Bachmann.

    Personally, I think this woman is quite possibly a bigger moron than Sarah Palin is. You can hate on that remark all you like, for those who are fans of either one, but it bugs the hell out of me that people would seriously consider either one of them after all the idiocy surrounding them both. Bachmann has had just one PR disaster after another because she can't keep her mouth shut and let things go. I have to shrug and say "go ahead" when I see people say they'd vote for her, because I think there are far more serious and effective Republican candidates in the field.

    And in my opinion, Facebook polls are absolutely meaningless in this equation because it's been my observation that the people trolling on Facebook seem to be the ones who enjoy armchair quarterbacking and then not exercising their privilege to vote. Yes, I've asked a few.

    Okay, now that I'm done ranting about what I think of her personally, I think it's fairly incredible that she would win the nomination, never mind the presidential race. I may be a Democrat, but there are several Republicans who I respect and would not necessarily mind seeing in the White House if Obama did indeed end up losing the race. Truth be told, I don't think I'd have minded seeing McCain win in '08; I had tons of respect for the man and believed he could be a man of equal vision... until he brought in Palin.

    But Bachmann winning? No, that's an error in the vote-reader machines or the final act of a country gone completely mad. Frankly, I really think that even if she did win the GOP nomination, it wouldn't be by a landslide, and then the Republican party as we know it would self-destruct over the issue of seeing her in the White House. Too many of them would stay home to NOT give Obama a victory. He probably won't get a landslide either, not like he did in '08, but assuming she's got the nom, he'll still win. He's willing to go center when it needs to happen. Her? No way.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by mattbcl View Post
    Personally, I think this woman is quite possibly a bigger moron than Sarah Palin is.
    That's what I thought, but I wasn't going to say it until someone else did.

    I had personally thought that the GOP couldn't get lower than Palin. Then Trump entered the fray... And then Bachman. It seems that I was wrong.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Anyone here seen the movie Idiocracy? Yeah, that's the US in the next century if this keeps up.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Never heard of Bachman. Still just thought I'd pop in and say...


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    Roy incoming in 3... 2... 1...
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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Not too fond of her, I am waiting for Rick Perry to enter, if not I am more fond of Herman Cain, or Mitt Romney. Hell if it came down between her and Sarah Palin, I would choose Palin just because she did something nice for my Grandmother.

    Edit: Is it possible for her to win? Yeah but it wouldn't be on her policies, it would be from the "Anyone but Obama" vote.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Want to see what people these days think of Palin?

    Read this link, it will take you five minutes.

    Edit: Roy, you know, it's looking kind of grim for the GOP right now... It isn't too late to change sides...
    Last edited by Dark Sage; 16th July 2011 at 11:08 PM.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Sage View Post
    Edit: Roy, you know, it's looking kind of grim for the GOP right now... It isn't too late to change sides...
    You kidding me? With Christie and Perry not even entered yet? We havn't even begun the primary season. Besides the GOP isn't the one with the candidate that is trailing 8 points to "Generic Candidate"

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Christie keeps saying that he's not running, but everyone just ignores him. What does he have to do, revoke his US citizenship to get people to believe him?

    Besides, I don't think he'd even win New Jersey with the way he's handling things.

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    Bachmann was quoted as saying homosexuality is the work of "satan" and she and her husband run a clinic that tries to convert gay people to straight ones.

    'Nuff said. Hopefully she and Palin turn against each other and destroy one another's political careers.
    Last edited by Gavin Luper; 17th July 2011 at 04:42 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
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    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
    Roy incoming in 3... 2... 1...
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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Bachmann was quoted as saying homosexuality is the work of "satan" and she and her husband run a clinic that tries to convert gay people to straight ones.
    Bachmann can rot in hell for the reasons above.

    'Nuff said. Hopefully she and Palin turn against each other and destroy one another's political careers.
    Amen, hallelujah.

