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Thread: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

  1. #1
    Underdog Junior Trainer
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    Default Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    Alright, so this is an idea I got from this. There is some intense language, so if you're at work or have parents watching or something, might want to wait til later to check it out (the previous entry in the comic series has more info on what is going on here, but this gets the message across better).

    Very important info is in italics so that you can sift through the wall of text. Everything else can be used as reference.

    It seemed a bit different from a normal battle, but just as exciting and, hopefully, entertaining.
    This can suit multiple racers, but, for sake of keeping my own sanity, I'd like to max the cap at 4 free for all. That being said, if two trainers are vehemently ready, and no one else seems interested, we can just start.

    This will act as a 5v5(v5v5) battle, although it's a race. Pokemon that can be used are those that can logically carry their trainer. In other words, no diglet, nincada, or pidgey. However, things like Togetic may be fine simply because the trainer can hold onto the feet. Certain moves can also be used to carry the trainer.

    The first trainer to reach 500 feet wins the race. Feet are gained during each round in the match, as your pokemon runs. Pokemon can be switched per normal, and, as long as the pokemon is above 40% energy, can be recalled later in the race with no real penalty. Otherwise, they need to rest and cannot be recalled.
    Pokemon below 40% energy move slower, and pokemon at 0% can still keep going, but at an extremely slow pace.

    Moves can be used. Moves that are physical need to be within a certain range for the pokemon to hit. Moves do not do damage, as your active pokemon cannot faint, but instead slow the target down.

    Current Racers:

    This is all the pertinent information. Additional, useful information can be found below in red; however, it is not necessary to start playing, but can be referenced later.

    Move changes:
    Psychic or Telekinesis can be used to carry the trainer. Only necessary to be used once every 3 rounds.
    Sleep inflicting moves apart from rest affect the trainer instead of the pokemon. Normal sleep rules still apply, but speed is not lost.
    Relax simply means the pokemon will not use a move. Used consistantly, the pokemon will regain 3 energy per additional use (up to 9 per round if used last round). Relax will also add 1 foot per use on the round it is used.
    Switcheroo or Trick can be used to switch riding trainers for a round. Only the trainer has to cross the finish line!

    Additional move info:
    Be creative! Seismic toss can be used to throw yourself, agility can be used to speed up, or nasty plot can leave a deterrent in the ground.
    Trainers CAN be targeted, but in many cases, their pokemon will guard. Trainers knocked off their mount pokemon can get back on, but this denies the feet that would be gained that turn (normally 1/3), and the pokemon will not be able to use the move originally intended.
    If it makes sense, go for it.

    Speed info:
    Feet gained is based on a number of variables. Size, Strength, and Speed.
    Fast speed: 30 feet per round.
    Average speed: 20 feet per round.
    Slow speed: 10 feet per round.

    Strong: +5 feet per round without going over speed amount.
    Average: +0 feet per round.
    Weak: -5 feet per round.
    Psychic/Telekinesis: +0 feet per round.

    Large: +5 feet per round.
    Average: +0 feet per round.
    Small: -5 feet per round.
    Psychic/Telekinesis: +0 feet per round.

    For all the reasons above, an undamaged, relaxing Rayquaza can gain 38 feet per round.

    Anyone interested in racing?
    Last edited by Gigya; 10th June 2012 at 01:49 PM.

  2. #2
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    More than exciting! I'm not sure if I understand this all though, but don't hesitate to point out if I make mistakes. So I have to have 5 Pokemon that can carry me right? Are these all fine, what do you think?


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    It can be a bit confusing since it is a wall of text. I'll be making sure to make ref notes, and most of the first post is for reference. Other than that, it should act, for the most part, like a normal battle but with some flavor (500 feet can be said to equal 500 HP, the same amount as 5 pokemon).
    Those pokemon can all carry you, but different ones will go faster due to their physical attributes.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    Cool! You can sign me up if it's up to me. And about the number of the racers, I think the more the merrier, although I understand it gets very hard to ref this if there are too many participants.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    as soon as my battle with dl is over I'll enter with my smeargle, or possibly my rotom fridge form

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    If you use Sketch, smeargle can work.
    And it'd be best to have more pokemon. You can do it with just 1, but that'd be hell.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    hmmm then lucario can come with
    anyways dl battle is over and i'm in

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    Ash, you've been registered in the OP.
    If you both are good to go now, and want to go, set up a team of 5 "mounts" and send it to me.
    Otherwise, we can wait.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    own tempo
    shiny but still with green tail (tip)




    white smoke

  10. #10
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    King Kaliente (Male Magmortar) Flame Body
    Heviva (Male Skarmory) Keen Eye
    Chiquita (Female Tropius) Solar Power
    Mesmeritse (Female Absol) Pressure
    Nash (Male Exeggutor) Chlorophyll

    Um, do we have to already state the order we're going to ride these or will you decide the Pokemon who start?

