Knight of Time's Safari Zone
Round 31
Area: Grave's Yard
A frightening place where all the worst stories originate. Home to Ghost and Dark type pokemon, you may find a rare Psychic type, but only the bravest dare tread here.
Venus (F)
HP: 50 (
EN: 33 (
+2 Atk, +2 SpAtk
Alakazaam (M)
HP: 52 (
EN: 52 (
Shiftry (M)
HP: 72 (
EN: 82 (
+2 Att, +2 SpAtt
1 x ultra
~Round 1~
Venus pulls out tasty tasty eggs and starts chomping down.
Alakazam finally wakes up, and fires a Signal Beam at
Shiftry, which is responded to with another snore, before waking up.
Venus: +15 HP, -9 EN
Alakazam: -4 HP, -6 EN
Shiftry: -15 HP, -6 EN
~Round 2~
Venus keeps chomping away at her eggs in the corner, with a nice happy smile.
Alakazam and
Shiftry start trading signal beams and faint attacks.
Venus: +6 EN
Alakazam: -9 HP, -6 EN
Shiftry: -15 HP, -6 EN
~Round 3~
Omnomnom says
Venus as
Alakazam bugs
Shiftry about his teleporting hijinxes.
Venus: +6 EN
Alakazam: -9 HP, -6 EN
Shiftry: -10 HP, -6 EN (damage cap)
Post round stats
Venus (F)
HP: 65 (
EN: 36 (
+2 Atk, +2 SpAtk
Alakazaam (M)
HP: 30 (
EN: 34 (
Shiftry (M)
HP: 32 (
EN: 64 (
+2 Att, +2 SpAtt
1 x ultra
Note: Sorry about the delay. I went away for xmas, and when I got back, my internet had expired.