    The GOP has done nothing but piss off the majority of America. Yes, the majority, for the last three years. They have made compromise impossible. They have trampled upon the downtrodden of America. They have made the rich fat, the middle class extinct, and the young generation of America hopeless. They have thrown us into debt in the name of opportunity and exported our jobs, leaving us in dead end careers to pay off those debts. They have taken our homes with their greed. They have given us college degrees in exchange for decades of poverty. They have driven our nation into war and debt in the name of the not-so-almighty dollar. If I was old enough, I would run for president. The sad thing is, I have a loud enough mouth that I might have a chance. We need someone sassy who will say "No, screw you, we're not giving your big corporations and millionaires any tax breaks. Go fuck yourselves! Ha ha ha you are on CRACK if you think we are doing the rich any favors." We need more jobs and to invest in education not this crock of bullshit no child left behind. I'm starting to sound like firepokemon. In his honor I have omitted any line breaks from this rant.
    Last edited by Magmar; 17th July 2011 at 09:22 AM. Reason: farewell xD
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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Magmar View Post
    The GOP has done nothing but piss off the majority of America. Yes, the majority, for the last three years.
    Is that why the GOP won their biggest electoral victory in nearly 80 years last year? Or why the current "Generic Republican Candidate" beats Obama by 8 points according to Gallup?

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    she's literally insane like all republicans.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde View Post
    Is that why the GOP won their biggest electoral victory in nearly 80 years last year? Or why the current "Generic Republican Candidate" beats Obama by 8 points according to Gallup?
    I think it is largely a combination of the fact that the Democrats are setting new records across the board in sheer incompetency and the general ignorance of the American people that is being fuelled by the misinformation being disseminated by a mass media that is more interested in conducting a witch-hunt based on fear and sensationalism in a bid to beat their competitors than actually explaining the facts and educating their audience.

    Michelle Bachman, however, is 100% fruit-loops batshit nutty. The important issues are foreign policy, the economy and domestic issues that affect the nation as a whole (e.g. immigration, crime), yet she seems more interested in demonizing homosexuals, liberals & the left, as well as pushing an ultra-fundamentalist Christian agenda. The only votes she'll win will be for the wrong reasons.

    Still, the GOP needs to get its shit together if it wants to kick Obama out of the Oval Office. None of the candidates are exactly screaming as that much better than Obama. Obama isn't exactly making the best image of himself for re-election, but the incumbent candidate always enjoys a 'better the devil you know' effect where those who have become disillusioned with the incumbent but aren't sold on the challenger will either not vote or vote for more of the same.

    A change of administration would be a breath of fresh air, as long as the right candidate was behind it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I think it is largely a combination of the fact that the Democrats are setting new records across the board in sheer incompetency and the general ignorance of the American people that is being fuelled by the misinformation being disseminated by a mass media that is more interested in conducting a witch-hunt based on fear and sensationalism in a bid to beat their competitors than actually explaining the facts and educating their audience.
    Totally agree on that part, if the GOP or Press ran a campaign showing how much the Democratic Party was responsible for the economic crisis, the party would be out of power for years if not decades.

    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Michelle Bachman, however, is 100% fruit-loops batshit nutty. The important issues are foreign policy, the economy and domestic issues that affect the nation as a whole (e.g. immigration, crime), yet she seems more interested in demonizing homosexuals, liberals & the left, as well as pushing an ultra-fundamentalist Christian agenda. The only votes she'll win will be for the wrong reasons.
    Hey something we can agree on!

    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Still, the GOP needs to get its shit together if it wants to kick Obama out of the Oval Office. None of the candidates are exactly screaming as that much better than Obama. Obama isn't exactly making the best image of himself for re-election, but the incumbent candidate always enjoys a 'better the devil you know' effect where those who have become disillusioned with the incumbent but aren't sold on the challenger will either not vote or vote for more of the same.