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    if we do then I'm starting with leo

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    Choose who will start, and then switch out as you feel necessary. It may be useful to switch to a faster pokemon to gain some speed, or one with more moves to slow the opponent down. No specific order required.
    Ash, if you're using Smeargle, he has to use sketch, and the sketch has to be something that you both can ride. Otherwise, he does not have the ability to carry you.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    hmmm lets sketch (for me)
    and one of those nuclear jets from tom and jerry

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    I would actually like to participate in this. I think a few of my Pokemon need a work out. I'll start with Bakphoon, my female Typhlosion with Blaze. She'll race on all fours with me on her back.

    I'll also be using Wingspirit, my male Pidgeot with Keen Eye.
    Then I'll use Blockade, my genderless Metang with Clear Body.
    Then I'll use Stench, my male Skuntank with... Stench.
    Finally, I'll be using Megayanma, my female Yanmega with Speed Boost.

    I'll still fine to join, right?

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    I think I'll start with Mesmeritse, my Female Absol with Pressure.

    I'm under an impression that I can release Pokemon from their Pokeballs during the race, everyone don't have to be out at a time, right?

  16. #16
    Underdog Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    Rossy, you're properly registered in the OP now.
    Mikachu, yes, you can.
    If that's everyone, I'll set up the template a little later today.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    can we have multiple pokes out at once?
    also better not come and arrest us

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    No. And if you did, that would be terrible for you, since everyone would burn energy for no reason.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    So I'm guessing we post attacks now and begin the race. And is the area a desert area like in the webcomic. If so, cool.

    Alrighty then, Bakphoon, go for a Fire Blast + Swift + Protect combo and lets see if we can ignite that nuclear rocket. If it explodes and Ash dies via a large nuclear explosion, then oh well. The Protect stops the lethal radiation from killing us and it may catch Mikachu if we're lucky.

    Hopefully that'll work.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    Will that? Mes, start with Calm Mind to get into the mood.
    Then let's go, and while running, hurl some rocks at them both with Rock Slide.
    But next, let's surprise them calling you back and use Pursuit on Bakphoon before she Protects. I'll release King Kaliente and switch to him!

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    Hold on, I should note that since Ash will be sketching that nuclear rocket on the second action and seems to be doing nothing on the third, my combo will be second action only, with Bakphoon doing nothing on the first and third (apart from running, of course).
    Just realized that now. ^_^;

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    I think that science the rocket will be being used in a "battle" smeargle will think of things like fire and electric moves any who Ihavn't technically posted attacks yet, just sketch items for ok, and in the light of the flamethrower thing will stick with the poketrix and have smeargle sketch an eye medallion and last turn sketch a animatronic rayquaza

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    Well, it depends on how Gigya refs Sketch. Good luck to him, he needs it.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Pokerace:???v??? (Ref: Gigya)

    I won't change my moves, you know I did once and lost my sleep. Also, I'd like Gigya to tell the order we'll post our moves on round two. I also request that if you wish this to go quick, you may want me to post last on Round 2 since I think this will be my last post before my vacation.

  25. #25
    Underdog Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    Mikachu v Ash v Rossy

    Arena: A long drawn out deserty area. Trees sprinkle some parts.

    Circuit 1

    No Status
    FT: 0 [▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒]
    EP: 100 [██████████]
    Calm Mind
    Rock Slide

    Own Tempo
    No Status
    FT: 0 [▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒]
    EP: 100 [██████████]

    No Status
    FT: 0 [▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒]
    EP: 100 [██████████]
    Fire Blast

    A crowd sees off the racers as they get their pokemon out! Everyone gets ready, and are just aching to go!
    Oh! The referee Squirtle fires off his Water Gun! Looks like we're getting under way!

    Turn 1
    Everyone's racing out of the starting area, and the trample of the typholsion and absol can be heard for a distance!
    Mesmeritse gets into the vibe of racing! The fast patting of sand in her paws... She's into it!
    It seems Leo is drawing something in the air...
    Which Bakphoon doesn't like too much! She turns around and blasts a large character of fire towards Leo!
    Although it doesn't do much to Leo, she does get a burn! That'll slow her down later!
    Leo finishes her Sketch and gives it to Ash. Oh! It appears to be some sort of bracelet. How quaint.

    Mesmeritse: 10 feet gained! -1 EP
    Leo: No feet gained. -1 EP. Burned!
    Bakphoon: 10 feet gained! -11 EP

    Turn 2
    Mesmeritse jumps onto the ground during her run, and rocks fly towards Bakphoon and Leo!
    However, Leo is a bit of a distance away now, and she simply sidesteps the rocks.
    Bakphoon, on the other hand, stops almost dead in her tracks! Her strength lets her carry on even after the considerable damage from that move!
    Bakphoon unleashes a flurry of stars! Some dash towards Leo, but a good amount dart ahead at Mesmeritse! She slows down a bit!
    Leo sketches a cute little necklace.