    A change of administration would be a breath of fresh air, as long as the right candidate was behind it.
    Just hang in there, there are more candidates to come, and I do not mean Palin. Perry looks to jump in and take the race by storm atleast, especially with his economic record in Texas.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Magmar View Post
    They have made compromise impossible. They have trampled upon the downtrodden of America. They have made the rich fat, the middle class extinct, and the young generation of America hopeless. They have thrown us into debt in the name of opportunity and exported our jobs, leaving us in dead end careers to pay off those debts. They have taken our homes with their greed. They have given us college degrees in exchange for decades of poverty. They have driven our nation into war and debt in the name of the not-so-almighty dollar. If I was old enough, I would run for president. The sad thing is, I have a loud enough mouth that I might have a chance. We need someone sassy who will say "No, screw you, we're not giving your big corporations and millionaires any tax breaks. Go fuck yourselves! Ha ha ha you are on CRACK if you think we are doing the rich any favors." We need more jobs and to invest in education not this crock of bullshit no child left behind. I'm starting to sound like firepokemon. In his honor I have omitted any line breaks from this rant.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    I'm glad I have your vote, blademaster. Today's politicians need a massive ass beating. Seriously. All they do is bitch and won't hear each other out. As a gay man who wants to marry someday, these bastards just keep trying to take away my right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and for what reward?? What is their big loss if I get married?? So yes, I'm personally vested in kicking GOP ass whenever I can, although not all Republicans are like that, and some Democrats are. Basically, what I do in my home is my private business. I can't comprehend why some people want to interfere with that. All people are doing today is getting divorced anyway. There's a minority population that wants marriage and these assholes are too busy telling us no. Meanwhile they are turning around and cheating on their wives and screwing gay prostitutes in bathrooms thinking nobody will ever find out. We wouldn't care if it wasn't for the hypocrisy. We're in the middle of an economic crisis. Why the fuck is all our money going to other countries? Why aren't we trying to stop illegal immigration? These illegal douchenuts are mooching all my tax dollar resources and I can't get services as a result. I'm still working in fucking retail and I'm 25 and have a very strong degree and other excellent credentials. I don't care what party says what, what we need to do is to bring our military home and give them jobs here, stop giving all our money away to foreign countries to maintain good relations because you know what? We're falling apart as a society. We're losing the battle to stay afloat and yet we are giving all our money away. I'm sorry your shitty third world country has natural disasters. Maybe you should try working instead of depending on me to finance you. I want my tax dollars to benefit me and my neighbors, the ones who either are citizens by birthright or had to work their balls off to become citizens like my family did. We should drug test people on welfare because if you can afford drugs, you can afford food. The reason I never went on food stamps despite qualifying is because I can still afford to buy beers if I want them, and if I have that extra $8 and have to choose between beers and two solid meals, I'm taking the meals. Ugh I'm so frustrated and I'm ready to leave.
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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Sooo let me get this straight, you are pro gay marriage, anti illegal immigration, pro drug testing welfare recipients, anti foreign aid, and support the troops.

    Not only do you describe yourself as a right leaning libertarian, you would fit right in with the majority of the Tea Party.

    Now why do you hate the GOP so much and support the Democrats so much?

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    I hate to be "that guy", but I really feel that the Tea Party has become the victim of either a biased or misinformed media, which continues to portray it as a right-wing extremist group.
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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
    I hate to be "that guy", but I really feel that the Tea Party has become the victim of either a biased or misinformed media, which continues to portray it as a right-wing extremist group.
    Yes the Tea Party is a mix of Conservative Republicans, Libertarians, and even Conservative Democrats that remain united on fiscal issues and take a hands off stance on any social issues to keep unity on the fiscal issues.

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    I don't really consider myself aligned with any one party, because nobody can seem to agree on anything, even within their own parties. I think the most important issue is focusing on America taking care of Americans. Most Democrats I know are opposed to illegal immigration. I've taken ideas from all across the spectrum and came up with a few of my own. Also, just about everyone I know supports the troops themselves. I'm very against the war but I will always support the men and women fighting for the country. How could you not? They're heroes in my eyes. I know Democrats, Republicans, Socialists and even anarchists who support our heroes overseas.

    Edit: Isn't that the whole point of being able to vote on issues in the first place? Everyone has their own voice. It shouldn't be about a democrat vote and a republican vote. It should be about your vote. I completely disagree with the concept of family values and a nuclear family. My nuclear family was really shitty. I know many people from wonderful "broken" homes. Sometimes broken is easily fixed.
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    Well as human beings we tend to group and categorize things. Your beliefs from what I can see, seem to be more in line with Libertarianism ( Which granted is basically as you said a mix of Democrat and Republican views, that leans slightly right ), the Illegal Immigrant opposition is very far out of line with the views of the Democratic party right now, especially with their reliance on the Hispanic vote, as well as open borders and amnesty. As for supporting the troops, you would be surprised how many still believe that every soldier is some baby killing nut job that goes out everyday to murder Arabs.

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    Well, how do you define pro-/anti-illegal immigration?

    Seriously, I will not argue with you on a lot of political topics, but how can you not support the troops? I'm one of those slight anarchists Magmar was talking about. They're overseas getting shot at and bombed just so we all can bitch about our governments on the internet and go to sleep being safe. Whether you support the wars or don't('cause I sure as hell don't), you should support the troops. You don't know what they go through, and if you can't(ESPECIALLY if you can't) do that and make that sacrifice, then don't complain about our soldiers.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Magmar View Post
    I'm glad I have your vote, blademaster. Today's politicians need a massive ass beating. Seriously. All they do is bitch and won't hear each other out. As a gay man who wants to marry someday, these bastards just keep trying to take away my right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and for what reward?? What is their big loss if I get married?? So yes, I'm personally vested in kicking GOP ass whenever I can, although not all Republicans are like that, and some Democrats are. Basically, what I do in my home is my private business. I can't comprehend why some people want to interfere with that. All people are doing today is getting divorced anyway. There's a minority population that wants marriage and these assholes are too busy telling us no. Meanwhile they are turning around and cheating on their wives and screwing gay prostitutes in bathrooms thinking nobody will ever find out. We wouldn't care if it wasn't for the hypocrisy.
    This. But for Australia.

    We have a female, Atheist, allegedly "left-wing" Prime Minister living in a de-facto relationship with her boyfriend, and she's too much of a bitch to even come up with a reason for opposing gay marriage. She just ignores the fuck out of everyone who protests about it and when it's brought to her attention that the entire fucking country is debating the issue and the overwhelming majority support it, she patronises the fuck out of them by saying some shit like "well, I disagree, but it's nice for them to discuss ideas, isn't it?"

    I have so much hate for the woman that it's difficult to not make this post just a string of cleverly-arranged swear words.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    The overwhelming majority of Americans support gay marriage now, too! Finally And the vast majority, like even more, would be alright with civil unions. I bet the remaining 25 percent are Pentecostals/Baptists, or not very intelligent to begin with. Not that all Pentecostals/Baptists are narrow minded, of course. But Catholic sermons, for example, are usually very linear and follow a guide, and that guide doesn't usually involve current events as it's older than time itself. It's elsewhere that people scream at you that gays are an abomination. And while the Catholic church has "a voice" from the Vatican that disagrees with gay marriage... Most Catholics in the USA aren't that hardcore about it. Most Catholics (not all but most) are part of ethnic groups in which family traditions like simply identifying yourself as Catholic are important, such as those of Mediterranean descent like me
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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Magmar View Post
    The overwhelming majority of Americans support gay marriage now, too! Finally And the vast majority, like even more, would be alright with civil unions. I bet the remaining 25 percent are Pentecostals/Baptists, or not very intelligent to begin with. Not that all Pentecostals/Baptists are narrow minded, of course. But Catholic sermons, for example, are usually very linear and follow a guide, and that guide doesn't usually involve current events as it's older than time itself. It's elsewhere that people scream at you that gays are an abomination. And while the Catholic church has "a voice" from the Vatican that disagrees with gay marriage... Most Catholics in the USA aren't that hardcore about it. Most Catholics (not all but most) are part of ethnic groups in which family traditions like simply identifying yourself as Catholic are important, such as those of Mediterranean descent like me
    You're a wog, too? What's your background? Sicilian here.

    And yes, I get what you mean by the family tradition thing. Raised in an enormous Catholic Italian family here - in the middle of regional Australia to boot. Not exactly open-minded central. Luckily, my immediate family is totally liberal and so are most of my mates.