    Mesmeritse: 6 feet gained! -8 EP
    Leo: No feet gained. -1 EP
    Bakphoon: 3 feet gained! -6 EP

    Turn 3
    Mesmeritse tries to pursue Bakphoon, but is withdrawn to her Ball before she can. Ah, well.
    King Kaliente comes out, but Mikachu will have to take another action to get on him.
    Bakphoon protects... Nothing! Unfortunate!
    Leo sketches out a large, animatronic Rayquaza! Amazing!
    However, there are a few kinks. First of all, it's extremely happy.
    Second of all, it is incapable of flight and, for this reason, falls to the ground. Rectifying this, Leo sketches on a set of wheels and some pedals. She and Ash jump on, and she begins riding the rayquaza like a bike.

    Mesmeritse: 10 feet gained! Switched!
    Leo: 4 Feet gained! -15 EP. Rayquaza bike!
    Bakphoon: 10 feet gained! -11 EP

    King Kaliente
    Flame Body
    FT: 26 [█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒]
    EP: 100 [██████████]

    Own Tempo
    Burn, Rayquaza bike
    FT: 4 [▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒]
    EP: 83 [████████▓▒]

    No Status
    FT: 23 [█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒]
    EP: 72 [███████▓▒▒]

    Mesmeritse is locked in with 91 EP.

    Mikachu is in 1st place!
    Rossy is in 2nd place!
    Ash is in Last place!

    Ash to act next! Then Rossy and Mikachu.
    Last edited by Gigya; 10th June 2012 at 03:16 PM.

  26. #26
    Luck's least favorite person Elite Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint: CHEESE!

    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    I'm just gonna pop in and say that you put King Caliente with 91 EP

  27. #27
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  28. #28
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    lol thought that would happen, leo put the medallion on the rayquaza and use telekinesis to get it to fly and in that turn I activate the poketrix and transform into a lucario, 2nd turn I start spamming aura spheres and leo does the same, and finally the me and leo combine strength to get the animatronic rq to use extreme speed and get ahead
    if anyone tries to status us leo uses safeguard(medallion) and if anyone tries to shoot us out of the sky I shoot it away with an aura sphere or if its energy based absorb it with a shadow ball
    with the poketrix I change back after awhile and can only transform into pokemon I've seen or own

  29. #29
    Luck's least favorite person Elite Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint: CHEESE!

    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    shouldn't you state what the medallion does Exactly? I dont remember you saying what the medallion does.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    it has an eye it can use psychic/psychic-esque moves with it as well as sight moves

  31. #31
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    I thought my moves were in a combo and all occur within the same action.
    Or are we allowed combos in this match?

    And Ash can technically have two Pokemon out at the same time. Intuitive, but slightly broken.

  32. #32
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    well seeing as I transform back after about 4 rounds then can't transform again for 1 round not really that much
    the reason I went with the poketrix though is because its impossible to get off

  33. #33
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    Didn't do the combo because the initial target for the combo (the rocket) no longer existed.
    I'd prefer no combos in the future simply because I haven't reffed that yet, but if you really want to, I can (after all, you got to start somewhere).
    EDIT: Also, Ash, based on how the Rayquaza turned out, I wouldn't assume your Smeargle knows how to alter the genetic structure of a human on the fly. Even Transform as a move has limitations.

  34. #34
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    smeargle doesn't have to know, thats the point of the poketrix right? I mean I even put limitations so it wouldn't be overpowered, you can change those or just not let the poketrix work

  35. #35
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    First thing's first: Ash, you can't create guidelines for attacks unless you're the referee, no matter how "handicapped" you're making it out to be.

    Two: If Smeargle doesn't know how something works, then how is she supposed to create it? It's not like Ford just randomly put parts together and magically created a working vehicle.

    Three: Even if this device was to work in the way you say it would -- you're a trainer. You can't be directly involved with the battle or race except to issue commands.

  36. #36
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    1 I understand that and will not persue(or something like that) the matter further
    2 I was under the impression that sketch can create anything, smeargle just sketches the general shape and it comes to life is how I see this working(I thought tha animatron was good anyways as its psy powered
    aaand 3 drat I was hoping that scince the trainers were involved more it would be more like the sz oh well, can I at least use it for mobility purposes (getting back on my pokemon and things like that)

  37. #37
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    As far as my piece for reffing this, I'm fine with the medallion being used for psychic powers (makes sense, as it can be a focus point, and, otherwise, Smeargle cannot use psychic moves).
    I do agree with Grey though.

    In light of this, however, I'm willing to grant you a mulligan for your actions for the following round, as Rossy has not posted his actions yet.
    I'm not really going to further any punishment, because you've already lost a round of feet over this shenanigan, and I see no reason to pursue it further.

    To Rossy: Disregarding what I have previously said, feel free to combo. I do want to try and ref this to get the experience under my belt.

  38. #38
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    same commands except take me out of the equation

  39. #39
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    Okay, Bak, let's go for Agility and start streaming ahead. Mika will try to do something, maybe, so use Flame Wheel to surround yourself in a fire shield for the last two actions and let's race across that sand!

  40. #40
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    Default Re: Pokerace: Mikachu v Ash v Rossy (Ref: Gigya)

    I'm playing dirty and will use King Kaliente's Torment on Bakphoon.
    Then, release some Smog on your opponent's faces so that they can't see what they are heading towards!
    Finally, capture Leo and Bakphoon inside their own Fire Spins.

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