    PS. Not sure if you use the word 'wog' for people of Mediterranean descent in the US, but that's what it means ...
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    My dad is a political science professor. According to him, the Republicans' victory last year will quickly become known as the biggest political pyrric victory in the strongest sense of the word if the status quo remains the way it is.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    And this is the reason I want to move to a country with more sanity... Like Canada or Japan. o.o
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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post
    And this is the reason I want to move to a country with more sanity... Like Canada or Japan. o.o
    The frightening part is, you have a point.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Yeah, them crazy-sane Kanucks and Asians eh?
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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Okay Magmar, seriously your heart is eating your brain here, you are passionate about a topic, that is great. But words have meaning, and passion can easily turn into hyperbole. The "overwhelming majority" of Americans do not support Gay Marriage, according to Gallup the number is at 53% which is within the margin of error of not even being a majority, but a plurality. If you want to be a politician you need to shy away from inflammatory hyperbolic statements, or else you will have a very short career ala the former Congressman Alan Grayson.

    Dark Sage I wonder how your father came to that conclusion. Obviously the Republicans are not going to pull off such a massive victory again any time soon. I mean it has only happened once in 80 years. But with this victory they gained alot of ground in Governorships, and the State Legislature. Seeing how that controls redistricting, and the census is switching power to the South, the Republicans have a very big oppertunity to cement their hold, and make inroads into Democratic held areas.

    Now the only problem I see, is that the Republicans are stuck now with the duty of reforming entitlements before they destroy our economy. But really that should have started back in 2005 when Bush tried.
    Last edited by Roy Karrde; 18th July 2011 at 11:18 AM.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Roy, just look at the facts.

    In Wisconsin, one state where the GOP won a lot of ground, the people are calling for recall elections. That's how good they're doing now.

    The GOP keeps asking "where are the jobs?" How many job-creation bills has the GOP-run House proposed? Zero. All they ever do is try to discredit the President and try to pin the blame for everything on him.

    I swear, Roy, you just can't see the forest for the trees.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Sage View Post
    Roy, just look at the facts.

    In Wisconsin, one state where the GOP won a lot of ground, the people are calling for recall elections. That's how good they're doing now.
    Yes but that is also before redistricting has set in, something that some believe would make those recalls null and void as you shift the demographics in the districts being recalled. Not to mention look at the results, two school districts already are reporting major gains, including a ability to reduce the size of classes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Sage View Post
    The GOP keeps asking "where are the jobs?" How many job-creation bills has the GOP-run House proposed? Zero. All they ever do is try to discredit the President and try to pin the blame for everything on him.
    Well if you havn't noticed we have had a little problem with the debt, and before that had a little bit of a problem with the budget being passed. Things might be a bit easier if we hadn't wasted over a trillion dollars in a failed stimulus.
    Last edited by Roy Karrde; 18th July 2011 at 11:58 AM.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    No, Roy, things would be easier if the GOPTP would be willing to accept a compromise.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Sage View Post
    No, Roy, things would be easier if the GOPTP would be willing to accept a compromise.
    On what? Increasing taxes? Right now we have a stagnant economy, one that is not producing growth, and sure as hell is not producing jobs. Increasing taxes right now takes money out of the economy, in turn that takes money out of investments, and out of jobs.

    But if you want cold hard facts, look at this, Obama right now has a approval rating between 44 and 42% one that is right now defying political gravity and is destined to drop like a stone as long as this economy continues to slug along. In the next election the Democrats are going to have far more seats to defend than the Republicans in the Senate, the Republicans have a very good opportunity to not only pick up a majority in the Senate, but the Presidency as well. And with redistricting, solidify their hold in the house.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    And what's the GOP's approval rating? Hmm? I want a link to a reliable source this time.

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    Default Re: Michelle Bachman: I want honest opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Sage View Post
    And what's the GOP's approval rating? Hmm? I want a link to a reliable source this time.
    Does it matter? In terms of Presidential politics the Generic Republican is doing better than Obama. Both parties rating is in the tank, but the GOP is having to make some hard choices right now with the debt, and trying to keep this economy from going off a cliff in the future. Including reforming entitlements.

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